Sarah Abdallah: Anti-Assad reporter tweeted about sarin attack 24 hours before it happened

It's Happening Sup Forums!!

The Syrian gas attack has been debunked by based hottie! But muh narrative!

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cant read terrorist

Tweet says:

"Tomorrow a media campaign will begin to cover intense air raids on the Hama countryside and use of chlorine against civilians"


Trump better bring the demons in the war industry to heel before they bite off more than they can chew. Nikki Haley already out making an ass of herself and the US military policy ( which can no longer be blamed on Obama).

Haley is a Neocon Priebus plant.

Based hottie Abdullah laying down more truth bombs

>use of chlorine against civilians"
>"based" reported doesn't know diff between chlorine and sarin
>"based" reported doesn't know diff between media campaign and Assad airstrike.

GTFO fag. Fake U.S. Media has claimed both Sarin and Chlorine gas used in so called attack

It doesn't matter, nobody cares.

The west will not ever make peace with Assad, it doesn't matter if they are in the wrong, it will never happen, you could (in a hypothetical scenario) prove without a doubt that US govt. entities personally massacred civilians in Syria and blamed it on Assad and still nobody will care.

Our governments are the bad guys and there is nothing we can do about it.

If anyone here has been following with what has been going on with Assad and didn't realize this was obviously fake, you're an idiot.

That is why I am praying Trump does nothing. If he does, I lose all respect for him. He will be a confirmed puppet


How to spot a divide and conquer Shariablue shill in one easy step:

>look for the word neo-con


Go away McCain. No one wants you here.

My thoughts exactly.

Everything hangs in the balance

Infowar now reporting Soros behind the attack


That's only half the problem. Soros shouldn't be able to control Trump Administrations reaction. Media yes. Trump no.

I dont care as long as the neetbux keep rolling in. I would like them to stop lying to us tho and acting like we are stupid children

First time I read it I knew it was fake. Assad and Putin are playing chess, they know if they did use Chem weapons it would be very bad for them and good for the West.

I need you to understand something about that picture you posted.
Unclassified is not a thing.
Possibly Declassified, maybe.
This image is fake news.

i dont buy this chem attack at all
just another lie to drag us into the conflict

>Unclassified is not a thing
it is retard, it means something that never was classified

Muh narrative! Muh platform!!

Thank you, Poland.
Why is "Unclassified" there in the first place, then-- Clinton's labeling her emails now? She's a lazy cunt-- she isn't labeling her shit as "Unclassified."

Friendly reminder American citizens never bought the WMD bullshit and didn't want to go to war in the Middle East, it was a coalition of governments that made that decision.


easier to deleter


"Easier to delete"
But they were never deleted. Nor were they ever going to be.
Planning to delete something would mean you plan/think you're going to be found out.
Clinton thinks she's above the law.

like you said, she is lazy.

I bet this guy ruins lots of birthday surprises

Whatever it was, it probably wasn't sarin.
Sarin doesn't dissipate so fast, it clings to all surfaces.
You need at least a respirator and gloves to handle so fresh victims.

We're breaking the conditioning!!

Whoa, that chick follows me on twitter. I need to go look.

Lol Hillary has no regard for even thinking out the law before acting.

Her head is so up her ass she hasn't seen daylight in years

made me chuckle

>what is intel
you niggers are overthinking things as usual

Now be a good goyim and believe the narrative

Pretty much this. The clinton emails already confurmed that syria was a stepping stone for iran.

lol he sets the narrative goy

You shut your jew mouth!

wait a minute... the media is lying?


oy veyyyyyyyyyy

I already lost all ''respect'' for Trump. I knew since the beginning he was going to be a kike puppet more, but I had a bit of expectation about him not going against Bashar al-assad


Is she, dare I say it, /our girl/?

I'm sorry.

But.. is that a shit stain on your shirt or just a worn out star??

Trump might be triggered by the pictures of dead kids

That or 4D chess

Yep, she's doing the same Samantha Powers act, fucking mentally deranged whore.


This just proves to me it was a spook operation. Mossad, CIA, GIA or all of the above take your pick.

>haha she doesn't know its was Sarin not Chlorin never mind it was just the same terrorists who created this falseflag claiming it wasnt chlorine and its obviously not Sarin because thats not how Sarin works BTFO
>haha airstikes are not media campaigns althought he said media campaign will cover airstrikes BTFO

Schlomo pls



The gas attack Kerry falseflagged a few years ago also came when it looked like Assad was going to win.

Yep. They admit Syria gave away all chemical weapons.

Then suddenly white helmets. these elite are out of touch

i knew it was false.

Bump for Pepe

You do know that this kinda shit isn't written by Clinton or Obama or any one person right?
There must be at least a handful of persons working on this kind of project.
Unless you're part of this elite, you cannot know however the fuck this part of the system work user.
They don't give a fuck about the regulations or the rules in place.

but muh markets goyim.

There's something really fucking fishy about this. It came at the same time the NK rocket fucked up and went into the Sea of Japan.
It seems odd that two "enemies" of America, neither in contact with the other, would both have events that would encourage troop movements.
My tinfoil cap is saying that (((someone))) wants a forced escalation.

Now spread it to Twitter, Ìmgur, reddit every social website you can think of

These people suck donkey dick