Do you people have ANY morals? He gasses children then he gasses the hospital trying to save them!
Why does Sup Forums support a total monster like Assad?
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Fake News. This was reported about 24 hours before it even happened
I don't like Assad leaf. But we have to deal with ISIS first before we come to some sort of across-the-aisle agreement.
It's a shame he doesn't gas Canadians
This was a "Moderate Rebel" incident again.
The MSM propaganda narratives are really being fired up.
White Helmets immediately being on scene without proper safety equipment should be a major Red Flag.
How do you even know these kids were gassed???
They look like your average shirtless mongo tards to me...
Fake news saged
If he didn't gas them they would grow up to be islamic terrorists just like they're parents. The "moderate rebels" are extremist sympathizers and Assad is doing a great job removing them.
Did adults die too? It's just odd that there are never pictures of dead adults from alleged chemical weapons attacks. Reeks of propaganda.