Whats the worst ghetto area you been in? Explain how it was.
Whats the worst ghetto area you been in? Explain how it was
Rockville, Marlyand. There were niggers. Everywhere.
Mexico. It's shit.
>American problems
I've never been in a ghetto
Toronto, Ontario. Gays and homeless people everywhere
In the US, I took a wrong turn off the interstate to try to get some gas new Baltimore and wound up rolling through the hoods trying to find my way out.
It was just before noon, so it was entirely tame and full of lunch hour traffic, but still quite something to see.
Where is this location?
the French Quarter was fucking disgusting
Your entire non-country is one.
Fucking Philly, it legitimately looked like a third world country. There were also multiple cars with multiple bullet holes each. Only good thing that came out of the trip was I got to see a ghetto cowboy.
Northwest Detroit looked like an actual ghosttown except when I drove by there were niggers and strange whites crawling around inside of large bulidings trying to avoid me seeing them and a couple of "people" screaming at me in some weird version of English.
lol wut
I've been to Brussels bro, it's disgusting and muslims infested
And I'm a fucking monkey
Polish-Ukrainian border was scary as fuck, when we tried to come back to Poland with my gf
hahahaha not knowing your own country
The worst one I've been in is Bijlmermeer in Amsterdam. A fucking hell hole. There are memorial posts at the metro stops where people were murdered my niggers and muzzies.
My town. I see a drunk guy once or twice a year. And occasionally a rebugee sometimes with assigned white blonde caretaker.
The tenderloin district in San Fran cali. Disgusting drug addicts walking around like zombies everywhere, air smells like shit and piss, tranny hookers in broad daylight, people shooting up heroine in full view of police officers. Homeless people sleeping in the booths at a Burger King and dirty needles in he gutters.
SF really is a giant shithole despite property values being through the roof
Why dont they do some NYC Rudy tier clean up?
Either Kingston Jamaica or Milwaukee Wisconsin. They are about equal hellscape wise and I'm not even joking.
how and why did nigs even get to that cold ass Wisconsin climate?
>Europeans are this delusional
It's just sad at this point.
Baltimore is way worse than Philly. I've been to Philly multiple times at night and never felt unconfused, Baltimore is legitimately scary.
I live in Houston and it was definitely Third Ward
Nigger infested drove there by accident once
Is it really that bad? Never been, but i always here SF has a ridiculous drug problem. I'm a Jew Yorker and as bad as people make this place out to be it isn't all that bad after Giuliani cleaned up a bit.
fucking nuke this shithole
I live about 10 minutes from East St.Louis and Washington Park, IL. They are the worst I have been to.
There's this place called Kaukovainio in my city, it's a commie block full of druggies and drunks. Pretty scary place in Finland's stantards
Idk man the police in SF are so cucked they just ignore pretty much everything and keep to the most affluent business and nightlife areas. The worst thing bough is the epidemic of human shit that you have to watch out for walking on the streets
I live in the hood in New Orleans, the there is a boarded up house next to mine that all the drug dealers hide their crack under during the week.
How is it?
'Ghetto Cowboy' sounds like one of those weird JRPG classes that happen when you combine two professions that were never supposed to combine but it turns out to be pretty OP.
>Driveby attack bonuses stack for mounted combat
>Automatic pistols with gunslinger bonus
>Only problem is the Lasso attack has targeting issues and hits self.
I passed through Tijuana a few years ago. Was afraid I'd get shanked by a dirty Mexican hobo just stepping out of the car.
Fucking WISCONSIN? This is as baffling as the mass influx of Somalis to fucking Minnesota.
Never been so I couldn't give an opinion. It does sound pretty bad though, with all that has happened over the past year.
Lol nice
Boarded up houses are the worst. I had to rehabilitate two of them and it was always niggers. I know one of them was literally a crack nigger, but the rest I don't know for certain what exact set of drugs they were caught up with.
But oh my good god it's just incomprehensible what absolute niggers they are and what they thought they would get away with even after being caught multiple times. At some point you start to understand why the cops accumulate a bias.
Baltimore and Philly are shitholes, ecspecially Baltimore, but Chester PA takes the cake in the area. It's absolute chaos, with people just walking down streets and totally abandoned buildings and homes for blocks like pic related. Where there are people it looks more like OPs pic. There are check cashing and fried chicken stores on every corner.
Fun fact with the fried chicken: to allow the nogs to buy fried chicken with food stamps, they sell the chicken raw, and charge them a separate $1 cash fee to cook it. Alot of places in the ghetto operate like this.
Borgerhout in Antwerp. It was horrible
It's alright. They don't fuck with me but they will rob/fuck with anyone that's not living in the neighborhood. We have had something like 10 homicides this year already.
>hurr durr Brussels is filled with muslims
the question was wheter or not I've ever been in a ghetto. the answer is NO.
He probably abuses the shit out of that horse.
Almost all of Oakland, East Side San Jose, and in SF, height and ash bury has a lot of crack smokers, trannies and like one user said, needles EVERYWHERE
Attacked by dogs in the slums of Sibiu, Romania. Holy fuck it looked like Iraq after a bombing. The rest of the town was nice though.
do you interact with them at all?
Why is Detroit such a shithole?
lol one of the boarded up houses I had to rehabilitate had so many needles everywhere. I tried to clear out the back lot and it was all broken glass and needles.
Some tenants finally moved in when I was done and half a day passed before I got a call that they found a drawer full of needles I had somehow missed along the way. wew lad
+1, lived there, you forgot niggers shit on the sidewalks there.
Sometimes, just a quick hello. They literally spend all day on the corner rapping, drinking and selling drugs. I don't mess with them and they don't fuck with me. I don't sell drugs or anything so it's no competition
I have though literally been sitting on my deck and see them rob some kid at gunpoint. They shot me a look after like "I know you didn't see that."
Dat satellite dish
So many questions
Good, stay in your village and watch the (((refugees))) turn it into a ghetto.
used to live here
I assume you CCW and are well armed?
Holy shit, American ghettos are scary as fuck.
He probably stole it.
In Damascus?
I used to live in Baltimore
in two months I was carjacked and had my home broken into by a nigger on the run from the police
I've been to Chester, you're right it is terrifying.
Now you know why we try to warn you guys about """refugees""".
I live in Chicago and travel through/work around the south side regularly
There are a lot of poor, homeless and sketchy looking types around, but I've never felt threatened
it's fine actually, i've never even been harrassed, just mind your own business and people mind theirs
>tfw i live just south of the intersection of Silver Star and Hiawassee
I don't make an attempt to go to really shitty ghettos, but by virtue of living in western NY I've encountered a number of medium tier ghettos, the worst of which I think may have been out in Niagara/Buffalo.
don't talk out of your ass, retard. 'muzzies' don't even live there. Idiot.
Tacoma (hilltop) in the late 80s early 90s was pretty crazy with violence. The most run down ghetto I have ever seen though is east st louis.
Ta comas east side and parts of the south side are ghetto as fuck today though.
Toss up between Baltimore and Philly. Most surprisingly ghetto was somewhere in Connecticut, I don't remember exactly where we were because it was just two hours or so. But it was a rough looking environment. Almost Philly/Baltimore level ghetto.
He probably stole it, abuses it, starves it, and rapes it before he kills it to try and eat only to fuck up creating a firepit and ends up burning down a few blocks.
It's well known the violence in South Chicago is gang related, I wouldn'tbe scared if traveling through there, living there would be bad.
>meanwhile in Ireland
A childhood friend lived here. his father was run over by a car before the passenger got out and stabbed him multiple times in broad daylight because he'd set up a neighbourhood watch program to stop anti-social behaviour and drug dealing.
>picking up my brother from school
>remember i need to buy dog food
>at an intersection leaving town already
>meh cba turning around, im gonna take a right and find my way
>turn right then right thinking ill be back on the main road
>nope, end up in a gypsy village
>street barely fits my jeep
>90 degree turns on a tight street
>sweating.png dont want to scratch my beauty and give my brother teasing material
>after taking 9 right turns i decided i have no idea where the fuck i am
>roll down windows and ask 3 gypsies walking by how do i exit the damned ghetto
>"good evening sir, you take a right and then a left, drive safe"
>have ptsd ever since
Feels good when the lowest layer of your society is better than most countries middle class.
This is gonna ramble on, anyway, Townview projects in downtown Knoxville TN. With a friend at the time, we wanted to find weed, so we thought it would make sense to go to some projects. So it turns out nothing goes on here but crack cocaine. Literally crack heads scurrying out from behind garbage dumps to try and sell us crack, but no weed to be found. Long story short, we end up sitting in an apartment waiting for weed while a black man named Ray in a lynrd skynrd shirt watches staticy porn on vhs. We got the weed and obviously never went back. Basically it's a crack haven and police don't even seem to bother with it, scary place.
Slavery was a mistake, you guys should have picked your own cotton.
You poor thing.
Consider quitting being a puppet of the country that creates them, then.
most of my country looks like a ghetto.
but crime rate is low here.
whole place is a ghetto in a certain sens
I used to do deliveries in the midwest and parts of Chicago are literal hell. Seeing a 11 year hooker high on crack trying to sell herself at 9am while you're waiting at a traffic light can redpill you real quick.
snitches get stitches
San bernadino.... the whole town... what a terrible place to have to live. Can't imagine a town filled with more scum and villany.
I live here and the TL is nothing.
The mission districts have murderous gangs of spics.
bayview and hunter's point have packs of murderous niggers.
The TL just has homeless junkies that shit in the street.
that shit sounds like a ghetto here.
Police rounded up the drug dens last month and some people were killed and hundreds were arrested.
In the 60s tons of niggers came up here because our gibs were way better than in the deep south. The worst areas of Milwaukee are seriously fucking scary even during the daytime.
t. Milwaukee
If you're really from there, I have a question if you don't mind. How do people think in your country, better now or better in Soviet union?
Yeah, that is the "You buy, we fry" business model
Youngstown Ohio, traveled through there twice when i was a homeless drunk. First time a guy asked us if we wanted some weed and we said yeah, then he said "Ok, all you have to do is rob this gas station, I have the guns already." we said no thanks. Second time I was with more people and we were just walking trying to find a place to sleep, we walk past this house with a family of niggers in the front yard, they proceed to fuck with the kid that had a gimp dog on his backpack, then they tried grabbing my backpack so i turned ready to fight but one of the guys with us said don't, they have guns so we just walked away. A block down we ran into a cop and didn't tell him about the incident, we just asked him where a good place to sleep was. the first thing he asked was "Did anyone fuck with you?" With a look of terror in his face. We said no and we eventually just walked off too sleep for the night. but that was the shittiest place I've ever been.
A bike just lying around a shitty white estate.
tfw no niggers in the estate.
>Whats the worst ghetto area you been in? Explain how it was.
1973 Bronx NY, at the time a male had a longer life expectancy in Beirut
I live in St. Louis.
East St. Louis (in Illinois, right across the river) and North St. Louis are fucking warzones.
My former coalburner sister was dating a bongo from North St. Louis.
Someone broke into his house.
Stole his Jordans, and left his computer, tv, etc.
That's kind of a pretty display-case of structure failures.
But what does
tfw you never get (you)'s about good shit, only when people are shittalking you
This chink website has indoctronated us all in their anti social autistic ways
I was in Rome a once, pizza niggers and gypsys everywhere.
Have a (You) it was a nice story
>going to Amsterdam