SJW is literally a mental disorder

> Dated a psycho
> Broke up with her
> Shit show ensues
> Went full-on psycho
> Keyed my car
> Drew a pentagram on my front door with Sharpee
> Carved my FULL name in her arm
> Claims to be a witch. Put a spell on me.
> Camps outside house
> Now a full on SJW

Doxxing myself here but this is too good to not share.
This is the mental state of women in America. SAD!
> pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

meme magic

Rape her and give her something real to complain about

You know you can call the police right?

Get her pregnant. She's in heat. Maybe having a baby will calm her down.

I've been there too.

Call the police you retard.

It was 3 years ago. I did.

>falling the tumblr girl meme
chris pls

Record as much as you can on video and put it up on youtube pls

And? What happened?

> police came and arrested her ass. I forgot to mention that she also threatened to drug my food when I left home, wait for me to pass out, tie me up and throw me off a bridge. She was straight up triggered

> oops

>police came and arrested her ass.
Lucky you

I don't suppose she suffered any actual legal consequences for harassing you and threatening to kill you.

POst pics of her.

Chris, what's the size of your dick? It must be huge.

>sticks dick in crazy
>complains when she starts casting spells on him

Fuck you OP, you dumb. Enjoy the murder suicide

If she didn't cheat you should stay with her.
Just be physically abusive when she acts up in future.

Look up online some anti witch symbolism and draw it on the outside of your doors and windows. See if she burns!

Fight her mental illness with weaponized autism. Post pics.


eh... if she ever catches wind of this I imagine she'll start all over again. More posts and maybe. She isn't ugly.

She had all the signs too. I ignored them to get my dick wet. What a cunt

> Claims to be a witch. Put a spell on me.


Found one

Says the lonely single faggot

Very VERY good Thread!
I had the same deal with a SJW and ruined her birthday that way

>> Dated a psycho

Let me stop you right here son. It's really all down to personal responsibility, isn't it?

honestly, I couldn't tell whether it said "shrek" or "chris" please elaborate because muh autism

> fuck you donkey

Yeah I walked right in to it.

You can only save the West by focusing on its core elements - the family, marriage - strengthen them, stop them from being undermined, and honour your duties.

Man is lost, they are ignoring their biological purpose, they have their head in the prison of infinite choice.

It's time to go back to what made our civilisation prosper in the first place, it's time to go back to family...