Do you love your mother, Sup Forums?
Do you love your mother, Sup Forums?
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That's sweet.
>Sup Forums rants about degeneracy
>Votes for a guy who clearly wants to fuck his mom.
Never change.
Ronald Reagan called his wife mommy too
My grandfather called my grandmother that constantly, one of those cute old people things.
No I don't love my mom honestly. Almost all my problems with women nowadays stems from her
My father called his wife "mother" when he was around me or my siblings. Sorry you couldn't experience a father in your life, Tyrone.
Ronald Reagan also "ran the country" while his brain was ridden with Alzheimer's.
Mike Pence is actually Norman Bates?
mommy son love is purest love
Do people just not have families nowadays? When you have kids, the wife is commonly called mother and the husband is commonly called father.
Did a better job than most other presidents
Yeah, by the children.
This. The reason he says this is because those are the names you adopt after having kids. People only think it's weird nowadays because the family unit has been destroyed by the left since the 1960's to the point where having families is somehow a fucking bad thing
Okay Oedipus you are the only person that thinks this way
I'm okay with this.
Maybe it's just a southern thing? My whole family did it
why do the media kikes have such an animus towards pence?
And by the parents when the children are around.
It clearly states everyone at the dinner was weirded out by it. You'd think the nootropics you're taking would make you a better reader.
thats like every mexican dad i know
>"Dad can I have XYZ?" "Go ask mom."
Did your dad go out for a pack of smokes when you were 2, Tyrone?
it's a cute old people thing.
>"go ask mom"
>"Mother, mother what's for dinner"
They're identical... right? RIGHT?
You're fucking stupid.
>article by rolling stone
Okay user
You guys are looking at this the wrong way. Mother and Father are titles. Mike a Pence is the father of the household and should be referred to as such. Same goes for his wife
The children aren't around in the context of the article. Like do you people even know how to fucking read?
my mom would always call my dad "dad" around the kids. Probably so we wouldn't get in the habit of using his first name. I always saw it as a respect thing. Leave Pence alone.
>Alex jones didn't say it in-between sessions of huffing cat-piss so it must be fake news.
fake news
if they didn't constantly throw shit and maybe waited a few days before rolling out the next one something might stick
Isn't he secretly gay?
"Mommy poopy pants"
Do you know what quote they're using? Also it's not that weird if its something they're used to saying. It's only weird if he's fucking her, and then it's just hot.
Both suck user. Your problem is that his behavior is normal in families and that an extremely biased magazine wrote about it
The article is literally posted at the top of the thread.
>call your wife "mother" for several years because of your children
>after some time it becomes a habit more than anything else
Not understanding the basics of how married couples interact is why you'll never have a family, Tyrone.
He's likely calling is wife what his kids call his wife. What a stupid thing to get worked up over. It's like liberals don't have a father in their lives. Maybe that's what all the protesting and crying is really about.
well she is the mother of their children i would presume
Like I'm going to give addcents to fake news. Ishygddt
>fat neckbeard virgin user is here to talk to me about how a family works
>only likes Donald Trump because he's the surrogate "tough guy father" he never had
>literally voted for "Daddy Issues" the Candidate.
his daugther has gargantuan healthy tits, clearly made with much love
She's the mother of his kids. She's a mother. He's a father. What the fuck os wrong with leftists?
Sounds like wishful thinking toothpaste chan
all i read on the subject was what OP posted
so yeah i did read
>projecting this hard
>Pence is a mummy poster
makes sense desu
The article is at the top of the thread.
these tbqh fampai
Shocking turn of events.
The readers of this article are millennials.
They have likely never experienced contact with a member of the opposite sex.
Wow, so Pence really does have patrician taste.
>haha look at this cracka his parents aint even divorced
Every day we stray further from god
At least he wasn't a fucking globalist.
They have kids, this isn't an uncommon thing. Stop Jew Freuding everything.
Blacks and liberals find this amusing because they never come from complete families so it does not occur to them why would he do so?
I stand corrected
Probably as a mother of his children type of thing not a degenerate longing to be with his actual mom.
My grandpa does this sometimes, whats the big deal?
>his wife
Sorry you couldn't experience a mother in your life, Billy.
Reagan is the one who started the flood of spics into the US
My grandfather does that still to this day he calls his wife "mum" or "ma".
More like the weak
Weak bait
got em
max kek
I couldn't possibly spell it out anymore.
Dude my dad calls my mom "mom" sometimes. Like, that's her name now. It's a thing old couples do.
It's just old timey, I don't get the big deal. Like something out of Little House on the Prairie or from a Disney movie before it was degenerate.
Every man wants to fuck his mom you dumb fuck.
read Freud.
also can confirm this
My 59 year old Dad does this too. It's really not that weird.
Leftists have unreasonably dirty minds.
To be fair, maybe they are the type of parent that call each others "Mother/Father" in front of the kids. When you do that for many years it kinda stick.
Maybe it's just an Eastern Euro thing but my dad calls my mom "mom" when speaking to her e.g.: "Mom, where are my socks?" and vice versa.
damn what I said was already posted ...should have read all of the post before sharing my opinion. Oh well...
You used to see this on old TV and movies. Always makes me think Andy Griffith or The Waltons.
>t. Urbanite
You wouldn't know small town charm if it bit you on the ass
Overtly religous and has the mentality of s child from the 60's Because her parents divorced and it fucked her up
My dad also calls my mom, mama sometimes. "What's on the menu for today mama?"
my parents are from New York and Pittsburgh, they do it too.
Maybe it's east coast
He's a family oriented person. The most important thing to him are his children and so, his wife is most importantly the mother of his children and not his wife.
For fucks sake you dumb shits have no concept of anything but as it directly relates to you.
Calling your wife "mother" if she's the mother of your kids is pretty typical amongst older generations. Stop being 15 yrs old.
Came to post literally this.
She's the mother of his children - what's the issue with calling her mother?
t. fag raised by a single mom
being raised in a normal family is a luxury today
If Mike has children this is fine, but if he doesn't then it's odd.