What are your personal opinions about Latvia, Sup Forums?
What are your personal opinions about Latvia, Sup Forums?
Why do latvians weekly drive to Šiauliai lidl? is it really that expensive in Latvia?
never heard of it
Hey i know that coutry.
Six toed people
not as good as lithuania or estonia
Do I know you? Grays or reptilian overlords?
It exists. There is a lot of alcohol.
Everyone from Latvia says it's shit and the UK is a much better place to live
one of the shitty ex urss countries that are always in civil war
Greater Poland
Met a few Latvians here...they tell me when they go back home they are a bit surprised by how rude people can be, and they say the Country is a sad place to be. But in general they seem decent folks: they work hard, they are a bit cold at first but if you can befriend them, they are cool persons and can be good beer buddies.
Personally I find Lithuanian gals more actractive, but their women are gorgeous never the less.
Big cities full of russians
A lot of mudslime loving retards
Small towns are dead or dying
Still better than Sweden, Estonia and especially Lithuania.
top tier people.
Brothers and sisters of the German people.
You of course mean the north-eastern borderlands of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?
What would you do if you were a dictator of Latvia loved by your people?
Great place to garrison Prussian infantry while you get Poland and Austria under control.
Really keeps the Russians at bay.
Pretty positive, should be unified with Lithuania, and should be given back the clay stolen by Gommies.
Not Russian enough to be considered Russian; Not German enough to be considered German. Somewhat like a mix and kind of like a bastard love child that neither of the two countries want in a divorce if they were a married couple and Latvia was the kid.
But seriously, pretty cool people, country and culture. Any good interesting books or documentaries about Latvia's relationship with the Soviet Union?
Fags who should stay in their own country and not come here
If it weren't for your cheap vodka at the border, I'd hate you.
I researched the baltic states recently and Estonia seemed to be a richer and cooler place. Any reason why Latvia is better than Estonia?
It's like Estonia but shittier
wasteland besides Riga
Tallinn is just a smaller shittier version of Riga as far as a tourist should be concerned. Probably a better place to live for a local though.
No opinion whatsoever.
If Latvia disappeared overnight, it wouldn't affect me at all.
Is there a Latvian language? If so, nobody cares about it. Nobody.
Nice looking flag. So you got that going for you.
Aren't estonians a stronger/more intelligent/better race tho? Riga must've been built by outsider like Germans or Danes right?
My opinion of Latvia is that you should stop stealing our flag you Slavscum.
50 shades of Austria
Danes only ruled northern Estonia pre-1400s I believe and then possibly briefly in 1500s. Both cities had large German populations until ww1.
What's a Latvia?
Is daytime pol moderated at all?
Got myself a latvian gf, similar to pic related
She's Tall, good looking, knows how to cook and she's sweet.
Did I hit the jackpot or there are skeletons I should look for?
It is pretty cool, apart from the Russian "minority".
I'm married a Latvian-Estonian chick. She's amazing and the light of my life. She's lanky, she's got a hell of a personality, pretty busty, isn't a slob and kept herself in shape after our 2 kids (thinking about a 3rd), and she's an amazing cook.
That can't be a good thing though, inhabitant of Germanistan.
Strong people with good blood, very industrious and decent food.
I literally know nothing about this country. I am sorry. We were too busy learning about kangz and shoahz in American schools.