Why not find a Latina gf?
>Cooks tasty food
>Helps you become more Alpha
>Super fertile
>Good banter
>Supportive extended family
Why not find a Latina gf?
because they're half niggers
Already did. She's Mexican. Latin girls really are the best. She's very light skinned so I'm not worried about having dark kids.
Why GF in the first place?
Sort of wish I did have a Latina girlfriend. In high school lots of Latinas lived around my area and I got a good amount of attention from them because I'm half white half Arab and most of them thought I was just a white Latino, but since I was autistic as fuck in high school I never got with any of them
Now I live in a white as fuck area and dating white women ain't all that great. Whatever
not into midgets
medpack knows
topkek wtf
>Super fertile
Meme or real? Is big hips/ass common among Latin females?
have fun when little stupid spics run around your house and your latina qt weighs 95kg
Your kids still won't be white though, fuckface
why is jeb taking photo with los zetas
Right here
>Is big hips/ass common among Latin females
So what?
been there done that theyre insane /thread
>another attempt to oust us to accept mongrelization
Fuck off kike
Well I can't find a gf at all, so it's not like I'm turning down Latinas left and right over here.
OPs future daughter
I see white guys with black women more than spic women. Explain that?
Way ahead of you mi amigo
Because your children will have lower IQ on avarage and therefore become less successful on average.
Jeb looks so fucking out of place with that family
>huge ass is a turn on to people
>t. never lived near hispanics
These people are the fucking worst. I am strongly advocating ethnic cleaning.
t. Texasfag
Got a Puerto Rican gf, 5'0, has an ass, but small hips. Been going on for 4 years. I'm 5'7. My son's will probably be super manlets but you can't beat the food, bantz and ass
Yeah man, that's why there's all the communist paradises in South America.
I'm half Mexican, and that side of my family is "conservative", but only on the surface, and only in particular ways. Seeing other hispanic familys up close and they are full of degenerate meth heads and pro-communist ideals. It's all about appearances, and what you do in private is different.
she is brazilian. we call her watermelon woman.
>small hips
>big ass
Pick one
If whites are so smart, how come they're a dying breed? Or how come they keep letting in sandniggers into their countries?
Its called not being a faggot.
Low IQ people are better off in Marxist socialist society. If you want high IQ kids get ready for them to be torn down by leftism.
i will have manlet stupid kids because i like chilli
those americans man
This. Why not pic related instead?
Central American 1st gen wife. Cooks amazing, fantastic person, very humble, doesnt spend$, kids are not clearly White or Hispanic could be either.
Latina girls do crave the white dick. Sorry Latino guys. You got outclassed.
>huge ass dont turn that fag on.
Not judging but why would you want to subject your kids to the hell of being super manlets kek?
>kids wont be white
>kids will probably have an iq of 90
ayyy papi
Yeah that's why they all vote Democrat/gibs and slut around constantly with every cholo they come in contact with
>implying I'm reading the rest of your garbage post
>Latina girls do crave the white dick.
you got it all wrong. they just want your USD bro and will try to get a green card also.
The Jewish social programs killing whites can, and will, just as easily wipe out blacks and Arabs once we're gone. Unless the kikes are destroyed whites and shitskins are both fucked.
Dated a colombian girl for about a year and can safely tell you guys that latinas are fucking insane, worse than jews, and will ruin your life for their own gain.
They're fertile because they don't use birth control and wait until 35 to have 2.4 kids.
Latinas are the most likely women to cheat in a relationship.
It's possible, unfortunately.
Why is this body type appealing? Women in 80s and 90s media were so much hotter.
most women will eventually
If only.
High quality hispanic girls want white dick, but all high quality women want white dick.
I think he meant socially conservative.
This guy knows.
Is Philippines too out there? Dated a very Catholic, church attending gal in San Francisco for a year or so. Best sex I've ever had, wonderful to talk to(if a little wordy and preachy at times) and good taste. She's at a Catholic school Indian reservation teaching children and going to church every day. Before she left, she started leaning towards abstinence despite opening Pandora's box previously, many times. Should I stay or go boys?
It's appealing because of the niggerization of America. Because kids grow up nowadays watching rap videos they think that women like this are ideal but if a woman if thick as fuck like this in her youth, she WILL get fat whens she older
THICC is a meme, go for skinny girls with small bottoms and tits like white men should
everything you post here is true OP, im speaking from experience with a latina gf. unfortunately, you are selling out your own people and your own future by doing so, particularly in the context of our society today where white on white relationships are being specifically discouraged against :(
And half Jerry/Dutch btw
California here. Hardest working people I have ever met (not counting asian ten year olds). If they're out of work, they look for work instead of sitting around or selling drugs. I figure it comes from having families they want to support. Even the times I've run into obvious gang members they're at least polite (and if you're alpha enough, they don't fuck with you).
Because that has been regarded as a conspiracy theory through brainwashing. Avg IQ is 100, so you still don't have enough smart people IMO, but hispanics are way worse. Would probably be even easier to brainwash and control. We haven't actually organized against it yet. When we do, it will become beautiful.
What the fuck kinda TV do you watch over there?
To bear many white sons desu
Because I'm not a faggot?
Latinas start right away and as soon as you put a ring on their finger they gain 100 pounds.
? maybe the few and far between.
You'll also have shitskin babies
Hey man, that's Brazilian TV. Ask the BR.
So they will NOT look like you. Look at Jeb Bush's face in that picture. If he wasn't such a miserable cuck piece of shit, you would imagine that he goes home and sobs himself to sleep every single night. And that will be your life, just without the money.
Socially? Slightly. Fiscally? No.
>race-mix, goyim
fuck off you stupid kikes
how do i report a thread? because this has nothing to do with politics
Chink here, my cousin is getting married to a white goy.
Not sure how I feel, he's like 10 years older and wears a fedora to family gatherings.
Because they're cooking you dinner.
Why not build a robot girlfriend?
>perfect in almost every way
>only Downside is no womb but you can still go for surrogacy
You mean mestiza
>Cooks tasty food
>Helps you become more alpha
There is nothing more alpha than a white nerd that goes after shitskin women because he cannot get a white gf
>Super fertile
You are a fucking retard
>Good banter
>Supportive extended family
You mean drama
If you are happy together then stay. Don't let Sup Forums memes dictate your life.
If your genetics are strong they will be. I'm of Latin decent that looks white, married a Sioux woman and my kid is white as fuck. Looks just like me but even lighter.
But jeb isn't mad about any of that. That's probably the best part of his life. He never wanted to be a politician but hes apart of the bush family so he couldn't choose the life he wanted.
Try to get her out of it because that guy is probably a massive loser.
>Knit picking someone with genes as shitty as Jebs lol
Most half latinos are practically Mediterranean whites and attractive by western standards.
Jeb no!
Ooh, rice and beans my favorite. What's that on the side? A soda? Great.
Beaner food is a meme and isn't any good.
Opposite to what happens when a white fucks an Asian, when a white fucks a Mexican the ensuing child is usually a Chad and high test. White + Mexican = master race.
Because after 30 years old they blow up like a balloon, then after 50 they become short chubby goblins
Don't fetishize our women, you white cuck. Stick to your coalburning white women.
>There is nothing more alpha than a white nerd that goes after shitskin women because he cannot get a white gf
Biggest fucking meme in the world. White men who go for Asian women usually are beta but you never see beta white men with Latinas or Arab women because their men are usually more masculine than white men so they usually only accept masculine white men too.
Getting white women, especially if you're white is easy as fuck honestly
Poor ¡Jeb!, what a cuck
>half latinos
Low IQ
More Latinas burn coal than white women dude...
in mississippi the first generation ones work pretty hard in the potato fields but it's because they're used to making like 20 bucks a week in mexico and they think theyre making a lot of money to send home. then the second generation live on welfare like niggers and do drugs etc. lots of the first gen get into drugs as well.
our local sheriff told me that they're scum and 'i wouldn't believe the kind of shit they get into' whatever that means. he said when he catches someone that he knows is illegal he will lock them up as long as he can just to keep them off the street for a while even though he knows they wont get deported (this was when obama was president)
Depends in America? no somewhere else? maybe.
>Cooks tasty food
If you like fucking beans and rice yes but if you can't stand those then fuck no.
>Helps you become more Alpha
Its more like forces you to stay alpha at all times just in case she tries some bullshit on you you must know how to beat the shit out of her and put her back in her place (so while better then modern white femcunts it will put you down early).
>Super fertile
So are most women before 30.
>Good banter
Okay this is the one i don't really see too much of a problem with.
>Supportive extended family
Supportive of her not you.
So cal fag here, I agree completely. I used to live in a mainly white and asian area in Irvine. Then moved to a cheaper area to get an extra room to use as an office. Boy do I regret it. I never lived around blacks, so I can't say. But mexicans leave trash everywhere, cram at least 3 families in each unit (making parking on the street impossible by certain times), loud as fuck, treat their pets like shit, they always try to fucking stare you down (cant even go outside for a smoke unless I shove my pistol down my pants), have the shittiest vehicles and don't have a problem boxing you in on the street or giving your bumper some love. Hell I even seen bottles of piss in the street one morning. I find it strange while so many beaners work in the maintenance or cleaning industries, yet they live like fucking 3rd world trash.
Yeah man, just some more -BASED- hispanics haha xDDD
I live in California too, and when I see that my daughter is the only white girl in her class photos, I just smile and realize that it's ok because hispanics are totally based and if they love America it's no problem whatsoever! Nevermind that she will be delivering Juan's baby in 15 years. But at least Juan will be an extremely hard worker at his landscaping job, because someone has to cut the branches off of Schlomo Bergenberg's trees. Also, you're right, gang members are a total normal part of this society now, so as long as we act alpha, then they will be cool with us.
What a great product civic nationalism is
Can you handle her final form? I forget how she categorizes her ass shake scale.
I have one