Will women ever be modest again?
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no, unless men make them
No. This is what you get for stopping hitler. As soon as they get bored of men, they all turn lesbian und anti-men.
All your fault.
When Islam takes over.
>look mom, I posted it again!
What's getting slid now boys?
that doggy has seen some shit
Watch this:
yes, only conservative qts have children
these degenerate sluts dont breed and thus their dysgenic behavior will eventually die out
Yes. Our generation got exposed to porn at a young age. Our parents didn't grow up with the internet so they didn't know about what we were being exposed to. It's up to our generation to raise our kids correctly.
And which part of Florida might this be?
My girlfriend is. You just have to stop settling for less. For me it was either I had the best or id die alone. Unfortunately there is too many cucks and thirst Lord's so whores will remain unless
A) we get advanced enough sex robots that can be mother's too
B) kill all whores and cuckolds
C and my personal favorite) do both.
oh, 1 post by this id
>be brainwashed through my entire childhood and teenage years that women are the smarter, more sensible, more social gender and women are all sex obsessed monsters whom women need to be protected from
Took me a while and a few relationships to break the conditioning and realize that women are the sex obsessed gender, because sex is their only worth and value.
All that pussy and ass flaunting is to increase their "value".
In a society with more men than women pussy and ass are a ressource and since monogamy isnt enforced anymore the price of pussy is soaring.
So every medicore and plain looking chick just needs to waggle her ass and suddenly she got a platonic harmen of beta enablers who buy her stuff and shower her with attention without her having to settle ever.
as soon as photoshop becomes unavailable to pirate
Modesty doesnt matter. What's important is obedience. A cunt should not dress to someone's idea of how she should dress but how her husband tells her to.
Besides, modesty is for the ugly and weak, people who have nothing to take pride in.
modesty comes with self-reflection and a bit of learning.
>tfw thingken about all the times you got locked in the room with your skanky owner when she was getting reamed by Chad
Pandora's box has been opened. The only way back is through destruction. Women are Pandora's box. Giving them power in society was opening the box.
You can only save the West and its women by focusing on its core elements - the family, marriage - strengthen them, stop them from being undermined, and honour your duties.
Man is lost, they are ignoring their biological purpose, they have their head in the prison of infinite choice.
It's time to go back to what made our civilisation prosper in the first place, it's time to go back to family...
Fuck, brah. You don't even know. I ain't no chad, but I did once fuck a hooker that had a dog like that. She locked it in a case in her closet while we got down to business. It literally sounded like it was dying the whole time; literally like someone had stabbed it and it was bleeding out. I actually felt bad... Someday that is going to be a little kid instead of a dog, and the next Ted Bundy is going to be born.
Islam is coming.
There's actually more women than men in a given population but because sperm is so cheap and eggs so valuable, women enjoy a lot of power in society due to their sexual market value. Tables turn once man and woman reach the age of 30-40 of course.
When have women EVER been modest?
Sup Forums is split on this issue so whats wrong with posting this? nothing is being slid you tinfoil autists.
>but you will see your community grow
What the fuck does that mean and what's the difference between that and communism?
>nothing is being slid you tinfoil autists.
Didn't say shit about sliding. If it's gonna keep getting posted I'm gonna keep doing this. So fuck off nigger
I've got some bad news for you, icedick.
Sluts breed younger and more frequently