How the fuck is this myth STILL being perpetuated?
How the fuck is this myth STILL being perpetuated?
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Maybe it's not a myth?
Because modern progressivism is faith-based, like a religion, rather than fact-based.
>Daily wire
Lol, no. Sorry, but if it's not from CNN or MSNBC, then it's bullshit.
Trying to catch a blue whale, I see.
Hmm okay sweetie
0/10 low energy lurk more and try again
>losing money when you never earned it in the first place
women are retarded
Lost revenue is the same as actual revenue.
t. music industry
>dude equal pay
Commie shit
It's exactly the same thought process as tax cuts being "giving money to people" instead of "not taking money from people".
This explains it:
> no accounting for time worked
> no accounting for specific positions
> then using median
This is like correlating ice cream sales with increased murders.
As temperature rises, crime will increase. So does the sale of ice cream.
If women choose not to do the jobs of men where they are making more money, that is their problem. Just because on average men make more money, does not mean it is due to a wage gape. It's simply because they choose lower paying jobs.
Even with those cushy jobs, they're still making pretty good money for pink color jobs.
Does it account for differences in approach to career?
Because 95% of people are total idiots and the remaining 5% is not that smart too.
well they live on average 5 to 10 years longer than men so they can make up for that.
Why aren't there constant lawsuits being filed?
It is a federal offense to pay someone differently due to their gender.
Where's the lawsuit?
It's unexplainable.
I wonder how much money was handed to women by men over the last 500 years.
For nothing but a bit of hole and some din din.
It is. Once you correct for things like experience and type of employment contract it magically disappears. If someone thinks it happens to them, fucking prove it in court. This would be illegal as-is, since it's discrimination. The fact no such cases have happened tells me enough. On top of that a company would be retarded not to only hire women if this was true, do you see that happening anywhere?
why stop there? go back to the dawn of humanity
it just makes no sense
every economist worth their salt has come out and discredited it but the mainstream still pushes it..
..its almost as if its propaganda meant to instill hatred and envy in women towards men
...women usually make pretty terrible financial managers, just sayin...
>men stopping women from working oil rigs, boilermaking, and collecting garbage
I like how Trump has stopped this bullshit......
You've somehow beat Jeb at being even lower energy. nice!
shill, kike, go back to plebbit kiwisan
>women stop working at 30 to have a family
>men don't and therefore have years more experience on average, and thus earn more
>'partriarchy! Muh wage gap'
Women shouldn't get what they don't deserve anyway. All most of them have done since the dawn of time is leech of man's success. If they didn't have pussies they would've gone extinct a long time ago.
I gotta say womans dosent work as hard than mens.They easily lose concentration and doing more shit than needed.
Please tell me this tweet is from a year ago.
STFU Faggot!
if womens work for less while providing the same quality of work then how comes all companies are not exclusively hiring women?
>I have a job interview, I ask for the max of the salary fork I found, I get that
>my gf has a job interview, she asks for the mean of the salary fork she found, she gets that
I wonder why women are paid less...
...blaze it
Why this meme continues going i have no idea. When women finally start to do shit like underwater welding and mining then they will get the same money. I'm starting to think this narrative is just preparation for some "women equality act" so women can justify getting more free shit.
poor women...always victims in their head even if no one gives a fuck about them.
>always victims in their head even if no one gives a fuck about them
You literally don't get the irony of posting that on a board full of "victimized" white males, right?
Because they're sexist
...Are you retarded?
Or are you being sarcastic.
Propaganda aside, the wording there is a lot like saying that wet streets makes it rain.
because its unfair
Ayyy 420