>be filthy mick
>be considered lower than niggers
Irish literally BTFO - Mick hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>No Irish Need Apply
>Niggers okay though
At least this one is more worried about chinks, but micks are close second.
>spends energy calling out the Irish
>doesn't mind the massive beaner and nigger problem growing rapidly out of control
You're either a Jew or an edgy underager
>Fat leprechaun mickshit chimping out
Another cuck from that cultureless and soul-less nation, rampant with murder, rape and cuckoldry. The literal inventor of all this worlds degeneracy.
I'll sleep good tonight knowing my ancestors basically invented modern literature and spread Christianity to mainland Europe. I won't even know where to start when deciding what my favourite part of Irish history is! It's just so ancient! and yours...1800's?
You just delete this thread and go back to deciding what n-nationality you are when you decide to dickride the glory of Europeans because of 'muh heritage'.
Why were the Irish so hated?
>Dynamite Skunk
>caged micknigger
Remind you of anyone?
I guess this one would be redemption, but the Democrat Party used to be more conservative.
Childish anglo-myth poisoning of the American mind. Supported by the fact that the only Irish people that went to America were the poor and unskilled/labouring (Probably OP's ancestors but don't tell him)
Why is anyone hated? Because some people are fucking idiot haters and they make their whole country look bad by existing, but because of 'muh freedom of speech', the government can't recommend that they shut the fuck up. Only other citizens can, and that can only happen in an area where the police aren't infiltrated by the same 'muh freedom of speech' fascists. I call them fascists because they don't really believe in freedom of speech, just freedom for them to speak. They would be perfectly happy if the government silenced anyone who disagrees with them, and, as cryptofascists, that is exactly what they secretly want to happen.
>mickshit reeeee
kek You are inferior rotten potatoes. Deal with it. The greatest nation in the history of the planet considered you lower than nigger scum.
How will you ever recover now that you are aware of this knowledge?
>suffer worse than niggers
>still prosper
>never hear about it ever in current day
fuck the jews, fuck the niggers, bunch of sympathy nazis
mickshits were lucky they lacked melanin so could breed the potato out somewhat. Still kek'd because americans considered them the lowest form of life... even lower than nigger slaves.
top kek
>The greatest nation in the history of the planet considered you lower than nigger scum.
I don't ever remember a German, Frenchman or Italian considering the Irish 'lower than nigger scum'. Infact those countries viewed the Irish highly because of the mercenaries from here that fought for them, renowned highly for their bravery. Y'know, back before USA existed.
But hey, even the Irish helped win your wars too, be grateful.
I'm too busy reading about Irish Gaelic society during the 7th and 8th centuries to reply again. Feels great being a European white man with an actual identity. You have a good night and don't troll to hard.
Why you hate Irish ppl?
Pls respond
>feels so great that I'm insecure and have to tell how great it feels on a tibetan mountaineering website
All races, even subhuman niggers considered micks scum when they came to america because they were uneducated subhuman bums. Your fucking noses point up like pigs.
>Responsible for your nigger behavior.
Goodnight from the new world
Dont mind OP he's just got his Irish cartoon folder opened and he wants to share
Thomas Rowell wrote a book about how blacks used to be the main workforce in the American South, but that the "Great" Society by LBJ made them into modern Irishmen while the Irish sobered up.
goodnight friend.
>Tyrone trying to deflect his niggery
Oh look, a potatonigger chimp out
>eerily similar to mudslime/nigger chimpouts
America is not great. You've always been puppets doing the Jewish bidding.
>political terrorism is similar to other political terrorism
Well color me fucking surprised.
Jewish bidding like going to the moon? Manned manned aviation? Literally thousands of other things?
>tfw user is butthurt bonganaut
Tyrone is an Irish name though
Moonlanding? More like using Nazi scientists for Jewish profits.
TOP FUCKING KEK. potatonigger BTFO again
Because we made so much money off of the moon landing?
>posting cartoons
You really are pathetic
user beat me to it, but jewish profit how?
Ignore that other retard. Most immigrants were subject to ridicule and disdain when they were the most recent group to immigrate. I mean, for fuck's sake, we still tell Polish jokes in the U.S.
Overall, most Americans love the Irish. So much so that it's a point of pride to claim Irish heritage no matter how small.
With that said, the overall time of existence of a nation is immaterial. Even ignoring the fact that your "7th and 8th century" history would be the history of the Irish who immigrated to the U.S., and as such, a party of the history of the U.S. as well, having a longer cultural history doesn't lend any credence to your argument, and you just come off as a butthurt faggot.
niggers werent a problem though. they hated irish for the same reason we hate niggers. niggers are a similar problem but to a much greater extent
sorry, but iphone not created yet
true. potatoniggers could learn. niggerniggers just outniggered themselves
Idiot yank
Funding to NASA funneled out. That's why they played the USSR against the USA, they made their money in armament and pissing contests.
>50% white
>of that 50% most are German, Irish, scots and Italian mix
But muh Superior WASP genetics
>Irish Ogre
The Lord of the Rings made me think Irish were cool and epic.
It established the us as an advanced superpower. USSR btfo, potatonigger btfo, bongs btfo
Oh noes, my delicate feelings...
Get fucked fat man, I hope your mother develops aggressive leukaemia.
Not sure but some Irish-Americans act pretty niggerish. There are a lot of degenerate Irish like Rosie O'Donnell Stephen Colbert Michael Moore Tim Kaine and Conan. Almost as bad as kikes in that regard
or hairy-footed manlets that cry a lot and like to be in homoerotic situations with their 'companions'
Why do the IRish have the best women, lads?
Mfw ireland is one of the most if not the most white country in europe
>Burgers will be 52% of the population in the usa in 2025
>mfw non whites have been having more babies and basically outbreeding the burgers since 2011
>amerifags are the literal result of decades of inbreeding and immigration
Top fucking kek.
Because they were rampant alcoholics with criminal tendencies and were bringing over a cancerous religion that at the time had officials coming over to pander to them and apocalyptically declare that they would convert the entire country to the papacy. They also were vehement anti-abolitionists which was a hot button issue at the time. Of course there a lot of people that hated them.
It made the Nazis look good. Not so much the good goy yanks.
>butthurt potatonigger
>be mick
>die from no potatoes
>move to America
>die from work conditions
The Irish just can't catch a break.
Tyrone is a anglo name of Tir Eoghan, the irish name.
>pic related
Why do you hate Mick Jagger so much?
What the fuck did he do to you?
>tfw you realize dr seuss made the grinch in a subversive scheme to show that potatofaggots are redeemable.
>referencing 19th century propaganda to prove modern irish inferiority
He's not wrong nigger. Post some actual facts against Ireland rather than shitty 19th century Anglo propaganda.
(relevant facts, not retarded "le starving Irishman xdDDDD" reddit bullshit).
>not playing along
bad sport lad.
>Be filthy Mick
>Have nearly all US presidents be Mick
>Have nearly every general since the civil war be Mick
>Have every member of Trumps cabinet have Mick or other Celtic blood in them
Respect your rulers my fat burger slave
White division is not a game.
>pic related
literal employers paying extra for their ad to exclude potatoniggers but not chimps
>Post some actual facts against Ireland
Shouldn't have said that Mr Potato head
>enjoy your niggers burger
>Wheres your argument burger?
Bet there's Irish blood in your family you yank
>have nearly all US presidents be Mick
I hope you don't actually believe this.
Again, a meme image. Screaming at your life you utter brainlet
>Literally compared to niggers and animals
I wouldn't hate you so much if you told those with Irish ancestry to shut the fuck up about "muh irish muh irish muh heritage." It's honestly very, very annoying and on-par with the Greeks and Italians who pull the same shit. You live in America. You're American. It's the fucking FRONTIER not "MUH IRELAND."
That being said Ireland is a beautiful country.
Can someone red pill me on the Irish?
We were just too damn good
FACT: Irishmen are the strongest race in the world
>pic related
potatoniggers literally compared to chimps
>They also were vehement anti-abolitionists
Then why doesn't Sup Forums love them?
literally potato niggers
Mfw comparison now bases reality
>Niggers. Youd know alot about them burger wouldnt you? Since Most of your media is dominated by nigger music and racemixing propoganda.
>Amerishits Sad because Irish Are more Alpha.
What’s the difference between the US and yogurt?
If you leave yogurt alone for 300 years, it develops a culture.
>potatoes are main diet
comparable to niggers eating dirt
>crime, begging, chimping out
comparable to niggers
>considered lower than niggers
niggers > potatoes
think about that. literal niggers were considered better than micks. how will they ever recover?
OP is Anglo-Saxon descendant, probably living in New England votes Democrat because like his ancestors before him, has an innate desire to destroy all Western / White countries.
Celt should have green eyes but I agree.
I love Britain but I still like Ireland.
Yup. Prior to Jewish migration from Eastern Europe beginning in the 1880s, American Jews were very, very well-integrated and had taken on virtually all the attributes of WASPs. The only liberals in this country back then were the fucking Quakers. The first Jewish senator was a slaveowner who then served in the Confederate legislature.
It is absolutely amazing how much the American Jewish community has changed, from being one of Traditional America's staunchest defenders into its worst fucking enemy.
Sup Forums is not a single person. And also people who main Sup Forums don't know what the fuck their own views are. They just go with what makes them sound the edgiest and most violent.
ayyy fuck the hibernian menace. swarthy drunk papists whose only accomplishments are immigration, terrorism and alcoholism
That's clearly a Jew you fucking idiot look closely.
Jesus Christ what a dumb fuck.
I'm just glad Sup Forums is historically inaccurate globally.
>be me
>be anglo saxon
>live in south for 7 generations
>vote republican
>cares about western/white countries
That doesn't mean the irish are not sub-niggertier potatofaggots
>the hibernian conspiracy
Thanks for sending us all those policemen, too.
>fucking race of authoritarian thugs
>be amerishit
>listens to nigger music and embraces nigger culture
>sister dates niggers
>living in fucking New Hampshire
>votes Hillary
>sister Gets preggers by nigger then assaulted by nigger
>American Culture Has arrived!
Oh Wait..
>be user
>be irish
>be the most welfare recipient "white" race in the US
>new england sister/cousin fuckers
>roll over daddy, you are crushing my cigarettes
>offended by a tubby, balding, gap-tooth.