Just noticed this. twitter.com
pg2: file.wikileaks.org
Just noticed this. twitter.com
pg2: file.wikileaks.org
Other urls found in this thread:
The FBI symbols, as a reminder.
Somebody post the pasta pls.
Some crypto-pedo imagery around the site, wearelumos.org
Creepy bio of JK Rowling on their about page:
As a result she founded the charity that became Lumos. She said, "I looked at that photograph of the boy in his cage bed and felt he has absolutely no voice. This touched me as nothing else has because I can think of nobody more powerless than a child, perhaps with a mental or a physical disability, locked away from their family. It was a very shocking realisation to me and that's where the whole thing started".
Worth investigating.
Board of trustees, may be worth looking into some of these names. wearelumos.org
Daily Dose:
Board of directors, more names to look into. wearelumos.org
They have a bunch of expert consultants, this guy seems particularly a pedo type - involved in government agencies.
JK Rowling has been very outspoken with Soros inspired talking points regarding Brexit and Trump. Harry Potter is almost a holy book for SJW's; there is no doubt that she is involved in the same international child trafficking ring. Trafficks children in exchange for her books becoming a pillar of modern culture for liberals.
Same pattern with these NGO's - they are involved in "helping" the most vulnerable children, and of course that makes the children easy to relocate into international child sex trafficking markets.
Rundown on this deinstitutionalism thing?
Regardless, you have 1) logo, 2) vulnerable children, 3) non-profit NGO, all of which are warning signs.
Rundown is on their site. Read the about.
You're right, it does fit the bill of the globalist child sex trafficking ring. 100%.
Interestingly, my internet and Gyazo (which I'm using to take screencaps of the Lumos site) have suddenly malfunctioned, major lag and pages crashing. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, of course.
Rather, are there any more details I should be aware of regarding this movement? They're not going to tip their hand on the website more than they have to.
The pedo butterfly is clearly made of hearts, unlike the LUMOS logo.
Fake news.
So far nothing, I'm going to look into the people they have on the board of trustees, directors, and advisors and see if there is anything further that is suspicious.
For now, clear use of the pedo logos - same as Open Society Foundation (Soros), Trudeau Foundation, and a few others.
The butterfly logo stems from the MK Ultra connection as far as I know.
They stylized it, same as the ping pong paddles on the Comet Ping Pong menu.
The proportions/concept of the logo is the same, obviously they won't use the exact pedo symbol - although Soros' foundation and the Trudeau Foundation annual report do...
The butterfly is the symbol of pedo philosophy
Yeah, precisely.
The Lumos logo isn't exactly the same, but the "principle" of the logo, the general shape (two smaller lower legs projecting at 45 degrees, to larger ones at the top) is the same, just not using hearts.
There is heart imagery elsewhere on the site, on the front page they have coloured hands grabbing hearts.
It's correct to be skeptical, but what are the chances that these NGO's all use the same shapes as the declassified FBI pedophile symbols? Out of an infinite number of shapes and logos they can use, why always ones right out of the FBI document?
Bump for interest in seeing witches being burned
Notice how important Harry Potter is to liberals, it basically trained them to be good little SJW activists in some sense. Perhaps the societal prominence Harry Potter has is because of artificial inflation of it by (((Them)))...
Pinned tweet on their twitter page eerily echoes the Silsby case!
daily reminder that pizzagate isn't real.
Dude, you can stop now. Just go the fuck to sleep.
I don't understand how pol is this dumb and obsessed when Pizzahoax has literally been debunked a thousand times.
Maybe. But human trafficking definitely is, particularly on the child side.
>sleep goyim: the post
How did it go with the DC case? Lots of black kids went missing and the parents were angry that the police couldn't issue Amber alerts.
so why don't you post some debunkings?
Yeah, there's an old video of a townhall meeting where the audience chews out the chief of DC police.
This has nothing to do with pizzagate, disgusting pedo shills.
This is where is all began
Isnt it funny the way whenever we're discussing an important topic, "people" come out and tell us to "go to sleep"?
Thanks for confirming this is an important topic, you shill scum
Boys, keep on it
Exactly. Same shit in every pedogate lead thread.
Regarding this distinguished fellow, it turns out that he was appointed as chief advisor to the safeguarding delivery unit of child services in 2009.
>source: A Contemporay History of Social Work by Terry Bamford
It was abolished within a year and he resigned.
I am really tired.
We should take a nap and forget this thread.
How comfy.
Article about Sir Roger Singleton, one of the consultants. "Top child protection adviser resigns leaving concern over future of independent leadership"
Very cute, thanks.
More on Sir Roger Singleton:
Paedophile vetting: ISA chairman Sir Roger Singleton criticises MPs
"The serious point its that we need to listen carefully to the criticisms. But the important thing about this scheme is to prevent inappropriate people from working with children."
There was outrage last week when it emerged parents who regularly give lifts to other children on behalf of clubs like the Cub Scouts would be required to undergo criminal records and other checks.
Under current rules parents who volunteer to take part in school exchange schemes will also have to be vetted by the Independent Safeguarding Authority.
The review will be carried out by ISA chairman Sir Roger Singleton and will report by the beginning of December, Mr Balls said.
He's in charge a review for vetting potential pedos! Interesting. Certainly the kind of person child traffickers would want; he's in all the right places.
t. Podesta
Thinking is hard.
Sleeping now will let us think this thoroughly later.
Time for some sleepy sleep
One of the trustees, Nicholas Crichton, is highly suspicious.
"I joined Lumos because I share JK Rowling's concern for the plight of children in the ‘orphanages’ of Eastern Europe."
"He has worked overseas on various projects in the field of child protection - in Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia, Greece, Ethiopia, Namibia, and most notably in Bulgaria where his work over a 16 year period has included spending five years on a project that involved visiting all 28 family courts and many specialist institutions."
>literally in charge of vetting and transporting
Here we have Leslie Little, on the board of directors. She runs this orphanage/charity:
Notice the heart logo, nothing big, but again - a pattern emerges.
"Hope and Homes for Children is a global expert in the field of deinstitutionalisation. By closing institutions, supporting children into loving, stable families and working with governments to tackle the root causes of family breakdown, we are working towards a day where orphanages have been eradicated for good."
They're making big strides in Eastern Europe it seems.
So it seems that the overall scheme of deinstitutionalization is to shut down orphanages and have all of these kids go somewhere else...presumably mostly to (((foster parents)))?
I've attached a page from Hopes and Homes, a connected NGO.
These organizations are perfect - they shut down orphanages and are in charge of relocating the children.
Map of where Hope and Homes operates. Eastern Europe/Africa/Panama network. Note the distribution in eastern Europe; from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean.
They only need to skim a few off the top, so it's hard to tell where the leaks are.
Sorry, forgot to attach the map.
this shit is so stupid
what leads you to that conclusion?
Yeah - so out of hundreds of children, just a few are skimmed. 1.9% here to international adoption, that's precisely where the "skimming" can take place; when they are relocated across borders. Similarly, they are the ones vetting the people adopting, so that's another potential avenue for child trafficking (i.e. locally).
The logos are declassified, what are the chances that these NGO's, all involved with children in one way or another, use stylized pedo symbols from an FBI info release? Obviously usage of FBI declassified pedo symbols in these contexts is significant, considering the type of work Lumos does.
I'm not talking about ice cream, idiot. The Doritos one isn't even one of the logos.
Project Monarch.
It just never ends.
Yeah I remember that, we were supposed to send related info to their parents to rile up the black community, what happened to that?
>I'm not talking about ice cream
but should you be? what do we know about Good Humor
WHO GIVES A FUCK about niggers
I wasn't a part of that operation, so I couldn't say.
Regardless, DC police is rotten to the core. They'd sit on their hands until the parents lose momentum. It's up to the Feds to solve this one.
Irrelevant at this point, when there are NGO's directly involved with the relocation of orphans that are using pedophile symbols as logos!
it could be relevant, and if we don't find out?
Just another lead to add to the pedogate dossier. That these organizations (Lumos, Hope for Homes) are involved in relocating orphans, and use pedophile symbology makes them suspicious.
You can tilt at windmills if you want, but we're working a better lead here.
Valid point. Pedo ice cream man is common trope. Worth further investigation!
Nice try diverting from an obvious lead, pedo shilling scum.
I discovered this first, thanks for picking upon it, I have posted it in a few PG threads but no-one cared before as it wasn't about Podesta, Hillary, Alefantis et all
Maybe this is a good time to mention the Scottish pedo network where kids now chant for Canaanite deities in creches, libraries, and nurseries:
SHANNARI is supposed to be "Safe, Happy", etc, but it sounds Arabic the way it is chanted. It means:
SHAH = King NARI = Fire.
MOLOCH means King.
Girfec? Geera, or Girra, another middle Eastern pre-biblical fire deity. Add "feck" onto it and off you go.
Hopscocth thearte (see vid)started that actress for Game of Thrones WHO BREASTFEEDS A YOUNG BOY (the old bag in "The Eyrie").
Same people who dreamed this up are demanding a "State Guardian" - a busybody in every home for every child. Pedos have been found in the network but SNP won't give up on this yet.
I discovered this in November. I found the "SHANARRI wheel" on a few sites with odd titles about "Farming", "Harvesting", "Farm to Table", and suchlike - now pulled from view.
One had pics made of seeds and grains of mothers holding babies up to the sky with spirals in the background - all made from seeds & grains. CREEPY AS FUCK.
Thank you for your hard work, John Bull.
They all look like kikes.
Go kill yourself. Seriously. The fact that you can't see what value a community as big as that one being redpilled and outspoken on human trafficking, would have. Then you can not be a smart person. Capitalization of fuck leads me to think your either some teenaged idiot or a grown up, fat fuck loser.
Yeah, also notice the abundance of creepy pedo smiles among the roster. Where one side of the mouth is higher than the other, same as Dave Brock, Alefantis, Podesta, etc.
You don't say... Simon Cowell paid this cunt's bail money when he got nabbed, I have heard Cowell likes a bit of pizza too - isn't he one of Maria's spirit cookers or a pal of Jeff Epstein?
Got you covered pham:
What did they discuss backstage after the gig?
At this point, it can't be a coincidence that all these fuckers have the EXACT same disgusting creepy asymmetrical smile...
Linked genetic pleiotropy, I'm sure.
I smile like this. Should I be worried?
If you don't diddle kids, you have nothing to fear.
Phew. But what does the smile come from? For me it's always been self confidence in my smile, always thought I looked like a retard, so I never smile unless I really do, and then it's only a halfway one like that.
With these people, I don't think it's lack of self-confidence. It's probably a sign of sociopathy.
So Rowling sounds like a rambling ESL retard when she talks? I haven't read harry potter but I imagine her english is typically better.
Unable to find anything meaningful on this guy. His linked-in looks about what you'd expect.
Yeah, same with many others among this roster. Very clean records, typically right into some big corporation/company after attaining a graduate degree.
>mfw combing thru terabytes of normie harry potter memes
Humanity was a mistake.
i thought it was LumOS, like another operating system lmao whats wrong with me
A member of the 1% propaganda wing it is a given she harms and or aids in the harm of children. There is no exceptions to this rule. Honest people in power are destroyed before they can elicit change.
Apparently it's a light spell from Harry Potter.
>things I never needed to know
People who write children books like to diddle children
what a suprise