How can you seriously argue against feminism? It literally just means equality between Women and men. Do you honestly not want that?
Inb4 women and men aren't equal.
How can you seriously argue against feminism? It literally just means equality between Women and men. Do you honestly not want that?
Inb4 women and men aren't equal.
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I've been saying this since I was 18: What is wrong with egalitarianism?
Women and men aren't equal you autist
Sure they're both humans, but humans are sexually dimorphic
You can't get around that fact
saying you are a feminist rather than an egalitarian is prima facie proof of misandry
Men and women are not equal.
The existence of gynocentrism alone would make attempts at egalitarianism extremely unfavourable for men.
Women arent people
putting it short, there's """""nothing wrong with it""""" but in truth they care about "being more equal than men" if you get what i mean, anyway SAGED
That girl is someone very important. How did you access that image?
No we shouldn't have equal rights. Fuck off White Knight egalitarian fags.
Why does NOW work against Equal Shared Custody reform in the US?
I thought you gals wanted equality?
Feminism is female supremacy, that's why they don't like actual equality.
It empowers the unqualified to fulfill questionable, if not outright detrimental, ends.
Yeah they don't like Alimony Reform either.
Women do not deserve equality because men and women are not equal.
Our only purpose in life is to pass on our genes, any other purpose is God-given and not shared by everyone.
Historically, only 40% of men have ever passed on their genes, while 80% of women were able to get someone to fuck them. This meant that in order to attract mates men had to do fantastic things or be born into a wealthy family.
This drove ingenuity and became a staple for men in society. Women have never had this need to drive society through invention to mate and they've also never had the precedent of protecting society, nor can they. A matriarchal society will be conquered by a patriarchal society without fail.
Women vote for things that will destroy society because they do not know better.
They do not deserve equal rights because they are not equal.
Remember that battle of the sexes episode of "Survivor?"
Me neither, but someone had a nice write up on it. The men succeeded while the women squandered the materials given to them.
who dat?
All cultures in history fall when they try feminism (rome for one), also, why has no great country been founded on femism? Because it doesn't work.
>Do you honestly not want that?
Women don't want to be equal. That's like asking a country to give up their best weapon. Why would a woman want to be equal to a man when they are considered better by the rest of the free world?
It's a random thot. That guy is saying that she's someone important to bait people into telling him her name. He was fishing for a reply like "lmao dumbfuck she isnt someone important its just a thot named x." Unfortunately, his master plan has been foiled, and he will never get to splooge his load to other images of her.
It's a lie. We're not equal, equity is impossible.
Equality of opportunity = perfect
Equality of outcome (feminism) = miserable failure
Women and men aren't equal. No one is.
Should we be treated equally. yes, of course.
If you want equality for everyone, be an egalitarian, otherwise, you are just another problem pushing the Matriarchy.
Even the opportunities should be different really.
It's worth noting that despite feminisms many works to destroy the nuclear family in western societies, women are more miserable than when they were in the "oppressive" patriarchal kitchen preparing meals for her four kids and not having to work outside the home.
You're new 'round these parts, aren't you missy?
Women are less happy than they were 50 years ago.
It's not working.
Give it up.
Feminism is split into three waves or 3 different movements.
The first wave gave women their first legal liberties.
The second wave gave them completely equal rights.
The third wave wants govenrment payouts for having a Vagina and follows socialist ideologies instead of spreading the achievements of the first and second wave of feminsim to the rest of the world.
It's not about equal rights it's about social deconstructionism.
why does Sup Forums love bait?
No I want woman to be slaves to men till the sun explodes.
It is what nature intended do your the Lord God wanted and be a slave to a man you you worthless bitch.
>it's the "using the encyclopedia definition even though that's not at all what's feminism about and we both know it but you're just playing dumb" episode
>How can you seriously argue against feminism?
Because it's bullshit.
>It literally just means equality between Women and men
Yeah, exactly. Cunts are not men's equals. They're barely human, they're pieces of property.
Cunts are not men's equals. Look how pretending they are has fucked society.
Your hubris betrays you. If or when the name is posted I think you'll feel the tingle of surprise.
Everyones more miserable now than they were centuries prior and it's not because of women.
I'll feel a tingle but it won't be a tingle of surprise, it'll be a tingle of my weiner
Come at me faggot.
At least religious people are having children and fulfilling their biological imperative.
If you don't see the societal benefit of religion then you're fucking delusional.
I'm not stating you must believe what it says, but the birth-rate benefits and avoiding moral relativism brought on by Godless marxists are crucial functions of religion.
if feminism was about equality it would be xalled EQUALISM, not FEMinism.
>arguing with sister
>challenge her to trivia game to settle it
>she refuses because "I know too much"
>challenge her to arm wrestling
>refuses because "I'm too strong"
>she's a film major
>I study a hard science
>still insists we're equal
Explain that to me, OP.
women deserve to be forced into rape camps where they pump out babies non stop.
When are they going to stop pretending that they hate the attention? I swear, the biggest sluts are the ones who make a scene when you comment on their ass.
Your mind has been polluted by your hatred of SJWs. You are literally allowing a non-existent meme archetype of a person to rule over your opinion on social issues. Are you completely branidead? Do you not get out enough?
Feminism in 1950 - The desire for men and women to be societal equals
Feminism in 2017 - The desire for a female-dominated matriarchal society where men are treated slightly better than dogs.
Lets face it, "feminism" doesnt mean feminism anymore it means facism.
No point talking to them, just beat them until they shut up thats how a real man handles a woman.
It makes women make an issue of absolutely nothing into something fucking retarded and stupid. It destroys the very concept of a women settling down as she thinks motherhood is bad because "muh independent women". Feminism is cancer and always will be fucking degenerate.
Clues in the name. It's female supremacy.
>than centuries ago
We're talking about just 50 years ago, I can't imagine having a very happy life where dying prematurely of untreatable diseases is a common possibility.
The current unhappiness relates to the destruction of a cohesive society and the vilification of basic human principles.
Feminism is apart of that, but truthfully feminism is men's fault. Were it that men did not allow women voting rights, or allow them to leave the home then we would not be having this conversation right now.
Instead we'd be at work while our children are at school and the wife tidies the home.
anyone who has ever had consensual sex is a cuckold. if you aren't raping every slut who walks around without a man by her side you are beta as fuck.
noun: feminism
the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
Key phrase ":advocacy of women's rights" as in just women's rights, they don't care about human rights, or men's rights, just women's rights. Take more rights for yourself while claiming some ill defined patriarchy exists so you need more rights. Take,take,take while playing the victim. Ignore critics and call them misogynists. Brainwash school kids to blindly agree with you. Ignore the bad side of equality. Blame men for everything wrong in your life. Bitch to the UN about being questioned on the internet. Individual scam artists profit massively for doing no real good in the world.
Fuck your female supremacy movement.
>It makes women make an issue of absolutely nothing into something fucking retarded and stupid.
I don't think you can blame feminism for that.
> where men are treated slightly better than dogs
Actually no dog was ever forced to chose between paying alimony to a cheating spouse or going to jail.
>citing the Daily Mail
>It literally just means equality between Women and men.
Commands of nationalism:
Love your Country
Love your God
Love your Women
The third is why I argue against feminism.
>It literally just means equality between Women and men. Do you honestly not want that?
Yes, equality has made women fat, depressed, suicidal and disconnected them from the affection of fatherhood. Do you honestly want that for women? Do you hate them so much? Do you want them to remain depressed, suicidal and incapable of having a healthy relationships with half of their parents.
Feminism is the worst thing to ever happen to women, sooner or later they'll match men in suicide rates.
Agreed raping women should be legal and an accepted practice among human males of all ages.
>How can you seriously argue against feminism?
I'm male.
Butthurt anglo roastie detected
Men didn't get the right to vote unless they register for the draft. #draftoutdaughters Equality starts on the front line.
This ain't the 1900's buddy.
Not "rape camps", farms. You can pick up a girl and then when she gets too old dump her back on the farm.
Society would get good milk out of it too.
>it's the current year
Of course, like clockwork.
Depends on where it is. Canada and the United states Feminazis are pretending there's some kind of plight. We need to put them all in a container and ship them to any Islamic state.
Now they serve a purpose other than making our brain cells commit suicide one by one.
love is what women and liberals feel. hate is what real men feel.
>Inb4 women and men aren't equal.
They're not.
>It literally just means equality between Women and men.
and there's your mistake number 1. men and women are never equal.
>body mass
>brain size
>shoulder mass
>arms and wrist mass
>leg structure
>2 posts by this ID
>86 replies
Fuck off nigger
Equal rights is a meme
It's time to take the redpill on women, society, and equal rights.
>it's the current year!
>that means truth isn't true anymore
Cunts are not people. They are property.
feminism ends when you must lift a fridge on the 4th floor.
SJW feminist are the ones running your movement. You're allowing a rose-tinted version of the truth to color your opinion and promoting inequality in the name of "equality."
It has been like 5 minutes, this thread just blew up faster than I can parse with my female brain