How do we fix Africa?

In order to prevent the genocide of the whites on that continent.

multiply the ratio of landmass of africa:japan by 2 and that's how many nukes we have to drop.

Stop feeding it and ban immigrants from it.

Dont bother it for 3000 years.

>hurrrr these shitskins have no business in Europe! We need to kill them all! They have no right to complain, they don't belong here!
>Omg how do we stop Africans from killing the white people that invaded and took their land? :(

Exterminate every black beast south of the Sahara except for the Igbo and the San. Also spare those chicks who paint themselves red.

>In order to prevent the genocide of the whites on that continent.

Fuck them. Black Africa is the nigger homeland, they should dominate there and if other races want to live there, they should keep in line. This is the same reasoning as keeping Europe as a homeland for whites, or Israel as a homeland for kikes. If whites in Black Africa don't feel safe, let them move to Europe and be with the other white people.

We don't it's natural law.

Doesn't work lat me that with niggers it's domestic Nate or be dominated

1.Stop the aid.
2. Build a fortress air base that can be remotely operated to send drones.
3. Create a Major Legue Gaming series where players can fly drones and robots to hunt and kill niggers.
3. Stream it and sell subscriptions.
4. Drop food and weapons to niggers to make it interesting.
5. Make a ton of money to rebuild our nations, get rid of those lower intelligent monkeys wont ever be intelligent enough to be peaceful and self sufficient.
Aids and hiv rate drops, rapes drop, crime drops, avarage iq skyrockets, resources can be allocated properly.

If you cant justify consuming air and water and food you arent allowed to exist.

>How do we fix Africa?
stop fix Africa

That sounds fun, like arma except all the AI is replaced with even dumber niggers.

oy vey

Okay I have to say I really like this idea. You sir should be a executive kike for ABC or something.

A good heavy rain might wash the black off.

Also diffrent teams can drop food into areas and communicate with niggers and gain their loyalty and trust. You then can use them niggers as pawns and send them to attack other teams, create traps and use then as shields.
Perhaps there can be some C&C Generals base building elements, collecting resources like gold, ore etc using huge remote controlled vehicles.
That would make mining sexy, contribuite to the economy and teams woule get a percentage to buy new drones, upgrade weapons, perks etc

Just imagine it: "Tacktical Nuke Incomming!!!"

>invest in anti gravity space ships
>build a fleet of them
>invest in superheated lasers
>glass the continent of Africa

So kind of like the Arma 3 mod, Altis Life, but IRL

"1.Stop the aid.
2. Build a fortress air base that can be remotely operated to send drones.
3. Create a Major Legue Gaming series where players can fly drones and robots to hunt and kill niggers.
3. Stream it and sell subscriptions.
4. Drop food and weapons to niggers to make it interesting.
5. Make a ton of money to rebuild our nations, get rid of those lower intelligent monkeys wont ever be intelligent enough to be peaceful and self sufficient.
Aids and hiv rate drops, rapes drop, crime drops, avarage iq skyrockets, resources can be allocated properly.

If you cant justify consuming air and water and food you arent allowed to exist."



Lots of it.

Idk that mod but it looks like the mod is lacking heavy machinery. Im talking seriously armed heavy machinery. Since we dont have to consider the NPCs (Nignog Player charakters) we can use radioactive Batteries for the vehicles, less refueling but it has cool down times.
Also we can retrofit old AC-10 and AC-130, F-16s to become drones.

This. Let them rot in their own feces. Stop donating to any charity whatsoever, stop funding vaccine programs, Mercy ships and let nature work through AIDS and polio.

Whites in Africa - fuck them. They had their chance but noooo... muh empathy. Fucking mudslimes slaughtered anyone in their path, Turkey is 99% mudslime after getting a land full of Christians and I do not see the left screaming about imperialism and genocide and reparations.

>Omg how do we stop Africans from killing the white people that invaded and took their land? :(

Like America?