Literally everyone, left and right, doesn't like pepsi now
Was this the worst marketing stunt ever?
>worst marketing stunt ever
No, that would be New Coke.
I can't find the video again.. did they delete it? I down voted it last night.
It was so bad. like really one of the most cringe worthy things i have ever watched
Went back to my history to find the youtube link from yesterday. It is confirmed taken off
New Coke was genius though. They made more money with people coming back and buying the original than they would have if they didn't switch it.
are you kidding? that was classic 4-d chess marketing, once they brought back classic coke their sales quadrupled annually.... you gotta learn how the long game works my boy
This Pepsi commercial was ripped from an snl skit on the 2017 vday episode except on snl it was for cheetos.
>make SJW-friendly ad
>SJWs complain
can't win!
Here's a mirror.
anyone else thinking he could have stopped the riots so easily and become a hero, but didnt?
That is certainly the popular story about it -- never saw a source with data, though.
>How much for a bottle
Oh shit you dinnunt go there. I'm still sore about New Coke.
i am a #cokehead now
I need an aids test after watching that
MFW shield says DUCE
>Pepsi thought advocating peace and happiness would sell
Haha. Do those jews not know who they are dealing with?
can I get a quick rundown on this deal? I watched the vid and can see how it might piss off Sup Forums but I don't get all the outrage from everyone else
wtf I love coke now
they made new coke so they could switch from cane sugar to corn syrup without you noticing
Cops aren't portrayed as literally Hitler == Jim Crow + Trail of Tears pt. II
Pepsi is using the whole social progress/diviserity/multiculturalism movement to sell cans and bottles of soda.
Amazingly, liberals were able to see through this and got mad that a giant corporation was trying make itself the official product of their shitty political movement
Jesus Christ, Pepsi.. are they retarded?
what does this have to do with pepsi, so egg wtf
This is what happens when you hire liberal millennials
Oh I noticed, alright. From the can of Old Coke I drank 6 months after the change (I didn't notice until I tasted it) to many years later when I realized that even Coke (((Classic))) still tasted like crap.
Diet Coke is great (Coke Zero tastes like ass to me), apparently part of the problem is that aspartame still tastes good at room temperature, but HCFS doesn't
>#6 on trending
ah ah ah ah ah ahah
oh oh oh oh oh ohoh
ih ih ih ih ih ihih
eeh eeh eeh
wait why is the left mad about this?????
litterally just all races and religions feeling good together kinda stuff. Why the fuck are they mad?
Just like slurm in futurama.
So are white males the enemy of Pepsi or just cops?
I'm in fucking tears, holy shit.
>iTalian humor
Because Pepsi was blatantly cashing in on their political movement to make some quick cash.
Other corporations have done this with the left, but this time is the first time that it was blatant enough for the left to realize that they were being used.
wtf I love SNL now
Seriously though, that is a pretty funny skit. If only they had more than one funny skit a month.
white males. after white women invite the horde in they'll just get on their knees and submit
So they forgot about the whole cocacola death squads thing and are angry because Pepsi is trying to sell soda to them?
It's from spongebob you dip
Apparently it is because yes, they are all those things, but also the cops are portrayed as normal humans and not monsters. And the gulf between these sects was bridged by Pepsi.
this commercial was for africa right? nigger music, niggers everywhere...
no this is what a future progressive society will look like
Because the left legitimately believes there can be no unity between white males/cops and [insert minority here] so they're mad when they see an artistic rendering of it happening.
Cops could reduce their number of killings down to 0 and the left would still find ways to bitch about them. There could be laws on the books that actively Jim Crow'd white males and the left would still find a way to blame them for the ills of society. The left seeing unity makes them spurg out because they don't actually want unity, they just want to be able to complain about others in an attempt to shrug off their own responsibilities and shortcomings.
whatafuck is a spongeblog
What's even more amazing is that leftist do not like this ad in part because it is too joyous, to harmonious. In other words, they'd be more satisfied with outright war.
Not that I have anything against it. We are a late stage civilization after all.
I want the activism meme to end
>Was this the worst marketing stunt ever?
no (see pic).
So what? We ALSO don't want harmony to happen.
No. I had a professor that was actually in the marketing Dept. at Coke when new coke came out.
All market testing preferred the taste of new Coke. Sone how once it hit shelves people didn't like it. Didn't like change.
Cost them a bunch of money.
That may be true but Sup Forums doesn't march in the streets to riot under a guise of peace and tolerance. BLM claims to be healing racial inequalities in American society yet all they're doing is preaching a bunch of anti cop and anti white vomit all over mainstream media.
The point is that Pepsi created an ad that portrayed what those groups claim they want and yet they spurg out because they want something different. What they got and what they want aren't the same, and that's what the big irony is. That has nothing to do with Sup Forums being anti race mixing.
Millions of dollars and months of planning and work went into this commercial and nowhere along the way did anyone in the marketing department realize what a stupid fucking idea it was. Hundreds of people showed up to work every day and spent hours working on this and they didn't change their direction they just kept going until it was done. Bravo pepsi.
>Corporate sponsored commies
Coca-Cola death squads now!
>ayo we gave dem cracka as po-leese dat wadduh and they still tryna stop me from robbin' the bodega das messd up
New Coke is a case study now. Pepsi was killing Coke with actual taste tests so Coke created a formula that was closer to Pepsi.
The problem was that Coke's brand and taste are strongly tied to nostalgia and the new flavor destroyed that. Why would I buy a Pepsi knockoff when I could just buy Pepsi?
Wtf I want to Join The Conversation now.
they won
>tfw white people stop exist in the whole fucking world
Original ad was better desu senpai
>the symbolism of going from blonde to brunette
fucking jews
I watched a truck comercial about farmers and it wasnt till the very last 3 secs that i saw one fucking truck.
>coca cola death squads
I don't think Sup Forums it's ready for that pill yet.
I liked this one better by the way.
Maybe you should have handed out pepsi instead of water you dumb nigger
Clearly they arent handing out Pepsi.
Thats obviously why it didnt work
farmers drive trucks. it was an appreciation/thank you ad
Can someone explain why did it cause so much backlash?
Don't get me wrong, it's cancerous but I fail to see why's so much worse than any other stuff in western TV.
whats with all the black people on youtube ?
wtf i love white males now
are white guys /ourguys/?
isnt that the set from a micheal jackson vid?
Ugh. SNL really sucks this bad?
best world cup
> man playing cello with an electric guitar playing over it
> Kendall Jenner bravely notices the mass protest behind her
> While walking through the crowd everyone pays attention to her as she passes people of every ethnicity, orientation and religion
> she hands the police officer a esi, solving the problem
>pentax mudslime
Sorry Kek, not till everything burns down to the ground and internationalists commies laying with slit throats in the streets, judged by those they try to rob for a pipe dream of peace around the world and an SUV a house, a secure pension...
wtf I love Pepsi now
It's like Sup Forums has forgotten that fornthr last 2 Superbowls in a row coke has done cucked 'diversity is our strength' ads where pajeets, pacos and muhammads song the national anthem in a dozen different languages.
Soda companies are not your friend.
> Letting a commercial dictate what you buy
> Not an idiot
Pick one.
>late stage civilization
compared to what? you don't even know how far civilizations can develop. for all we know we're an early stage civilization.
I work for Pepsi, gunna be nice and slow now lol
Let me guess...
The baboon's a cashier.
>hot wheels
you know your audience well
>implying they can get real jobs
It's free
If you had any self-respect you wouldn't be drinking liquid fat regardless of their shitty, pandering ads.
Pepsi does taste better. Too bad Dr. Pepper is the GOAT soda
It's liquid sugar, which is worse than that.
Could this be considered nu-Pepsi?
> 17K Dislikes
they're mad about everything
All soda is degenerate poison.
Don't drink this shit. (Unless you mix with whiskey)
For real, what american culture references am I missing here because I don't understand why literally everyone is getting mad over a dumb advert.
Genuinely curious here, I want to get angry too, I don't mean this in a "I'm a proud centrist and above this outrage culture look at horseshoe theory" way.
They had actually already switched to corn syrup several months earlier