Tfw Trump's going to go to war for Israel and attack Syria just like Hillary was going to
Tfw Trump's going to go to war for Israel and attack Syria just like Hillary was going to
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Let them gas eachother, they would of used it on me(or you) if they weren't busy killing each other.
No he is going to destroy the rebels. They are the ones who did the gas attacks.
Reported Russian using US proxy to the NSA
In before mass Kremlin's bot chimpout
Assad will go
lol no he won't he will either put his money where his mouth is and attack Syria or talk shit about Assad on orders from Israel Saudi Arabia and the neo-con party like all the rest of the cucks and the MSM before him so much for muh swamp
This will all blow over
US active action against Assad means world war 3.
I have no respect for my people that choose to die for Israel
Why do you want Assad removed? How does it benefit you personally fucking up that country further after hundreds of thousands already died for no reason? Because Assad is a diktatur? Because of muh Putin?
Im really glad this is happening
We havent had a good happening in years
Stop warmongering
Putin will do nothing
Assad must be destroyed so the war can stop
Fuck off frog, fix your own shitty country first.
As if we have any reason to do anything in Syria besides bombing the occasional General Abdul Al-Goatfucker from Iran or intercepting a weapons shipment to Hezbollah.
Sandniggers killing sandniggers is best.
No more terrorists sent to Europe?
Putin is supporting that frozen conflict so he can use refugees as a weapon against Europe
Putin is not fighting the rebels or the terrorists, he is creating terror
Our Commander-in-Chief knows what he's doing.
>What is greater israel
You lying warmongering kike
An infeasible fantasy since there's too much kebab for us to handle.
Remember the WW3 happening threads during the election?
>A vote for Hillary is a vote for war with Russia!
>Let's design ads for female recruitment for the upcoming war with Russia under Hillary logos!
>Fuck the US I'm not dying for Israel! Trump better win!
I bet you feel pretty stupid now
Its not fair! We were so close to a secular and peaceful syria
Good goyim, keep sucking the kike-schlong.
Man you burgers are pathetic, i hope Russia nuke's you into oblivion
>peaceful sandniggers
>posted from my cuckshed
tfw CIA was prob behind the idlib gas meme.
Hello, please get of the computer and go read as many books as you can to raise your IQ at least 10 points higher
This just goes along to prove that US foreign policy stays the same regardless who's the president.
yeah, when Syria is in hands of jihadists who are already splintered in dozens of factions, it will totally be a stable country
you're either Islamist, Ukrainian or just retarded
Nah. What probably happened was that Syrian/Russian air force bombed a rebel warehouse that had gas in it
>wanting to go to war for israel
>calls others a shill
retarded leaf
The Kremlin is intentionally mixing terrorists and refugees
The Kremlin instructs some migrants to rape as many women they can to ceate fear in populations
She was the same, but also wanted to ratchet up shit in Ukraine.
And was guranteed to do ZioJewry's bidding in Syria
Even so, thus is indeed a disappointment.
But Addleson and Kushner and this unmasked Jew at at top intel position were clues.
Trump is to fulfill the Oded Yinon plan
A Second Revolution against the ZOG it may have to be
That's the most reasonable explanation. I agree. Although there's countless reasons why the CIA would love to see this happen. Also Mossad. Never forget Mossad.
>Assad must be stopped so the globalists takeover of the Middle East can be complete
>Mossad using gas
But the refugee crisis started before Muh Putin intervened in Syria
Lol, yeah! Let's let the guy committing the most amount of terror, killing the most amount of people, and creating the huge refugee waves towards Europe stay in power!
maybe not this^ but Lebensraum and the Oded Yinon plan
>Tfw Trump's going to go to war for Israel and attack Syria just like Hillary was going to
This ultimately proves the limitations of power of one man against a shadow government and the state security apparatuse, which pursues its own policies broadly, regardless of who is in office or what they promised in the election.
It appears Trump was reigned in around February. He is now a cuckservative president.
Lads, it seems the next stop is a violent revolution to dismantle this rotten system.
>calling people who defend syria shills
you're a fucking idiot. it's mind blowing how many people on Sup Forums can be dumb enough to either believe assad is evil or not care about syria in general
his father was ELECTED and ran the country without intervention. assad was also ELECTED and the US wants to intervene for (((ethical))) reasons. you are literally legit scum if you're this uninformed about syria.
they'll put the kurds in power and turn syria into a commie shithole
If he really goes against Assad it will be undeniable that he is a tool of the globalists. Don't think he will, but still.
do you have any proof of it?
Nikki Haley said something key today at the UN that almost everyone is ignoring.
It was along the lines of, "If Russia claims to have such influence in Syria, they need to show it".
To any rational and sane individual it is completely reasonable and clear for Trump and his administration to outright condemn any chemical attack immediately.
Of course Trump isn't going to fucking go to war with Syria (Shillary absolutely would have no doubt).
Haley left an out for this whole situation buried in her UN speech.
Putin will come out in about a week and announce it has been working closely with Assad, as well as the US government, to produce productive conflict resolution talks.
Why does no one care that in one sentence Haley alluded to what was going to happen.
This will be resolved diplomatically, all the talk now is grandstanding to appease everyone going "muh gassed Syrians".
No one is fucking going to WWIII over this.
What has Israel actually ever done to benefit the average American's life that Americans will send millions of soldiers to die to protect the jews' desert shithole?
Most of the Sarin would have vaporized in a strike. Also, we would have seen fires from flammable organic chemicals a Sarin lab would contain. My guess is that some SAA commander who hates Khan Whateverthefuck, a former JAA stronghold, decide to fuck with the people who lived there.
REDDlT, not legit
he's not a frog he's some wahhabi Alger
also never forget kurds are shit
Yeah, Trump is a cunt. He already blamed the Syrian gas attack on Obama because he was too weak on taking chemical weapons away from Assad. He manages to blame two wrong guys at once.
No it means Russia getting BTFO in Syria because they can't fight the war in same way.
>committing the most amount of terror
in Syria, and that's debatable
>killing the most amount of people
that doesn't mean anything really, except that he's winning
>creating the huge refugee waves
did Assad start the Syrian conflict?
who do you think is funding several of rebel factions in Syria?
literally your allies, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, plus Turkey
HALF of that dungpile are evangelists who would gladly die for israel
how could such an awesome country be such cancer
But... but... I thought Trump was our guy.
Reminder that because of Trump you're all going to be enlisted to die for ZOG. I hope you're happy.
t.kike shilling for israel
go fuck yourself
You stupid nigger did you not see what happened to Iraq or Libya?
What Assad does to his people is not our fucking problem.
Congratulations, that was by far the stupidest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums.
can we just fucking wipe off the jews once and for all
The middle East would be way better off if we turned Iraq Syria and turkey into Kurdistan and gave Lebanon and Jordan to Israel
Russia would cease to exist if they dont use nukes if ww3 starts
He already blamed it on Assad. Though it is clearly from the rebels. It's their MO.
you realize that Assad is the only one who can possibly reunite Syria, right? he controls almost all of the major cities and the majority of the population. stop being such an idealistic fucktard.
Yeah except when his barrel bombs force people out of their shithole villages into a dingy headed towards Europe.
RU is not the country there who is uninvited. Not warmongering.
Who is this even?
You do know that RU have boots on the ground + naval/air bases in Latakia and Tartus?
kill yourself ovendodger
t.zionist shill
No shit. Yanks will always be Yanks
that's not an argument, you didn't attack any of my points, and this is an anonymous board, you have no authority to rely on here, so you just look like an idiotic shill by going that way
it trump goes neocon jew puppet, its over.
Attention fucking Shills:
>Drumpf BTFO look how stupid his tie looks, Steve Bannon is his daddy, blah blah blah
is one thing.
But you are literally playing with fucking fire on this one. You fucking deserve to die for shilling this Syria shit. Thousands of innocent people will be killed if you succeed here.
You are literal fucking pieces of shit for this. And you should fucking kill yourself right now. You do not deserve to live if you keep pushing this narrative.
Except the Kurds will literally not let him re-unite Syria.
>fund "freedom fighters" and "moderate" beheaders in syria to start a civil war
>syrian govt bombs them to dust
>a-assad is bombing people and creating refugees, he must be stopped!
Fucking burgers
I regret voting for him. Neocons and Jews have taken over his admin
I'm never going to vote again
>Erdogan a "freedom fighter"
>shills are now trying to say Assad is sending refugees to Europe
top fucking kek, the only refugees going to Europe are sunni wahhabis, salafis, most of which are not even Syrian, stupid ,retarded shills.
>trump was a Jew shill the whole time
Top kek. You're so retarded pol just kys all of you.
t. kike shilling for israel
you're a moron, bud
yeah lets overthrow an elected leader who has nearly wiped ISIS out of syria with the sole help of a supposed bankrupt russian economy. after, lets intervene to settle the inevitable wars once kurds have their shitty country and want iraq/turkey
fuck you kike
>Tfw knew deep down Zlompf was a Zionist puppet like the rest
>Tfw got conned
Fuck were we supposed to vote for El Rato?
>Bannon leaves
>Trump jumps on the Saudi dick
really made me think
Every smart country understands this. It was very telling when the Russian Navy kept sending spy ships to the US east coast after the inauguration, despite the president's apparently peaceful overtures towards Russia during the campaign.
US foreign policy is bigger than Trump. Even if he did oppose war and it wasn't all just an act, it would still be impossible for one man to keep his opinion steady when surrounded by hundreds of generals, advisors, and diplomats all telling him the same thing.
so what are the Kurds gonna do? declare independence? Turkey would NEVER allow it. and the kurds could never hope to topple Assad militarily. if they were going to fight against the SAA, they would've done it back in 2012 or 2013 when things looked shittier for Assad.
you should vote, but this time you should use your fucking brain instead of relying on cringy memes
Are you claiming that this organization convinced Trump to service a Neo-Con agenda in the Middle East?
Good goy.
when will leafs rake themselves for good?
So Trump adopts the same position as Obama, Hollande, Merkel and David Cameron and you're a shill by pointing out he's a zionist cuck
Let's just give all of Turkey to the Kurds.
>go to war to stop warmongering
Doesn't sound like a very consistent line of thought.
>What is autonomous region.
See: KRG aka Turkey's best friend in the region.
it would be possible if that one man had some competence
Trump doesn't
He's a shill. It's their new tactic to attack other claiming they are shills.
That's not feasible though.
Fuck off back to the_faggot! Sup Forums was pro-Assad long before they were pro-Trump and his stance on the middle east, not wanting to overthrow Assad was one of the big reasons we liked him. So fuck off with your SHILL SHILL SHILL screeching and plunge a rake up your anus retard.
We don't have direct confirmation that he has flipped on Assad yet. So it's too early to say at this point. I'm not super optimistic right now, but you gotta hold onto something desu.