Which is worse?
Atheism or Islam
Tough question. They actually act quite similarly.
No, they don't. Islam is infinitely worse.
Atheism. They promote every kind of degeneracy, they actually promote and support islam too. Atheists needs to be executed first, then muslims..
atheists bring muslims into christian countries
Cult of Kek
Islam is objectively much worse
but Atheism serves as a catalyst for Islam. Christianity is a natural bulwark against Islam but there are so many prominent atheists who stick up for Islam and pretend that it's "no worse than Christianity" - essentially shitting on their cultural forebears just so they can virtue signal to a bunch of shitskin 3rd worlders.
I'm an atheist but I prefer to live among Christians because I know they won't let their country turn into a Muslim stronghold
by far atheists. Islam is shit because it was created by shitkins and is arabocentric but if mohammad was a blonde pedophile goat fucker from scandinavia ,swedistan and zhermanistan would be anto-immigration and more white
Or is the REAL enemy the neo pagan shills that will autistically screech about Christianity being anti European?
No one cares. Only retards that have no value in life fixate over religion.
No because the neo pagans, unlike the atheists, would actually fight the muslim hordes
christianity is better than atheism but detroyed rome and brought kike logic. Neo paganism is shittoo because much of it is new age fake
Communism or Beheadings
Wew Op great choices
They're both equally leftist, and leftists are infinitely bad. So they're the same.
At least atheists don't fly planes into buildings.
You should take a trip to Saudi Arabia, then to the Vatican. Guess which area makes you more likely to die.
Why does it matter? I don't like either of them.
Islam has nearly dominated every country in Europe.
thank you.
>Le atheism is bad Because I associate cult of personality leftists jerkoffs with atheism even though they aren't even close to being the same
I would prefer Muslims to religicucks like you any day Jew lover
We can kill and expel muzzies, but atheism's destructive influences are harder to deal with.
Islam is bad but always kill a traitor before an enemy.
>hey lets slide Sup Forums with effortless pointless topics
Im an atheist and certainly not a leftist.
I get absolutely no link between capitalistic tendencies involving free trade, relaxing of regulations and small government WITH a jews magical sky fairy. None at all.
>the atheist representative is some fucking tranny
Cool meme Ahmed.
Remember when Athiest were just normal people who didn't feel the need to argue against religion, and Muslims just kept to themselves and didn't blow each other up?
>white people are so weak willed they need religion to not self destruct, keep following my sand nigger jew religion that preaches turning the other cheek and accepting your enemy
yes good goyim
Christianity is a fucking neutered religion. Buddhists are the only ones who have a backbone any more.
Check out that based (((atheist))) in a Trump hat. Fuckin' based.
Atheism is a religion now. Too many evangelical atheists out there now.
Atheist are nothing more than pseudo-intellectual chads, real atheists dont give a fuck about other peoples philosophies or way of life other than out of interest and they dont go around proclaiming "I AM ATHEIST", I hate the association with atheists so much I'd rather just lie and say I'm agnostic but not religious, people seem to respect it more also instead of a blunt fuck you, you are wrong, your views on unanswerable questions are shit and a waste of time
Atheism. It is the abomination that needs to be exterminated. No matter how many people islam kills, it will never destroy a society like atheism does.
>Says the faggot who believes life and humanity is nothing.
You're a walking talking contradiction.
>a religion that literally blows shit up and rapes people by the millions
>a religion that's really annoying
Figures that Sup Forums would pick the small fish. You're a bunch of pussies.
You do know, pussy, that bolshevism is atheism.
Behead those who insult atheism.
Islam wouldn't even be a problem in the West if muslims stay in their shitholes and killed eachother there.
Athists are the ones who bring muslims here and actually promote islam.
So yes, islam is far worse, but atheism leads to islam
>inb4 I'm athist and hate muslims
I know, I'm generalizing
How do you kill the LACK of belief?
Islam is like the common cold. With a strong host and treated properly it can be defeated easily.
Atheism is like AIDS. It makes you more susceptible to illnesses because your body stops fighting them because it doesn't see it as an attack.
Atheism in this context is the result of Bolshevism, not the other way around.
This new atheist wave yes the but william luther piece?
>If you don't pray to no-one 16 times a day we'll kill your entire family.
Atheism is basically HIV. Although they arent as bad as the disease that kills you, it would be impossible for the infection to take root without it
Dr. Pierce was never fixating on religion.
It's ok to be an atheist as long it;s not your main talking point.
Dude I freaking KEKed at this post.
The militant atheist is just as bad as the islamist. But lately, and refreshing as it is, a lot of atheists are becoming right wing and are dropping the leftist bullshit even though Atheism is the state religion of communism.
If you say anything other than Islam then you're either a shill or a muzzie.
Atheism is the petri dish that allows Islam to flourish. Remove the head and the body will wither and die.
Shut your whore mouth you Gipsy cunt.
Like how it was first handled before it became socially acceptable. Outlawed and warranting execution.
So people unironically think that atheism is worse than islam? There is no hope, you people are actually retarded.
Islam holds the belief that infidels and degenerates should be punished and purged. Atheism holds no such belief.
I don't see how anyone could say Atheism is worse when an atheist won't remove your head from your shoulders for insulting his sandnigger childfucking prophet.
That sounds exactly like Islam to me.
How about bring back and encourage polytheistic paganism?
That would solve most problems without resorting to barbarism.
atheism is what bring islam into your country
Militant "New" Atheists are just as bad and would love to exterminate Christianity over any religion and constantly defend Muslims and seem to love marxism. The Richard Dawkins butthurt child arguments are a serious problem. Your type would destroy society and we have you to thank for the rampant destruction of the family and sexual perversions.
But what I call the NEW NEW Atheists are chill, calm, don't think old ladies in church are evil, and generally see the good that religious people an do for society and do not complain. Many of them, most are also right wing and conservative and American patriots.
Muslims blow us up, atheists just act irritating and say edgy shit
>currently residing in a muslim-majority country.
They're worse because they destroy your immune system.
So "militant" fedora tippers are JUST AS BAD as people who blow people up in the name of their goat fucker religion?
Really sparks the ol' synapses user.
I'm also not sure why Sup Forums blames atheism for degeneracy, when it's Jews that have been pushing that shit since the beginning. At best atheists are useful idiots - not the ones orchestrating that stuff.
islam is far worse. Islam and Christianity are the worst.
Wait whats happening, im an atheist and i didnt know atheists support islam? How does that work?
Atheists promoting mass immigration of muslims? What? Can someone explain to me when did this happen?
christianity doesn't do shit to keep islam out. they couldn't hold turkey or any middle eastern country
I've never seen a large group of atheists that defend muslims. You seem to not understand atheism.
Most atheists see all religions the same, full of shit nonsense.
Hmm.. I would go with Islam
Islam calls for people of the book (Jews and Christians), which includes me, to either convert to Islam, if not then pay money, if not that then be killed.
Atheism on the other hand, could range from me getting killed to me getting beer, the problem with Atheism isn't that someone doesn't believe in God, but rather that they could end up believing in anything.
So yeah, Islam is definitely the bigger danger. Affects everyone negatively, including Muslim women themselves. It even says in the Hadith that women are treated like cattle by Muslims.
it's just christcucks making up shit. where i live, it's the rage for christcucks to import muslims whereas atheists aren't
All religions are garbage.
You will all see the how the chinese will take over the planet in our life times .
They are atheists and they will use it to change their genome. Make themselves faster, taller, stronger and more intelligent than any race in history.
Just wait and see.
>Atheism is the state religion of communism
No it's not. We simply don't believe in your stupid sky fairy desert book, I pity religocucks. Very low intelligence.
Atheism is the reason on why we have Muslims, Faggots and Marxist in our countries.
>reminder that Christians voted for Trump and Atheism for Hillary
Atheism. They are the ones bringing in the shitskins
muzzies and christcucks should be castrated.
only reason china is taking over.
how the fuck are they bringing them? where I live, it's christcucks importing them
I converted too Islam and any slander won't work on me today because I am at peace. I see your argument for the middle eastern interjection and the value of oil for progressing modern society that may have helped us along the line with innovation in most modern fields.
You have to admit that it stinks what is happening at the moment we choose to use extremist ideals to get our message through as it was our last resort we have will power you are a super power it should be time to bring peace rather than causing vitriol and divide on Sup Forums you are no better than a murderer from either side that propetuates global issues that will cause yourself personally problems down the line. If you are against Islam create a youtube video encouraging our brothers to lay down their arms and we might learn from this and find other means for protecting millions of lives from Genocide.
Not joking at all. Every single atheist should be strung up and have their entrails fired thru canons.
As an atheist *tips fedora* I find this question really easy to answer.
im suprised by ur definition of atheism and that you bring it into relation with communism.
Why dont bring it in relation with science, evolution and reality?
Red pill anyone?
Whatever, i live in a society with an upcoming radicalisation of the Islam. The christian-churches are one of the biggest players on the refugee market and fights for more rights for islamic people - only to get more relevance on their own side.
The fact that many of the leftists pushing for open borders and degeneracy are (((atheists))) means that lack of religious belief is inherently connected with leftism, or something.
They are atheist because they are forced to be you retard. And they are predicted to have the highest number of Christians in the future. The former USSR countries also became religions after communism fell. People only became atheist when they are forced or are apathetic retards
As Corneliu Zelea Codreanu said
Atheism is fine as long as you do not try to push it on others.
Muslims are the same way dont kill us and dont push your religion on us and you should be fine
It is easy to trigger atheists and see they have no intelligent rebuttal. Using the same dumb insults over and over.
It was great to see Richard Dawkins tweet out anti-islam shit the other day though
nope, Czech Republic is still atheist and China has always been atheist. Christianity can't hold China back
Massive immigration and m-muh tolerance were ideals created by progressive liberals who destroy Christendom and the Church was forced to adopt their point of view to be alive.
>call Christians cuck
>Christians are the most Conservative worldwide in general
>Atheist are the most leftist worldwide in general
All real stats m8, deal with it.
China is one the shittiest states in the world that chinks go to Africa
China cant even keep a grip on their deflation. They arent taking over anything. China will become Cuba in our life times maybe
Islam is shit because it's born from an inferior culture.
Atheism is shit because it promotes degeneracy, but implicates a wider reaching mode of societal decay.
Islam is worse, Atheism is more degenerate / shameful.
>intelligent rebuttal
I'm past the phase of debating grown adults who believe stories and myths written in a book 2000 years ago, but no sure, yeah you're the intelligent one :DD
I actually feel bad for people who are religious, it really isn't their choice. You were brainwashed from birth and had no say in the matter
Islam is worse by a long shot.
Moderate Atheists:
>don't share Christian beliefs but respect them and share most Christian values.
>deplore acts of terrorism.
Moderate Muslims:
>don't share Christian beliefs or values and don't respect either.
>want you to live under Sharia law whether you're Muslim or not.
>support terrorists.
>fuck goats.
Extreme Atheists:
>call perfectly nice people "sheeple" on the internet.
>naively support policies that enable Islam, but mean well.
>wear fedoras.
Extreme Muslims:
>kill people.
>fuck children.
How is this even worth asking?
I mean if most of atheists are leftists then i suppose you could find some sort of a link, seeing as right wing is usually considered the religious half of the political dichotomy in america and i guess most atheists are going " fuck religion mayn and everything thats connected to it." I suppose stating that i oppose mass immigration of muslims and am in general right leaning on most, but not all positions, doesnt really mean anything when so many of them are full blown leftist imbeciles.
The reason so called Christian churche are part of the liberal leftist problem are because they became cuckholds and allowe atheist philosophies and postmodernism take oer their church.
In reality the world is drifting towards post modern mysticism and occult practices. Even atheists. The Christian churches and Catholicism are bringing it in and wanting to prepare the world for an antichrist world religion that everybody can like.
But genuine evangelical Christians who are not cucks are not for immigration of islam. They helped vote Trump in. Only the cucks voted for Hillary.
Athiests think non-atheists are deluded
Muslims want every non-muslim dead
>progressive liberals
You mean Jews?
God it's embarrassing how bluepilled you cucks still are, likes have you blaming everything on atheists while they're the ones with the actual power
Whine about christians while sipping coffee before going to work.
Blow themselves up to kill anyone who isn't a muslim or muslim "enough" for their liking.
You can dislike them both but they are not at all similar.
Yes, because atheists totally go around bombing and raping people for drawing a picture of Richards Dawkins. Are you retarded?