It's obvious. Assad has no need or reason to gas his own people.
The gas attack was either CIA or ISIS/towelheads
posting girls on Sup Forums should be bannable.
start thinking like a white man, not a nigger.
They bombed a munitions dump couldn't it be the chemical weapons the rebels had going off from getting bombed? Where did they get the ones they used before?
who is this girl
Running around with you. TELL ME.
remember the Britam PMC false flag from 2013
This is what theyre saying.
Id also like to point out the BBC sent out a breaking news bulletin saying Assad had bombed the hospital the victims of the chemical attack were being treated at but there was no news report on it. No follow up. No one else reported it.
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're
Acting like someone else makes me frustrated,
I agree and feel the same way about Saddam Hussein. No, wait; I don't. I don't try to consider the actions of immoral arabs through the standardized lens of American Christian values.
Great, now this will be my earworm for the next 5 hours.
That's one of the MSM's favorite strategies. Keep pumping out unproven, speculative "news" and through sheer volume people will come to believe it.
how do we know it even happened? theyve been fabricating atrocities for years now.
you thought we were staying out of Syria, Drumpfkins?
Good thing I still have a friend or two among the moderate rebels
Get ready for your draft notice
Add Soros to that mix.
Cia are a bunch of faggots who like killing children. Seems to checkout.
(((coral sharon)))
the whole thing is bogus. there never was a gas attack
I wanna join the military (specifically Army) so bad but I can't get past MEPS.
If I'm conscripted or during wartime, can I enlist despite my actually severe color blindness?
It really is annoying
Fuck me she's pretty.
I'm stuck in MEPS too for now because of a ticket. Just have to pay it on the court date then I'm clear to finish the process
is this what you rather see on an "image board"?
First Post Fag Post
And Assad is the dictator the region needs. He actually needs to look more militant, like an olive drab pantsuit or something.
The culprits are the sames as the last so-called gas attack in Syria. It is Obama and his cronies doing it all over a pipeline. They are willing to kill kids to have the energy monopoly and squeeze Russia financially.
The chemical weapons came from Libya with the help of Clinton and Obama.
>I don't like the picture you posted so I'm going to respond to the picture instead of the text
Anyone have info on the last time (((they)))tried this shit? Wasn't it proven that the last chemical attack came from rebel territory?
Any info is appreciated
>mainstream news reports on events that they will not verify by putting reporters on the ground
>rely on second hand sources
Pretty sure its only certain jobs that disallow color blindness.
typically it's the good guys that cause the most problems but bad guy gets the blame.
Oh ho ho, what have we here.
why cant it be like the 1830s anymore where I can just challenge this piece of shit to a duel and kill this warhawk scumbag
>implying McCain would ever accept a duel
he would simply ask his admiral dad to take you out
>tfw Tomahawk'd