Why do you hate Canada, Canadians?
FYI Canadians are superior to American scum filth.
Why do you hate Canada, Canadians?
FYI Canadians are superior to American scum filth.
in fact ill open this up to anybody around the world except the yankee doodle dandy fags
canadians are objectively a stupid as fuck people, there are very few canadians that even count as people
>fentanyl has already killed over 100 junkies in Vancouver this year
All the fucking normies in Canada are fucking lib-tards or exist only to get stoned out of their minds.
Canada is shit.
Nice dude.
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I hate Canadians because they are letting themselves get colonized by China.
They are complete cucks.
Cause they're jenky fucked up do-nothing inbred white trash Mick/Scott retards who accomplished nothing but stealing from America and then shit talk it.
Have some crappy OC
Bad food, worse weather, rude, ugly fucked up white trash country
Fake and forced politeness. I'd rather someone who thinks I'm a dick call me it instead acting like a passive aggressive women
A fucking Leaf
>canada is superior
>we could literally conquer them in under 2 years if we wished
40 minutes away, they got a Pioneer village and across the lake is America.
My mom and aunts use to take us to pioneer village to learn about olden canada, like grand dad days.
I would always wave at America and thought it was the coolest thing ever to see America "in person" and not on TV
Only 40 minutes away............
I could be American................
>2 years
more like 2 days fampai
I'd bang both on the left side
no homo
Do it.
>no homo
what did xir mean by this
yeah that worked out well b4
Wanna goof around sometime
but i don't hate Canada.
there's exceptions, but most canadians i've met are nice ppl
I honestly never hated Canada before coming to this lovely cesspool of the internet. Canadians were just slightly strange, overly polite people cursed to live in an inhospitable wasteland in the frozen north. In fact the only things that really made them distinguishable from real Americans were that they were about a decade behind on current trends, and that they were the only ones going swimming at the beach when the water hadn't quite warmed up enough for human enjoyment. They were always polite, if a bit awkward, and decent enough people.
Then I visited pol, and I found the secret, jealous, loathing residing in the frozen chunks of black ice that are Candadian hearts. Their irrational hatred of America is only eclipsed by the muslims living in Germany that post on pol.
Pictured. Canadian in downtown Toronto.
Does this still make you mad?
i dont hate canadians. a shame almost none of them are left.
Good, it's showing up in Ottawa too, clear those junkies out.
What do you guys think about Montreal? I went there a couple times and it seemed nice.
I don't hate Canada, I just hate the non whites who keep coming here and the government why lets them in.