/fag/ - François Asselineau General - Memetic warfare edition

>Literally who
Asselineau is candidate at the french presidential election. Fonder of the first party chronologically promoting Frexit as well as Brexit fb.com/leaveeuofficial/videos/974193536012221/ (330K views) while Marine never got involved into it and stayed silent until now (~ populism).

FN is a controlled Orwellian opposition created and financed by the medias to maintain the hatred towards Nationalism. If they were truly against the banks they would have won 28 years ago but instead lured anti-zionist opposition to unnecessary ethno-hatred. Exactly how we switched from Capitalism to Communism.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Marine's program never mention anything about leaving EU by article 50 but "Europe of Nations" reforme which is pure hypocrisy considering unanimity of all members is required for the slightest change

>More proofs FN doesn't want to leave EU

>Schulz himself saying EU is irreformable

>Marine's companion also vice-president of Front National is Jewish

>As much as Islam is threatening our cultural identity, both racist and anti-racist propaganda are coordinated by Jews (see hollywood nazi). Muslims countries have the atomic bomb (Iran) while Daesh is financed with a huge amount of money (> $2260 Billions)

>BEWARE: Israel is factually paving the way to World War 3

>FN wants to ally with Israel to fight "the only true enemy", Islam

>Donad Trump doesn't know her

>30% of French people are immigrants thus FN winning the second round is very unlikely. The medias still need her to make their puppet win.

>Asselineau knows how to speak Japanese and wants more anime on french TV! :3

>Asselineau explains how FN neutralized bank's opposition

>He also is the only one opposing MSM brainwashing

Are you paid in shekels or in euros ?

memes for france



I'm paid 0.01 shekels per post.

Le Penis a trap baka desu senpai

Marine Le Pen
hmm really makes you think

>hey guys I'm totally not here to split the right wing vote

Not only she can't win our 2 round election but she doesn't even want to leave EU.

But w/e proofs are here. Feel free to stay delusional. :3


Do you really think you can reason with t_d, they don't know anything other what their god emperor and their shitty subreddit tels them.
If they're told that MLP will win, they believe it.
Just like with Geert, he had no chance of winning, but that didn't stop t_d into thinking he'll somehow win, and anyone disagreeing was a shill.

That sums it up perfectly. Kek has become a religion, obscuring rational thinking with hysteria. Even if OP is wrong, we can't ignore facts and have to at least discuss about it.

The video are french but basically:
-Le Pen doesn't want to leave EU
-Her chance or winning both rounds are smaller than Asselineau
-She has been financed by jewish banks and is promoted by the media to neutralize the opposition
-They want WW3 to be whites against Muslims and that's so obvious I don't even know how Sup Forums missed it (obviously zionists would be the only true winners)
-Asselineau is autistically smart and will make France great again. He is literally the best leader we could ever dream of but froggies are blind.

>Zionist newspaper giving rating to candidates

Mélenchon: 6.5/10
Macron: 5.5/10
Hamon: 5/10
Le Pen: 4/10
Fillon: 3.5/10
Asselineau: 1/10 (

>anti American in the age of Trump
Just fuck off already, go ahead and throw it to the centrist socialist with an old biddy for a wife I guess

He is playing a game of multiple spatio-temporal parrallel chess that cannot be grasped by the average human mind because the rules are only transmitted orally in nearly-lost regional languages.

Asselineau doesn't want to leave Schengen

Why is that guy's nose so fucking weird

anti-american means anti-zionists at this point. American's culture has become prevalent because of the Rothschild, not that I don't like you. :)


Schengen will be voted through a referendum, in other words immigration will be halted.

melenchon wasn't even that good and Lepen was better than last time, as for Asselineau he put some candidates on suicide watch a lot of time so 1/10 is utter bullshit
Macron of course getting the second best rating whej he was nonexistant

Lepen wants to make a referendum for frexit.
If Lepen does not want to leave the EU despite making a referendum about it then Asselineau doesn't want to leave Schengen

Don't fall for Asswhateverhisnameis
We had a "right wing" candidate with our election in the form of McMullin, just a shill trying to throw the election to the left

She said she will negotiate for years and then maybe make a referendum about it. Still the major problem I see is she simply can't win the second round. You know as much as me how many nazi shit they did and the sheeples will be too cucked to handle it. Why do you think the medias are shilling her right now?

It will be as pathetic as in 2002, 20% first round then 22% second. Literally a controlled opposition.

>shilling for Asselineau on Sup Forums

They are truly desperated.

Not an argument.

Is this candidate new? I've been following your election to a degree and I still hadn't heard of him until now

He is completely censored but his party has been created 10 years ago.

I read a little bit on him and he sounds like a borderline autist fringe guy like our constitution party

No she didn't, she said she'll make the referendum but will wait after the spznish and italian election (or something) before she starts negociating

It's the first time he makes it to the presidential election but he has been working in pretty high spheres of the administration for two decades.
As for being discussed on Sup Forums, there had been marginal mentions of him since his candidature had been confirmed but since his big public appearence was in yesterday's debate, I guess more discussion was to be expected.
He, much like the other 5 "small candidates" are being ignored by the media because "they don't stand a chance" so it's okay not to report on them at all.

He is not new in politic but he is a loser.
He has even less charisma than Jeb Bush.

Yeah, so we wait 1 years, negotiate for 2 years, make a referendum that will be lost in 4 years then she leave power and we're back to the initial situation with more muslims and no more france.

He's internationally hated by the medias. He loves anime so it's true he's autistic.

Sounds exactly like the constitution party, old geezers with no ability

Congrats to Mr Asselineau for the nuke dropped on Macaroni.

"You agree with everybody"

Really says it all.

Yo yo yo Nigger master race reporting in for the meme war.



Asselineau in live:

He never really talks about immigration but he's an economical genius so no one cares.

Le Penis a trap.

The referendum comes before the negociation, she said she will organize it in the first 6 months and that she would leave if the referendum fail


>Hit play
>3 seconds in "article 63..."
Never change François, never change


Why are you such an autist t_d?
Why must you spam? Just because someone doesn't support the meme candidate that your friends at reddit said will win, that doesn't mean you need to shit this thread up.

That's absolutely doesn't make any sense. Don't you think it's fishy? Like, doesn't she understand how terrible EU is for france? Why negotiating for years "after" a referendum?

Sarkozy said the same and we know what happened.

To all non French here:
>reminder that Asselineau is okay with immigration
>reminder that Asselineau reactions to every islamic terrorist attack is: Muslims dindu nuffin
>reminder that Asselineau, when someone asked him why he didn't adressed islamic terrorism, telling him than more than an hundred French died because of it he answered "so what?"
>so what

You are forced to negotiate after the article 50 anyway, I don't see your point

>reminder that 100 bataclans death are nothing compared to 30 suicides everyday
>reminder that terrorism is a tool for propaganda and you fell for it like the edgy kid you are
>reminder that immigration will be voted through a referendum so it will be stopped anyway
>so what

What are you even talking about user? Article 50 => we leave EU.

If Asselineau was American, this kind of thread would be almost banned.
Asselineau is the kind of cuck supporting the Frexit in order to create a Francafrique union.
He never talks about immigration because he has no problem with it.

"France becoming a Muslim mullato country? Who cares?"

Reminder that you are a fucking shitskin shitposting.

Bouffe ton pain blanc sale métèque.

No, when you trigger article 50 follows a period of negociation, you leave once you get an agreement
Listen to fucking asselineau

Still better that france being a jewish/russian colony, but thanks for your efforts and free win for Macron!

The jews redirected your hatred towards immigrants and were really successful about it. The fact Asselineau doesn't care about immigrants is just because leaving EU comes first.

>you are a fucking shitskin shitposting

Those are not exactly negotiations. Le Pen will do nothing so much thanks.

>the EU comes first
Va voir les maternités et les garderies pauvre puceau, c'est remplis d'allogènes.
Ton Frexit, ca sera juste le Frankistan indépendant.

Why do you even support Commiegirl?

MLP is not her father.

>muh ad hominem
Merci d'avoir fait élire Macron user, Le Pen va perdre aussi lamentablement que Geert. Sachant qu'elle n'a rien prévu de faire contre les banques et les médias, mais veux juste une guerre civile je ne vois pas l’intérêt de voter pour elle.


Because she's the only racist candidate in the election and Sup Forums will accept anything for it. Although giving leadership to a retarded woman is a bad idea but w/e.


Only leftist subhumans believe this lie.

On a deja une guerre civile de prévu avec les immigrationnistes comme Macron et Asselineau.
Les attentats et les émeutes ne sont que le début.

He does talk about immigration. He said the "grand remplacement" (french ethnic groups being replaced by niggers and shitskins) is a conspiracy theory by racists.

Hmm.. Oh look, the exact thing that people did to Geert, now to Le Pen.

Almost like... almost like those who called divide and conquer shills were right all along.

>this from the guy who literally sees the CIA everywhere

I hate this fag pig.

France is weeaboo.
Kek must help them.

>Still better than france being a jewish/russian colony

You'd seriously have no problem with losing french essence and identity? French ethnies? You can't honestly despise your country so much

Je l'ai déjà dit, Asselineau compte faire un référendum sur l'immigration et vu qu'on aura déjà quitte l'UE cela pourra être stoppé rapidement.

C'est effectivement de la propagande. mais bon, vas voter pour celle qui va servir de tremplin à Macron au deuxième tour. :)

Asselineau knows how to speak japanese. Why isn't Sup Forums shilling for him?

Nope, it's not propaganda. Sickle cell disease screening is a thing. If you want sources on how it's done and the numbers, feel free to ask. But there are something like 35% of non whites among newborns in metropolitan France. That is a lot. 77% in Ile de France. That is genocide.

>de la propagande

Bien sûr, bien sûr

Il a dit que le grand remplacement était une "théorie conspirationniste d'extrême droite". C'est un traître, c'est tout.


maybe it's a troll thread... I mean the /fag/ name looks pretty gay.



It's right here (). I'm aware about it but I still think that fighting the banks come first. Think of racist and marxist propaganda equivalent to communist and capitalist ideology. Same origin, same goal. It's the same trap every 60 years.


Il ne veut pas diviser le peuple, c'est tout. Autant que ça te déplaise, s'allier avec les "arabes" est la manière la plus efficace de gagner une bonne fois pour toute contre les banques.

D'ailleurs si on avait fait ça 28 ans plus tôt on aurait jamais eu ce problème, mais tu peux dire merci au FN pour avoir pourrit la France.


Mais on ne veut pas des arabes, de leur culture dégueulasse et de leur religion immonde, il n'ont rien à foutre ici, on a quitté leurs putains de déserts, qu'il y'aillent.

Demande aux blancs qui ont fuient les cités à cause des Arabes ce qu'ils en pensent de ton "alliance" (soumission), traitre.

Marine is nothing but National-Socialist. She is a zionist traitor disguised as a neo-nazi degenerate.

Je sais... mais on aura rien au final. Merci.


Propaganda is about distorting the truth or outright lying to further one's goal. Here, we're not lying. There is a massive demographic change within french population that will see the white ethnies in France extinct within a few decades at most. Of course the banks are the problem. There's no questioning that. But what once was an irritating symptom is now killing us. Waiting too long on stopping and then reversing the flow might mean we won't have anything left to fight for. I think he doesn't talk about it because he fears the "FN" brand. He can say he has always denounced racism. Thing is, he won't be able to win without addressing immigration.

>on aura rien

On ne demande pas la lune.

If we get the banks to fuck out of our country literally everything will be possible including creating a country from scratch for them, or space colonization.

Just think about this:
Le Pen win/lose 2nd round -> civil war -> WW3 (whites VS muslisms) -> now what? banks are still dominating and you're still dying for them like the puppets you are.

Asselineau win -> banks BTFO -> Frenchies dominate the world -> ??? -> Universe collpase

>Reminder FN is full of kikes and you shouldn't trust them just because they are racialist

Any attempt to split the alt-right vote is the most obvious case of controlled opposition.

Take it elsewhere, shill.

He's just not very well known but he should be, he's the best, calm, cultured,clever, and he truly loves France

Back to t_d with you.

>alt right

sup Françoid, how many "far-right conspiracy theories" did you denounce, today?

It's bigger than France. Removing banks from here still means there are anglo crypto kikes on the other side of the channel. On the other side of the atlantic too. Or across the Rhine (schultz is no anglo, but still). I hope civil war can be avoided, but that's not entirely dependent on us. Asshats like soros can still fund their shit if they want to, even with asselineau in power. As far as I'm concerned I don't think we need to go and kill muslims halfway around the world. Just protect our borders. Anyway, apart from his apparent absolute refusal to acknowledge our genocide I like the guy. Thing is, if he doesn't connect to FN voters by addressing their problems (he's good on economy but void on immigration) he'll never get enough of them to be elected. Apart from mélenchonnistes they're the only ones that are interested enough in politics to connect with what he's talking about. Fillon, hamon, macron and the various hard left shills all are pro europe and represent pro EU people. They're so fearful of getting out that there's no changing them. Not anytime soon at least.

Asselineau will never join FN because it's not an opposition to the banks. As mentioned before they will do nothing against them, if not losing on purpose like every times. MLP was extremely shitty at every presidential debates ever while she could simply redpill the whole country once for all. It's pretty clear for me she just wants to fuck things up like the woman she is. The single fact the is getting exposure from the medias should prove that she isn't an opposition to the system.

If we want to save france, we have to do it right. Emotional thinking will get us nowhere. I know we're getting genocided but the most straightforward solution is a trap, that's all.

Jesus you are bad at this. At least hire someone competent to shill

He should not join them. Never said that. But he should not ostracize them too much, he'll never get their votes if he does

Be nice to him, they aren't paid. He probably gave 100€ to join the party. Since they don't get bank loans they rely on volunteering

>Sup Forums will never accept this


Really, we're getting nowhere but let's just watch and see. Your Marine crash and burn, the muslims shit permanently destroy france.

"thanks Sup Forums"

I go back to Sup Forums. T__T

>Marine Le Pen is an influenced leftie woman

>Le Pen is part of the system, proof

Don't forget that her vice is a fag aswell
And, can you tell me more about Asselineau, i knew about these shady things about Marine, and supporterd fillon(yes i know his corruption, but as a person with connections in our gov, i can say that the usual shit is much worse)

>tfw there are variations of your memes posted about a candidate that you no longer support

What is the point in voting a lying, pseudo right winger?

This. MLP is a commie. This is almost as simple as that.

Asselineau went to ENA.


Aliot is not jewish


I'm going to vote for Asselineau he's the only one that'll get us out of the E.U.
Vive la France et vive la république !

Judaism is transmitted through the mother.