It's time to decide, lads.
This board held a pretty nice alliance between Trump supporters and Putin/Assad supporters, but now everything's changed. It's time to decide who you support.
It's time to decide, lads.
This board held a pretty nice alliance between Trump supporters and Putin/Assad supporters, but now everything's changed. It's time to decide who you support.
>implying I ever supported him
Never did support him, but fuck Assad.
KYS faggot
To the leftist livestock still here:
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /trumpgen/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /trumpgen/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
Im with trump, only because i want ww3 tho. Life is so boring, i could use something to look at
kk I´ll bite. What is Trump´s position now?
CTR/Shariablue/liberals are the third party in this, they hate both Trump and Assad/Putin equally.
We need to know now who is still for Trump and who isn't. This board may take a radical change in who it supports.
Only care about US demographics. Don't give a shit about some irrelevant sand shithole.
no he's a fucking kike
the_donald and the american redneck posters should leave Sup Forums
"quick, guys!! I need you to get pol to give us a consensus on how they feel about the syrian conflict, with this chemical attack we have a chance to trigger them and break down the board narrative!!! go team! drummppff btfo" *lets out a snorting laugh*
- a shareblue shift supervisor
>Donald Trump says he never wanted to be drawn into the Middle East but said the chemical weapons attack on Syrians, including children and babies, had "crossed many, many lines" for him. The President appeared genuinely affected by the footage of the attack he has seen and said it had already changed his mind on Assad.
Then again, its not like we need to choose someone to praise to keep the board rolling.
>being afraid of dickwaving and empty statements
You all are going to forget this by tomorrow. I do want the nukes to drop though.
I'll wait to see what he does before I come to a conclusion, shariablue
I will wait until he actually does anything to try and over though Assad. I will still support him just like him less
I still support him.
Suck my nuts libshits.
I support him 100% I always knew he wasn't an anti-war cuck.
>Vote for a Zionist
>Zionist wins
>Be surprised when a Zionist acts like a Zionist when it comes to Zionist issues.
if he goes neocon, i'll go out of my way to oppose everything he does. i'm tired of the kikery.
You didn't honestly believe that the Jew would allow the White race to vote itself freedom from it, did you?
>1 post by this ID
this kills the reddit fags the donald
You do realize anything you do doesnt matter if Trump turns?
Kikery is going to happen no matter who the president is.
If he supports a war or any other neocon shit I will be the first to burn my MAGA hat that I purchased from his official site, opened up a US PO box for, and sent to just so I could support his campaign.
Yes I still support him.
I'm more right wing than you, you filthy godless traitor.
It's the fucking neocons getting in his ear
>Kikery is going to happen no matter who the president is.
Pic very much related.
Somebody needs to make a new "from tip to tip" cartoon. From Japan/Korea/Australia to Eastern Europe/Middle East.
concern shilling aside, lets see what Trump actually does in regards to Syria and Assad. I do not believe Trump would overthrow Assad and allow ISIS to fill the vacuum and he doesn't want a massive military occupation.
>doesn't support our president through thick and thin
>has the audacity to call himself right wing
$0.000002 cuckpoints have been deposited into your shill cuck account
What a sad state of affairs that right wingers are arguing over who's more right wing
If Shariablue was smart they'd capitalize on this shilling right now and play both sides, this is probably the weakest the conservative community has been on Sup Forums in a long time
I won't start hating Trump for that.
I won't be shilling for him anymore though.
He cucked us.
too early to say where this is gonna go, but probably not
you are a libshit now, retard.
One of the key Trump positions is isolationism, interventionism was libtards position
where were you when Obammer was around?
>implying we ever supported that kike lover
Nice proxy Canada
Fuck Jewnald Drumpf.
Here's a template. Have the eagle perched on North America with it's wings spread over those locations.
>if shariablue is smart
>What a sad state of affairs that right wingers are arguing over who's more right wing
>implying sandbaggers could falter my allegiance to The God Emperor
He has forsaken God and sold the country out like a whore. Russia, Israel, corporations, it doesn't matter. He is a nepotistic bastard who will only give the left more power and legitimacy.
Okay vatnik/50center.
>Gulf of Tonkin
>Iraqi WMDs
Where have I seen this before
I voted to keep McCain, Romney and Hillary out of the White House so yes I'm still Winning
Worry about your own cucked country kraut.
I can have my own opinion on things without the label sissy.
>North Korean "test" missile gets blown out of the sky by US anti-missile defenses.
American economic purchasing power would not return to the golden age of 1950-80 without a war destroying production of other countries, and having America win outright
War was inevitable when you dumb cunts kept taking on (((loans))) and (((debt))) for non-productive assets
>Sad story, sob sob, remove Assad, let ISIS and "moderate rebels" fuck up Syria even more, while (((Israel))) is safe and sound.
I have a hard time believing Trump actually gave into shit like this. Aren't there groups of (((people))) that blackmail Trump with another war?
he always meant to do this, but unlike Hillary he had the common sense to not tell anyone
I feel like all sides are being played right now.
If you got 10 ACTUAL Sup Forumslacks with entirely different viewpoints, sat them in a room for a day, they'd get along and come to some consensus.
The shills are pitting dems vs dems, repubs vs repubs, Americans vs Americans, etc
i support donald trump in publicly disavowing baby killers, i also support assad killing shitskins desu
I have literally never cared about Syria. I want the whole Middle East to become the great glass desert.
If he attacks Syria I'm out.
Nope, he should be overthrown. Fuck him for flip-flopping on the most important political issue in decades.
Haven't heard anything on the Syria situation but I voted Trump for these reasons:
>Anti CIA
>Anti News Media
>Strong on Immigration
>Not Hillary Clinton
So I'm still with him
If he invades syria I'm done with him. All he's done is pass a bunch of vague and meaningless executive orders. Handed off healthcare reform to Paul Ryan and supported that shit bill. Didn't even give more than a half-assed attempt to unify his party on it. Filling his cabinet with goldman sachs shills and neocons. I always knew he would be way over his head, but thought he would at least have some backbone instead of sucking the GOP establishments jewish cock at every turn. Now he sidelines Bannon who is quite possibly the only /ourguy/ in his administration. I'm pretty much already done with him desu but if he starts a war to install islamists in some shit war torn arab country I'm done and possibly never coming back to this cucked party.
Bootlicker cuck
yes goyim thats the spirit go and mess with the middle east some more oops now you have millions of '''refugees'' who could have have seen this coming
t. Housing bubble huge denbts strayan
There won't be any refugees if we turn the middle east into one fuckhuge crater. That includes Israel as well.
what a shit comment
Yes I support the leader! Fuck off shills. Trump 2020!
t. cuck
If he actually goes in and attacks Assad Trump can go fuck himself. Considering who hes surrounding himself with its looking like he'll actually do it.
CIDF pls go
There hasn't been a "last time we teamed up with Russia and wiped an entire subcontinent from the face of the planet". Your shitposting needs work, rookie.
Why is Russia going to ally against Assad goy?
of course
I don't give a fuck about a bunch of sandniggers
bashar is a puppet of iran, trump doesn't like iran. it is no surprise that he wants to remove bashar.
Same. I've been 100% behind Trump since the Fall of 2015 ad I voted forhim because I figured he knew about the propaganda and mind games the CIA and (((media))) are playing in regards to Russia and Assad.
Is there any real evidence that Assad gassed any of those kids?
>most important political issue in decades
>a bunch of people living in sand
>believing trump will nuke israel
>believing neocons shills running the US gov will team up with ebil russia
You are an embarrasment
>I don't give a fuck about a bunch of sandniggers
Just curious...
Do you give a fuck about the thousands of White lives that will be ended in yet another endless war with the sandniggers for the benefit of the Jews?
Let alone the millions of White lives that will be impacted when the further destabilization sends waves of sandniggers flooding into White countries?
I stand with my friend Assad and my other friend Putin
I'd also like to think Trump is just bullshitting to get the media off his back over Assad. Trump hasn't tweeted anything about the chemical attacks in Syria at all.
nope not really. There are more important things to focus on and hes said nothing about some kind of mass invasion.
or american troops it seems, good thinking faggot
I'm not saying they will. I'm just saying that that's my ideal scenario. All the shitskins and kikes can burn for all I care. I don't give a damn what happens to some second-world country in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
>nope not really.
So you're saying you don't care about the existence or survival of the White race?
>There are more important things to focus on
Like the Jewish control and subversion of White countries?
>and hes said nothing about some kind of mass invasion.
>implying theres been any suggestion of full military action
god the AIDF is pathetic whenever they get btfo
Trump is a jewish shill.
>but now everything's changed
Has it really, though? What are you talking about?
>Trump is a jewish shill.
All modern day presidents are.
And theres been no proof that assad didn't gas those kids...yet
>So you're saying you don't care about the existence or survival of the White race?
a couple thousand servicemen is literally nothing compared to stopping mass immigration and raising the white birthrate
Take a look at the board, we're at shillcon 2.
Shit, take a look at this thread. I've never seen so many anti-Trump posts here that wasn't CTR.
/sg/ and assad fanboys are buttblasted beyond reason and /leftypol/ just came back on.
Oh boy, it's a shill data mining thread. Who woulda thought?
what did trump say exactly
>Sup Forums screams DEUS VULT
>Trump goes to Syria to stop Christian genocide
Why would we not support his descision?
>And theres been no proof that assad didn't gas those kids...yet
ACtually that's something I agree with.
I think this whole gassing this is complete bullshit.
Problem is, it looks like Trump's taken the bait.
>a couple thousand servicemen is literally nothing compared to stopping mass immigration and raising the white birthrate
couple things...
1. This won't stop mass migration.
2 How will going to war with the entire middle east raise the white birth rate when so many white people will be fighting and dying in the middle east?
That's troubling because maybe 50% of the board is pro-Putin, and by proxy pro-Assad. With Hillary it was like 5%, just shills.
Over Assad/Putin? Damn straight I support Trump over them. How dumb can you be OP?
>Donald Trump says he never wanted to be drawn into the Middle East but said the chemical weapons attack on Syrians, including children and babies, had "crossed many, many lines" for him. The President appeared genuinely affected by the footage of the attack he has seen and said it had already changed his mind on Assad.
>bro, chemical attacks are not cool
>my opinion on syria and assad has been changed from this
meanwhile on /sg/....