ShareB literally being used by almost every single globalist group in the world to spew propaganda and subvert our...

ShareB literally being used by almost every single globalist group in the world to spew propaganda and subvert our country. This was followed by a number of other discoveries (listed below) now being covered up by the traitors here. This cannot be allowed to continue, we must continue to search for ShareB's headquarters as well as discover the identities of the of the mods and let them know that all the slide and bait threads will no longer be tolerated. They are participating in the cover up of treason and sedition.
China, the Rothschild's old base in City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern Groups all have connections to David Brock's group. More info on this can be found posted just below the OP:
OneVoice, the subsidiary of the PeaceWorks Foundation, was used by Obama, Kerry and the Department of State to funnel money into an attempt to overthrow Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister before being returned to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:

Obama has also been revealed to have funneled billions into a DOJ slush fund to various far left protest groups
WSJ reported this in 2015
The fire rises
It is also on drudge, we control the narrative. Push while we still maintain momentum

Go to cripple. They have the deets.

What's so depressing is that you'll never believe me when I tell you that everything you're so focused on is just a big ruse being operate by one elite, cult-like government who are trying to distract you.

Trump, Hillary, Right, Left, doesn't matter, all of these people are working for the same group. Trump is a kike, he himself has done tons of business with the Rothschilds for example.

You'll never listen to me but it kills me because I know how brainwashed and subverted you really are and it hurts to watch people like you think you've found the truth when you haven't.

>go to cripple
>let us keep posting slide and bait threads, i love talking about niggers, ecelebs, and trannies
go to reddit kiddo

>concerned trolling
Oh nice more shills coming out of the woodworks, I never once mentioned Trump being a vanguard or anything in my post. This is about Shareblue faggot take your .02 and leave.

I'm not a shill, dude, but whatever God knows you'll never listen anyways.

Hillary Clinton and David Brock and everything that these leftist figures are pretending to be right now are nothing, it's just a trap. Whatever they have planned includes people like you freaking out about it and trying to get to the bottom of it- whatever they want will happen.

So again you clearly don't care about the drop in quality that has hit Sup Forums for the past month. Sure it's like you love being shilled to death week in week out, why do you even come here?

If ShareBlue HQ is located we need to find a way to have ISIS suicide bomb it. They must be physically removed. They are moving towards or atleast attempting to end free internet speech by absolutely bombarding the internet with shills and astro turfing

>Trump, Hillary, Right, Left, doesn't matter, all of these people are working for the same group.
this is true but people are too stupid to see the bigger picture

Holy fuck you shills are so obvious to spot it hurts. This thread is about shareblue and the pity full state of Sup Forums.

sure thing kid you want to complain about the quality of Sup Forums while screaming shill at anyone who says something you dont like

you are just as cancerous as shareblue

The drop in quality hasn't been in the past month, every thread on here has been a "lol troll" post for months and months now, there are almost never any conversations that stem from authentic OPs. It's not anything to do with share blue and david brock and hillary, it's just to do with society being madly sick and brainwashed by kikes, and this website being a huge cultural influencer. There are shills here but they're not from some leftist globalist political camp, they're just Satanists and they all take on different roles and pretend to represent opposing sides.

This website is just a mix of tons of normies here thanks to the Trump campaign and shills whose job are to just subtly manipulate the perception that those normies have.

Don't you have some cuck threads to stare at blankly, or do you like tranny threads more?

does it even concern you that you might hypothetically sound like the worlds biggest moron insisting that we're such obvious shills when we're not? I swear to God on the lives of my mother and children that I'm not a shill, you need to quit feeding into their manipulation and open your eyes.

No, he's probably right and you're probably trying to fool us yet again.

> you disagree with me so imma call you a cuck and a tranny lol

are you a nigger or something?

Everything you said is 100% true but you can't forget the fact that there hasn't been any serious effort made into cleaning up this board. The problem is that we sit on +50 threads of baiting, sliding and shilling per hour. What is happening is that shills are just replying to each other ad nauseam and draw in newfags who don't know any better. Most of the threads on Sup Forums right now aren't even political and are just opinion collecting threads at beast.

you are the only person acting like a shill here you know

Seriously fucktard.
Cripple has 2 archived thread and one current with the location of shariablue.

Pictures, address, lists of employees with addresses, pictures of the employees. Basically everything you're asking for.

I go there because this place is garbage now. Your thread would have slid off the board of I didn't bump it. Don't be such a dick to those that are trying to help you, moose fucker

>complains about ad hominem
>ad hominem

post the link mayne

Bring back /mlpol/!

I can't post that shit without getting this deleted from the board. I prefer to make anons aware that shit isn't right so that we can correct this problem. I appreciate the bumps.

Don't you understand that there are too many people here for you to do anything to stop the shills? This website will never be a real sanctuary for people like us anymore. The only value this place has and the only reason that I use it anymore, are that you have the chance to run into rare people who can understand you whereas there are like zero chances of that happening almost anywhere else. Oh and this is one of the only places where you don't get banned for talking about the kike problem.

It's definitely not helping that anons these days just jump to "you're a shill" anytime they see anything they mildly disagree with.

You just keep believing whatever is easiest on your feelings.

Daily reminder: During the 2016 election, the powers to be came to the realization that we cannot be disrupted or demoralized. They have since bought the mods and are now flooding us with normies. Basically flooding us with 3rd worlders to change our culture from within

>leaf post
>obvious shill
It's time to stop posting.

It's almost like the people who are trying to fool you and make you believe that the world is a certain way have lots of resources and are willing to make their ruses look realistic instead of being like idiotic children who tell obvious lies.

You started it.

I'm not quite sure I follow. I'm telling you that there is a severe lack in content on this board and you tell me that you enjoy this place regardless? All power to you m8 but I don't understand why you come and try to discourage me for attempting to better this shithole.

>you enjoy this place regardless?
When did I say that? I said this place is completely lost and that it's only benefit is offering a minute amount of freedom and authenticity unlike most other places on the internet.

Unironically this. Horsefuckers are more entertaining than all of the shill threads we have to live with.

>You started it.

I'm surprised that you'd come to this thread to discourage me rather than go in to any of the slide/bait threads to encourage anons to go to better threads elsewhere.

I'm not trying to discourage you.

where dem links at ??

You can't post links to that chan, it's filtered. Used to be auto b&

8ch net/pol/res/9607723.html

cripplechan got shoah'd for 6 days or so and just now got back online so the threads have a huge gap in posters

>8ch net/pol/res/9607723.html
post link here
vola b55bx6fr

A shill is anyone who acts like a shill.
Does that hurt your feelings? I don't care. It is the fairest standard in the history of human law and you're babbling about feelings.