Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump remarks at 2017 NABTU Conf 4/4/17
>Pres Trump @ CEO Townhall 4/4/17
>CEO Townhall on American Business Climate 4/4/17
>Pres Trump meets a sissy 4/3/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #10 3/31/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Trade 3/31/17
>Pres Trump announcement w/Natl Asstn of Manufacturers 3/31/17
>Pres Trump Joint Session "Unity and Strength"
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a woovement!
Fuck Trump.
Queen fucking sucks.
>trump b-betrayed us!!
fuck kikes
can't mossad the assad
We hit 16 shills in the last thread. Super low quality, spamming the same stuff or just acting butt-hurt.
They can't bring quality, so they're trying quantity.
Office of the Press Secretary
In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President and the First Lady will then welcome King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan. In the afternoon, the President will meet with King Abdullah II. The President will then lead an expanded bilateral meeting with King Abdullah II. Later in the afternoon, the President and King Abdullah II will hold a press conference. The President will then have a working luncheon with King Abdullah II.
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing
11:55AM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY welcome King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan
12:10PM THE PRESIDENT meets with King Abdullah II
12:30PM THE PRESIDENT leads an expanded bilateral meeting with King Abdullah II
1:10PM THE PRESIDENT and King Abdullah II hold a joint press conference
1:45PM THE PRESIDENT has a working luncheon with King Abdullah II
Reminder: shills will have you believe the Russian governmemt over our own.
Do NOT get cucked by shills.
Jewnald Drumpf couldn't get a pissup in a brewery done.
Good beat the kike bot.
Reminder for newfag and borefag that the Rice still got cooked. Every thing else are just smoke screen.
So stop give shill (you)
Reminder to not give shills (You)s.
Dump of Melania pics when? need a mega tqbh
To the programmed leftist livestock raiding us:
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /trumpgen/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /trumpgen/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
>Bannon out at NSC
>Perry in at NSC
>Perry, the one all libshits claimed was too dumb to function, is now heavily involved in intelligence and decision making
oh i can't wait for the asspain
Alright, i'm done with this place. Can't take an ounce of criticism. Absolutely fucking pathetic, no different than the retards you so loathe on r*ddit
Gorsuch is a guarantee, and Davie's probably not recovering
wait wut, Rick perry?
Just got back from work, not liking this shit with the gas attack.
You niggers better explain how this is 4D Backgammon so help me.
>inb4 it's just words
Roger Stone, the toothpaste salesman.
Watcha doing, Jon?
Joke is on you. I not only voted for Cruz for president but also voted for Fiorina for VP (pic related)
Not only that but I have incontrovertible proof that Trump performed election fraud in my particular poll.
I was part of a group of 30 true conservatives in a small poll with at most 100 voters. We all voted exactly like the ballot in the picture (and even took pics to prove, as we suspected there would be fraud).
Now for our surprise that the result in that particular location was Trump 45 Cruz 20. Not only that but the VP choices were completely ignored.
That was impossible given th voting block we formed and we can proved t (with the pics we took).
We are waiting for the election to come near so we can serve our revenge cold. We will derail Trump's campaign and there is nothing he can do to prevent that.
Do the crime do the time faggots. A true conservative will be on the White House on 2020.
#cruzmissile2020 #nevertrump
(the above post is some ironic shilling I used to pull back in 2016, no bully)
What's he going to do?
In my opinion I think it would be wiser to remain neutral and just focus on ourselves but it's really hard to do that when we've stuck our ass in just about every sandnigger country in Africa and are expected to keep order like some sort world parent figure.
Also, shills get out.
As you noticed, shills are hard at work today and everyday.
They seem to forget that the left is watching the most powerful republican legislature ever and in 2018 they will have over 20 senators at the chopping block vs. 8 from the republican side.
Here is my answer: to rub salt on their wounds and remind them of who has all the power
Isn't it sad that Trump detractors like the shills in this very thread have nothing else left but fortune telling and wishing for him to failure?
Think about it: for this whole campaign those guys at least had hope
> polls were at their side
> media was at their side
> betting houses were at their side
> pollsters were at their side
> celebrities were at their side
And yet, their side (meaning the anti trump side) lost and lost big.
Trump now has
> the presidency
> a red senate
> a red congress
> a supreme court pick to be done weeks after being innaugurated
> probably two more to fill before the end of this first term
> not impossible two more right in the middle of his second term
> all but one state legislature needed to start constitutional changes
And now here they are: fortune telling
> Trump won't such and such
> Senate won't confirm such and such
> Congress won't pass such and such
And every step of the way, much like in the election, they get proved wrong by the facts on the ground (when Trump delivers) and then they move the next fortune telling and the next wish for things to go wrong
It is sad, really. Most of the people on this board and on this general are having the time of their lives and their presence here makes them even happier for knowing someone on the other side is here to witness it
Shills: I salute you. Keep it up tho, I'm saving this text as pasta (so I can repost it often) and let what I just said sink in.
> you have no hope left other than wishing for other people failure.
> you have no power and no hope
Think about it
Wasn't that Drudge mocking the whole thing?
ok cya
man i wouldve voted for mccain if we're just gonna say the same neocon shit. Fuck this
Cool man see you next thread faggot
Perry is indeed a fucking retard, though
If I had 7.5 billion bullets and everyone else on earth told me President Trump was the problem and President Trump told me it was all of you, then yall niggas had better start running.
>I could have saved you Sup Forums, but you chose a New York values Democratic Billionaire instead of a true Conservative
President Trump adds Rick Perry to National Security Council after removing Bannon
Now, since I last made this series of posts many things changed. For starters, Trump is President.
Did you guys notice what techniques they brought to our humble congolese command and control bulletin board?
1) Forum sliding: any given time, specially when there are bad news regarding the democrats or anything at all that goes against their groupthink they they go overboard with it
2) Consensus cracking: see the "I voted for him but those remarks by his cabinet / this temporary setback / this MSM allegation will really get him impeached / such and such should be fired" that people are bringing here. I'm fairly sure the first time it arrive people actually felt the need to believe it but now it is probably just shills shilling shills
3) Topic Dilution: on Sup Forums in general (doubles as sliding): in general, wild gooze chases, on /trumpgen/, gossip, pitting groups against each other.
4) Information collection: seen only rarely in here, "let's make a lions guard for Trump / lets make ANTICOM" and "what would you do if Trump is impeached / is killed". Also "let's access this site / app / plugin for more info". Don't fall for it folks.
5) Anger Trolling: our bread and butter, just see any post with a Finland flag beside it. Actually, it is our main weapon too so it is all fair games in this matter. Just don't answer the trolls.
6) Happened on many boards on Sup Forums when the happening and GG broke out. I don't know about Sup Forums but Sup Forums and Sup Forums, for instance, that's a given. We are not very susceptible, being an anonymous chan anyway but on reddit, oh boy, I wouldn't touch that mess with a 100 feet pole covered in insulant and fire retardant. Social media in general, ever worse. Honestly, a mod got recently fired (in the rwss debacle) for politicising his enforcement of the rules so we are not immune to that either
Stay smart, stay safe, stay beautiful and stay out of trouble.
So Bannon was supposed to be the puppet-master, but then fired himself from the NSC?
>this is what liberals actually believe
Say it was bad, then reveal it was ISIS or 30-year-old "kids"
what shit
this narrative has been torturefucked to the four directions in the matter of hours it's been out
there are at least three different narratives flying around and each narrative could be "this shit" you're referring to
>savage going after israel for not bombing isis
here we go
Good, fuck off, zombie not welcome here.
See ya in five fucking seconds when you desperately try to beg for replies again.
Nope, you're right. Just more 12d chess from Trump the Infallible, aka He Who Cannot Be Wrong to folks around here
Oh gee you sure got me. I'm super fucking stupid for thinking that the President of the United States has more power than anyone else on Earth, and that what they say carries substantial political importance
Here is the list of candidates for 2018
tl;dr: Democrats have 23 senators up on the chopping block, with 2 Independent and only 8 republicans.
> At the absolute worst case scenario (all republicans lose their seats) democrats achieve a 54-2-44 majority, barely over what republicans have now.
> At the absolute best case scenario democrats lose all 23 seats plus the 2 independent and we are left with a 77-23 majority for the republicans
> my estimate is that democrats lose at least 6 seats, that republicans will have to defend vigorously AZ and NV and that Angus and Manchin may flip to R. Not too far from a majority
> Dianne Feinstein (California, since 1992)
> Tom Carper (Delaware, since 2000)
> Bill Nelson (Florida, since 2000)
> Debbie Stabenow (Michigan, since 2000)
> Maria Cantwell (Washington, since 2000)
> Ben Cardin (Maryland, since 2006)
> Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota, since 2006)
> Claire McCaskill (Missouri, since 2006)
> Jon Tester (Montana, since 2006)
> Sherrod Brown (Ohio, since 2006)
> Bob Casey (Pennsylvania, since 2006)
> Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island, since 2006)
> Bob Menendez (New Jersey, since 2006)
> Kirsten Gillibrand (New York, since 2009)
> Joe Manchin (West Virginia, since 2010)
> Chris Murphy (Connecticut, since 2012)
> Mazie Hirono (Hawaii, since 2012)
> Joe Donnelly (Indiana, since 2012)
> Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts, since 2012)
> Martin Heinrich (New Mexico, since 2012)
> Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota, since 2012)
> Tim Kaine (Virginia, since 2012)
> Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin, since 2012)
> Bernie Sanders (Vermont, since 2006)
> Angus King (Maine, since 2012)
> Orrin Hatch (Utah, since 1976)
> Bob Corker (Tennessee, since 2006)
> Roger Wicker (Mississippi, since 2007)
> John Barrasso (Wyoming, since 2007)
> Dean Heller (Nevada, since 2011)
> Jeff Flake (Arizona, since 2012)
> Deb Fischer (Nebraska, since 2012)
> Ted Cruz (Texas, since 2012)
Is this ironic or...
Trump will invade Syria and kill Assad? WTF he sure flipped on this, I don't know why I voted for him now...
>trump is getting attacked for being a russia agent
>msm sees this as russia influence in syria
>trump says words that makes the MSM happy, but nothing specifically bad
it is a nothingburger like always
Bannon is not out of the NSC, only out of the Principles Committee
Still has highest clearance
I have no idea. Drudge is where I saw it, though, with links to The Statesman, some Austin newspaper
Stop spamming, you faggot.
Agreed. I'm willing to question any government, including our own or Russia. Let's stop acting like Assad is a good boi.
He called U.S. troops "invaders" while we're fighting ISIS next to the Russians. Maybe he did this attack, maybe he didn't. He's no friend of America, though.
Bannon fired himself to appear subordinate and regain his cover as the True mastermind behind Trump and Putin.
Its very simple.
The only time I've seen higher volume shilling was after the first debate. I don't see what they think they'll accomplish. As soon as they leave the threads go right back to being comfy as fuck. They never shift opinions here at all.
I have a modest proposal for you all:
Stop feeding shills and trolls like you eat led paint, or leave this place. Deal?
Just meet Assad for fucks sake, this fucking neocon talk is turning me off
You are not keeping order and never intended to. You are leaving scorched earth, killing millions of people and then sending the rest as refugees to us.
It was just a statement, not even a promise.
This make me checked for trip to be sure this really you
breaking news
Why is Trump going the same old interventionist route that Obama and Bush went?
I have an idea. Admit Trump is a fucking sellout.
He might act "le concerned" about Assad, and then, once the evidence comes out, reveal the truth.
Also, your posts are shit now. You're like one of those disinterested people who talk a lot but don't say anything.
shilling momentarily assuages their asspain
Journalism is dead.
>100 post apart.
The left never ceases to impress me
republicans, 2008
> put forward a weak candidate, gets creamed.
republicans, 2010
> grassroots faction within the party goes rogue, organize and wrestle bits of power from the establishment, gets congress representation
republicans, 2011
> grassroots presents not one but two factions (Ron Paul and Tea Party) as alternative
republicans, 2012
> establishes forces forward weak candidate, chokes out an easy victory
republicans, 2012 aftermath
> performs a thorough analysis of the result, proposes changes
republicans, 2015
> grassroots presents not one, not two but three candidates (Ted, Rand, Trump)
> outsider defies orthodoxy, runs a wild campaign, takes it home in a massive victory
Now, let's see what the democrats are doing
democrats, 2016
> grassroots present a candidate
> establishment forces forward weak candidate, chokes out what should be a coronation
democrats, 2017
> having learned absolutely nothing, doubles down on said weak candidate, platform and continues crushing internal innovation
2018 won't be pretty for democrats
You're clearly going hysterical. It's showing in your posts. Maybe take a break? You're not cut out for shilling here.
>We're actually nearing Shillcon 2
Kind of surprising, they've been low energy for some time now.
It's not ptg flipping out, it's the shills that come out every time something potentially negative of Trump happens.
But nothing has happened yet, other than a verbal condemnation.
>He's no friend of America, though.
If I killed all your buddies and tore apart your house, I probably wouldn't be your friend either.
Assad is based as fuck and my major regret is that Mubarak, Gaddafi, and that Tunisian fuckboi didn't have the stones to BTFO their rebels in the same manner.
Assad has never done anything wrong, Trump is just another neocon bitch now. Even Bernie would've been better....
Perfect, I hope Germany drowns under a sea of brown.
Since fucking when has Trump cared about pleasing the likes in the MSM?
It's a little fishy is all.
I hate shills, but I hate the copypasta as well
>Trump virtue signals over Assad supposedly using gas
>Shills say we're going to war
>Shills celebrating Bannon getting "kicked" off NSC
>Bannon is literally in a NSC meeting right now
>people unironically calling pro-assad people shills
this board is infested with t_d
I was ready for VP Fiorina.
(not really)
It sounds like a good proposal, but in reality we can't stop shills from replying to each other.
Initial shill filter ITT
Use it or not. Posted with the usual trip.
>Got to war with NK
>Bannon on NSC
>Everyone calls Bannon the next Hitler
>Go to war with NK
>Bannon steps down before war
>America strikes NK
>Bannon steps back into NSC during war
>Win war
>Bannon takes credit
14d underwater chess
I just got home from work wtf is this about?
>Muslim dictator
Yup its pretty much the shill line of the day. Shareblue checks must have cleared.
Shepard Smith is such a fucking faggot
>Rice Steamed
> There are several techniques for the control and manipulation of a internet forum no matter what, or who is on it. We will go over each technique and demonstrate that only a minimal number of operatives can be used to eventually and effectively gain a control of a 'uncontrolled forum.'
> Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING'
> If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.'
> In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.'
> The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public.
> To trigger a 'forum slide' and 'flush' the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then 'replying' to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.
Gaddafi was redpilled as fucking shit. It's no wonder he had to be taken out.
> I hope Germany drowns under a sea of brown.
Me too. Germany must perish.
You have no argument whatsoever. You're a leftist, so that's to be expected. All you can do is vomit out whatever clickbait is sloshing around in your empty skull.
yea you are right, but we gotta let the lurkers know as well there lots of them i am sure
yea but he is not gonna say assad is great assad is good that just gives them ammo for no reason