Your Opinion on America

What is it? Be brutally honest lads, let it all out.

Run by a bunch of propeller heads who don't give a shit about the country and have been sucking off the public tit since forever. Citizens are good like any other civilized nation but too many fat wads. The negative stereotypes are all invented by our elites. They caused.all the problems in the country and.try to blame us for it. Fuck them.

Both the greatest and most cancerous nation in world history.

The cold war ending was a mistake
The Soviet Union was the only thing keeping America in line


Is there any way to fix this mess, surely someone is able to pop the bubble and release us from our elite shackles, or is it simply too late?

How so?

I agree with this. It seems crazy but war and tragedy is the only thing that keeps America stable, if we go on too long without war or a "evil presence" we begin to fall apart, as shown in the past few years or so.

On one level you have continued the role of the British Empire in terms of maintaining global order, making it safe for trade, protecting the rights of small nations and democracy (mostly in a more benign and enlightened way) but at the same time you have deliberately stymied the ambitions of your allies, acted with supreme hubris and irrationality and flooded the earth with a culture of cheapness and commodity. Rome anew and Disneyfied Wasteland both.

American masculinity is like a toddler stamping his feat in a tantrum, but with a husky voice and aggression. A nation of children.

Most degenerate country the world has ever seen.


mixed, what America is supposed to be is perfection. But the God damn commies have taken over because you guys would rather make money trading with China than cancelling their influence on the Chinese market. 32ish western movies a year make it into China so all the top companies compete to make the best communist propaganda for the world to see. Can't not get those ticket sales. America will be undone from the inside out long with the rest of the world thanks to your cultural influence.

(+) Promotes meritocracy, freedom, democracy and overall the positive spectrum of human traits.
(-) somehow strange to be stopped in traffic by a police officer for no reason, to wait in your car with your hands visible on the steering wheel while the policeman approaches with his hand on the gun. This is unimaginable for the countries in Europe.
(?) Small town America is somewhat strange. The way people hide and bury secrets makes it uncomfortable.


Is it true that they keep finding decapitated heads on motorways?

Fuck you this is fun.

A bunch of kids pretending to be adults and adults acting like kids.

No, they usually find them scattered around the city or outskirts, why bother dropping them on a highway?

> my enemy is my teacher

Also the Trump episode opens many questions: is your voting system adequate for the current times, is the GOP fully functional so that the best option it generated was Trump, are the democrats functional so that they couldn't even defeat Trump?

Stuff we need to get rid of to be Great Again:
-AIPAC and Saudi control of our politics
-Nigger culture
-Excessive Litigation
-Big Pharma/Healthcare stranglehold
-Chinese "Students"

AKA we're fucked for eternity

At worst: rogue puppet state of world elite/Israel created with the intention of fracturing the European race to turn it against itself (see both World Wars) whilst being ground zero for the creation of the NWO mongrel hordes through massive nonwhite immigration and miscegenation

At best: Burgers, fireworks, big tits, baseball and apple pie