What does Sup Forums think about gypsy girls?
What does Sup Forums think about gypsy girls?
Looks like they need to be colonized.
I bought one once. I thought I'd only bought her for the night but apparently it was permanent. I kept her while I was in town then dumped her, naked, back where I found her. Good times.
damn that love story was shorter than your dick
You see,
I don't get if he is laughing or not!
colonize who? they have no country they are just a bunch of travelling nomads
that cuz he is squinting
Some of them are hot as fuck, but you wouldn't want to live with one. Pump and dump at most. Also, they age like milk.
One came up to me once in this bookstore with this piece of paper explaining shit asking for money.
I'm like, get a job you bum.
Jesus Christ matey i just fucked an elf for a box of lucky charms
>irishnigger calling others a bum
i had sex with my cousin
wubba lubba dub dub
The young ones being sometimes attractive is all a survival trick. Only two kinds of gypsy girls: the ones that grow up to look like ghoul methhead Chupacabras, and the ones that become big Jabba the Hutt/Alien Queen monsters destined to spit out children.
should all be gassed. I hate gypsies so fucking much
Need to go back to India with rest of their families.
me means miscegenation
Yes, traveling from welfare plan to welfare plan.
Pic related is girl from OP picture, but 20 years later.
god damn i would love to fuck her brother some day
This so much
There was a fat gypsy begging outside the mall i worked in, wouldnt fucking move for shit when they tried to kick him out. Also this redpilled old guy i worked with always lashed out at him even though the gypsy was like twice his size. Fuck i just wanted to kick his ugly skull in everytime i saw him.
Turn off your proxy, leaf.
damn man that idea is more radical than Islam itself
i dont think they have welfare
I thought Hitler got them all. What the fuck?
Gypsies are those loos who were kicked out from India for being too barbaric, filthy and uncultured.
Hitler only killed the good ones that did art and music. The bad ones just hid in mud until war was over.
I fucking hate them, like gypsy guys
they're all inbred and retarded criminals, the european version of the nigger
also they're from india
Never heard anyone say something positive about them, sold me mam a keyring for £5, she was scared if she didn't they would put a curse on her
please dont call me a leaf ugh i just said that atrocious word please call me what ever you like but not that word
Oh yeah, so hot.
Fucking scum. Hundred of years roaming spain, still not adapted to society.
No, because they are Indians, their extermination was halted due to being Aryan. Top cuck.
Those are spanish girls, user.
no he was okay with them mainly cuz they were all over the place so he couldnt put them in a specific racial group
that little girl is cute she got nudes?
so which is worse refugees or gypsies ?
>implying you wouldn't
ugh hell no she isnt dark enough and that nose is way too small
Kek'd. Worst Koreur BTFO!
can you send me a pic of your balls? just the balls
>chances of STDs
No thanks, not everybody are so desperate, you cuck.
wait, is this why spaniards on Sup Forums have a rabid hatred of india, or is it just a lone autist?
I always try to fart when i pass them sitting on the ground outside our grocery store
actually that wasnt that funny you are like my mom easily amused and pleased except my mom was raped by a raccoon
here you go
Der Untermensch
This is like faggots like you will die cockless virgins.
i had sex with a swedish goat