It WAS Assad! The facts so far

Confirmed, undisputed facts:

>Assad aircraft committed airstrikes. This was confirmed by the UN and admitted by Russia and the Assad regime.
>These airstrikes were at the same location of the sarin gas casualties.
>These airstrikes coincide with the same time as the sarin gas casualties.

Assad aircraft therefore conducted an attack at the exact same time and place as the sarin gas attack. This is not disputed, however, Assad apologists claim that Assad aircraft struck a "rebel chemical weapons warehouse."

Confirmed facts not reasonably in dispute:

>Civilians, including children, comprise much of (if not all of) the casualties
>Assad aircraft subsequently conducted air strikes on medical facilities treating the sarin gas victims
>The impact crater of the Assad airstrike coincides with the radius of sarin gas casualties.
>So far there has been zero physical or photographic evidence of a single rebel chemical munition or "chemical weapons warehouse," whether intact, destroyed, or compromised.
>All victims were pro-opposition.
>All eyewitnesses accuse the regime of committing a chemical weapons attack.
>Ahrar Al-Sham immediately invited chemical weapons experts to investigate the scene.

Only reasonably conclusion: Assad is 100% guilty

Only reasonable course of action: Assad MUST go!

Other urls found in this thread:

Detailed write up here:

Of courses hes 100% guilty why we bother to even have dialogue doesn't make sense anymore.

fear Assad's days are numbered, why Putin attaches himself to this parasite is unclear, maybe its some homo shit.

What is not in doubt is the last 3 times the Obongo administration claimed Assad used chemical weapons, they lied.

This is WMD 2.0 Assad edition.

Wow, double shilling


that Assad gave the order. What's the plan of action there chief for your hair brained idea of removing Assad? Libya 2 electric boogaloo? Yeah nah fuck off cunt.

>be rebels
>have stolen gas canisters
>western govs start easing off calls for Assad removal
>defeat is imminent without western intervention

>Lay gas canisters around a known target region for bombing
>bombs break open canisters, spreading gas everywhere
>get as much white helmet stage managed outrage bait footage as you can
>muh evil Assad chemical attack meme

This shilling is getting so intense. I just want to know the truth, but /sg/ shills are telling me Assad never harmed an innocent in his life, and /ptg/ is telling me Assad gassed people. It's all so hazy and I'm sick of it. I thought the Syrian war was supposed to be the most documented war thus far. It's more shady and agenda-filled than WWII.

>winning the war
>better gas people just to see if I can get away with it

Try again.

shills pls goo

Assad bombed a chemical weapons facility which then released sarin. So it wasn't a "gas attack" rather a release in response to an attack.

This, every attempt to try and put dirt on Assad has been ramping up as Russia and Assad get closer to removing ISIS. Deepstate had their money on ousting that pesky dictator Assad and now they're so desperate their trying to go full Saddam Hussein on his ass. History repeats itself, but this time you only need to look 20, 30 years back and people are still having trouble remembering.

If you think it through logically it makes absolutely no sense, and I wouldn't be surprised if is spot on. The fact is the rebels are getting their asses kicked on all fronts and need direct Western military intervention now.

>be rebels
>get BTFO in Hama
>store Chemical weapons in area where you'd get bombed
>get bombed
>cause gas attack
>blame Assad
>OP makes a thread to explain this logic doesnt happen

>why Putin attaches himself to this parasite is unclear
>maybe its some homo shit
LOL, Pootin is much worse. Also, a manlet.

why so quick to jump to that?

a day after the whitehouse says "The Syria people will decide Assad's fate", a gas attack happened

if it was the Syria government, then it's obviously a faction that wants to take Assad out and assume control

so weird to me that people have this imagine of Assad that he's making every decision, pulling every lever, dropping every bomb

The "airstrikes on civilians" is a meme. We falsified the same thing in Libya as justification for a no fly zone.

Mullen, among other military advisors repeatedly tell house intelligence committee members that there was no independently verified reports of Libya firing on it's citizens from the air.

Guess what happened next?

I'm not fighting any war for them, and neither should the rest of America.

Let us not forget who DIRECTLY funds the fsa terrorists. What a coincidence the us backed terror team is about to lose and is staging false flags to tap their puppet master into the fight instead of larping as a proxy army.

Imaghun my shawk.

Also he may be an asshole at times I dunno, but to paint him as some batshit crazy leader like Saddam is ridiculous. I've watched so many interviews of him there's no way he's cool as a cucumber like that on a wednesday then friday, "WELP LOOKS LIKE IMMA GAS MY OWN CITIZENS, THAT SURELY WON'T GET ME MOSSADED :D :D


Allegedly 50 some death.
So you risk it all for an attack that gets only 50 people dead and really doesn't push you towards victory.
And you do it knowing that the whole world will know right away.
And that the consequences may be fatal to you.

Sounds like a false flag of epic proportions or just plain fake news.

>syrian army winning
> suddently uses GAS because why not , it s not like UN gonna say something

ahahahahh you fucking faggots believe this . obviously A MOSSAD/CIA false flag

Nope. Artillery shell.


to add to that, they could easily achive the same results with conventional weapons. The use of CWs on such a small, insignificant scale provides absolutely no advantages. They syrian government is winning the war, the rebel offensive in hama was already broken at that point, and it was the rebels last shot of a larger scale operation. The syrian government had absolutely no reason to use CWs like this, they had every motivation to do everything in their power to prevent them from being used.

Yeah man why wouldn't Assad attack with bio weapons to eradicate support whole he was gaining the upper hand. Of course Assad would do that.

GEE I sure am sleepy.

>defending islamists
gas yourself leaf

He bombed terrorists who had stockpiled gas that they used to frame him multiple times under the protection of CIA and western media.
Nice attempt to spin this shill, but you're out of your league here.

>Civilians, including children, comprise much of (if not all of) the casualties

awww shieeeet hope dusty is ok

>it was mossad
don't care. why should i?

I don't even care.

and yet Sup Forums will defend the manlet king & his puppet & literally let him fuck them

>Trump blames Assad
>says he will do something

>Trump said the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria “cannot be tolerated," but he did not say what the US might do in response. He blamed the incident on the government in Damascus.

what a fucking idiot
what the fuck happened to him?
was he a globalist puppet after all or is he just retarded?

This is exactly right. Think about it, the only beneficiaries here are the rebels. Assad would have nothing to gain and everything to lose by using sarin where perfectly normal bombs would have done the trick. Especially when you consider that after the last time he was accused he publicly declared that he had destroyed all his chemical weapons.

>oh hey I know I said I got rid of all my sarin but you know what, JK. Imma just go and gas a bunch of villagers just for fun
>I know I could have used such weapons on actual rebel troops in the field and shit but nah, fuck these civilians in a totally non strategic location
>I just love killing my own people for no reason, I am sooo evil aren't I guys?

you better care faggot, given the chance russia or china will try to eat the usa alive

too soon

Assadd killl own people. We'll put a boot in your ass it's the American way. Go go kill kill kill for freedom and human Rights. Let's kill em all! Adam and eve not Adam Steve OK?

It WAS A̶s̶s̶a̶d̶ the CIA!




>wining war
>has Russia on his side and USA decided to stay out of it after the election
>lol let's go and randomly gas some civilians

the only ones who gain anything from this attack are the neocons shilling for war

Its funny because im pretty sure a recent US airstrike caused a number of civilian casualties, but you dont here jack shit about that. Yet supposedly this is worse because "muh gad" and "muh evil dictator". People are going to die regardless, its a fucking war.

Good. Kill em all.

>anyone who doesn't like Russia & putin the manlet & assad the retard IS A SHILL
this is what mentally gay people actually believe

Why is this shilling going on? Can anyone answer that?

Why should the US care about 50 people dying when people get massacred all over the world all the fucking time? That's what these shills never explain. There's some shady fucking agenda pushing going on and I'm just confused as to why this is so important? What do the people pushing this have to gain from the US going to war with Syria?

This 10000000%

Why the fuck would Assad - who by all accounts is actually managing to retake his country - turn the entire western world against him by using chemical weapons?
Made even more suspicious by the previous time they tried to pin a chemical attack on him and it turned out to be Saudi-funded rebels (a fact which only came to light because of independent investigation and not the mainstream media)

Get the fuck out leaf. I hope the curse gets you and your kind.

>Assad gives up bioweapons in 2013
>Overseen by OPCW

I don't understand this gas thing. Assuming it was Assad, what would be the point of gassing civilians?

>It was Assad


>It was Assad

Who gives a shit?

Hello JIDF.

This Russian is correct but has delegitimized the truth by being Russian.
I hate this world. Very few people deserve to live.

It's like an exact replay from a few years ago.

You don't hear the media complaining about it because the Jews want the war in Yemen.

Is that Soviet era weapons? You realize maybe the Soviets sold those to (((someone)))?

Spot on. Remember, a criminal needs a motive to be judged for his actions. Rebels on the other hand, has plenty of reason to pull this off.

uh oh did i break away?
did i get out of line?
kill yourself

This is a shill threaf

Thou shalt not suffer a leaf to live.

Because Jews are obsessed with the gassed meme and think the goyim are programmed to respond to it.

>confirmed by the UN


Sup Forums is not MENAchan

The timing is insane but the evidence so far is good. Iunno who the trust.

I will say that if it was Assad, that still shouldnt provoke a renewed offensive. The war needs to end not be prolonged, at this point whoever wins is going to be a piece of shit

people make mistakes bro
you know you can accidentally hit the wrong people

We had a predesignated strategy/plan in the middle east. Assad is a monkey in the wrench.

>>The impact crater of the Assad airstrike coincides with the radius of sarin gas casualties.

Are you retarded? "The impact crater of the airstrike coincides with the radius of sarin gas casualties", what does that even mean?

We already know the rebels have Sarin gas:

When the rebels have sarin gas, this must be produced somewhere and stored somewhere.

The claims of rebels in rebel-held territory opposing Assad are not credible when it comes to whether Assad is responsible for an atrocity.

>All victims were pro-opposition.

Nothing of value was lost then.

They already faked it once before. Of course it's bullshit again.

So we're going to war again in the middle east and their using the same exact lame excuse as last time

>Civilians die in wars

Who could've thought it?

Almost like when some retard nigger or asshurt kike gives over a Jewish gravestone or draws a shit swastika on the bathroom mirror. you need to stop and think: who gains more out of the act? The Nazi constantly walking on a tightrope attempting to legitimize his cause or Shel Goldenstein?

Strategically? No benefit.

False flag against Assad? Perfect propaganda tool since it plays directly on the "ebil nazi gas chambers" meme already so strongly programmed into the western populace.

You have to understand it's how (((they))) operate.

Goddman shilling is intense.




War with Russia

Why would he even use gas when he could just use bombs instead?
This stupid narrative that all Middle Eastern countries are using gas all of a sudden when America doesn't like their current leader anymore is too common.

>Airstrike means the hoax created by terrorists is real
Schlomo please

>Civilians, including children, comprise much of (if not all of) the casualties
>terrorists are well known to plant children bodies wherever their facitilies are attacked
Not a fact.

>Assad aircraft subsequently conducted air strikes on medical facilities treating the sarin gas victims
Not a single thing about that is a fact.

>>So far there has been zero physical or photographic evidence of a single rebel chemical munition or "chemical weapons warehouse," whether intact, destroyed, or compromised.
>every house can function as a depot literally every building and there are photos of every building
Not a fact.

>The impact crater of the Assad airstrike coincides with the radius of sarin gas casualties.
Thats not just not a fact thats borderline retarded thats not how a chemical weapon attack with Sarin would work. That infact contradicts the narrative and supports its was a plant the terrrorists on the ground and reports falified to try yet again falsely accuse the Syrian government forces.

>All victims were pro-terrorists.
>kids and infants
Not a fact. Does not matter one fuck

>All eyewitnesses accuse the regime of committing a chemical weapons attack.
Not a fact. Does not matter one fuck what terrorists and people at gunpoint "report"

>Ahrar Al-Sham immediately invited chemical weapons experts to investigate the scene.
Does not matter one fuck

Here's the final puzzle piece you need to find
>Did Syrian airplanes drop sarin?
That's all that matters

Assad doesn't gas innocents. That is the rebels. Assad has gassed the rebels and extremists and their supporters before but that was justified.

they've tried time and time again. they always fail.going to war against russia for syria only benefits israel.

on the verge of war with NK, China, Syria, and Russia
And the usa will beat the fuck out of all of them

>why Putin attaches himself to this parasite is unclear
>pic related

this pipeline would fuck over the Russian oil economy

The UN are a bunch of liars and authoritarians anyways. They're fake news.

looks kinda like ark reactor

This guy knows what's up, listen to him.

That's just so absurdly over the top I can't believe people would not think to question it, but I hear what you're saying. It just boggles my mind I haven't seen anyone go "wait this literally makes no sense" they just immediately think he's gassing civilians in broad daylight because ebil dictator.

*the US will send its citizens to die for ZOG

It was Israel. Anyone who claims otherwise is a good goy retard.

Why can't Russia remove Assad and just replace him? Thanks will make everyone happy. Russia will still have their puppet state, and the world won't be able to bitch about Assad war crimes.

I don't see a scenario in which this ends with Assad still in power and everyone is happy. Assad has to go and Russia should work on finding a replacement.

>that website
Wow this whole chan culture really is like a virus

I would need Assad to confirm he did it. I would also need vid of him ordering the command and a chain of custody from the gas bomb warehouse to the plane. Then I'd need to see at least 3 angles of vid showing the plane dropping the gas. A forensic expert of my choosing to test the site and match it to stockpiles. If you provide all of this, I'll consider believing this wasn't a false flag.

don't be such a brain washed idiot, contrary to popular belief, Sup Forums can be wrong
these countries you defend (they dindu nuffin, they good bois) are pretty fucking aggressive

>bad dictator is gassing children
yeah next we hear he gassed 6 quantzillion jews

Yea... ISIS are actually filming themselves burning, drowning, and beheading people alive while threatening most countries and our government doesn't seem to care but as soon as a debatable gas attack happens they spring to action to put pressure on Assad.


Everyone knows the terrorists plant chemical weapons in their own weapon storages in dense areas. Its not just to push blame for propaganda it also a psychological deterent for the governemnt using the civilian population as shields even against precission strikes and also slows down the advances against terrorists.

It's not about Assad, it's about regime change. See as to why.

This was the reason for the war from the very beginning. None of the powers pushing this shit actually care about oppression or freedom, only their fucking shekels.

Ding ding ding

Only theory that makes any fucking sense at all.

Biggest redpill on syria pic and link related

Explains everything :

>around 100 kids died that's not ok. not too sure whodunit but the kids mayn
>let's blow damascus to dust with everyone inside of it to deal some justice


poor dusty, how does he keep getting in these situations?