Chemical gas attack happens

>Chemical gas attack happens
>No investigations or anyhing
>Momentarily Assad and Russia are at fault
>Trump already willing to go to war

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I hope he was only being diplomatic, & making an empty threat, or we are screwed ..
Thanks Schlomo

>>Momentarily Assad and Russia are at fault

A murder is not momenterial you illiterate cunt

You know what I meant, golden teeth.

>A murder is not momenterial you illiterate cunt

The assumption of the murder is tho


>Arabs can't into false flagging
Is there anything they can do right even?

They sure know how to milk the "moderate rebel" hoax


Even then, the majority of the work has to be done by the western media to try and whitewash the image of all these fags. Just look at the white helmets, every independent media confirms that no locals trust the white helmets.

>Trump was a neocon all along

More news at 11

GJ getting cucked by a 'nationalist' Jew, POL.

You "based" alpha male mother fuckers.

>>Trump already willing to go to war



that is propaganda right?

ok im retarded ayylamo

That Syrian analyst guy gives a fairly good explanation about that tweet, as well as others.

........pretty much.

Trump is ZOG, whether he is a willing crony or not is the only remaining question.


No that's not propaganda Pootugal,Assad and Russian jets are definitely one.

so hes cucked also...looks like more happenings
this is bad

the whole area should be glassed

Are you guys and gals finally getting it? Things are set, the Jews always win because they have the most money and money is power and life is all one big power-play.

If I understand correctly from what some people are saying, like Ron Paul, he's still wavering back and forth, so maybe he'll back off from his statements if enough uproar is given.

The problem is that it's rooted so deeply into almost every countries establishment that there's no real way of getting rid of it.

White Helmet = ISIS

What the fuck is this. They think you can just change the name and get away with it? Maybe before. Not anymore.

My money is on it being a ploy to expose the neo-cons.

Sadly, the international court won't do anything about them.

I wouldn't mind that being the truth.

Just another paid kike Trump is blowing the Zionists dick.

>The problem is that it's rooted so deeply into almost every countries establishment that there's no real way of getting rid of it.

this. I just found out that jewish governemnt of Poland probably supports war against Syria undercover of help. Already paid 5 mil euro and much more is on the way. If you read this article you will see that whole jeweure is behind it also
No one tells officialy who will get this money. looks fishy as fuck

I know that some officials from EU countries have been unofficially meeting with Assad and making deals with him for cooperation. So it might be that Poland is trying to play their own game, especially considering your current dispute with the EU heads over taking in migrants, but then again, you never really know.