I know you guys talk about Jews a lot. I found this image and the text says they are behind the Syrian bombing and the plan is to create the pipeline through Syria. Russia doesn't want because it cuts 90% of their export market (oil) and will crash their economy. Are the Jews really this greedy?
Why the Jew hate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews are the worlds most evil force.
fpbp by a leaf no less.
No seriously OP there are so few actual truths possible here.
1) You are incredibly stupid, never research any news or events, never read history, etc.
2) You are a shill, a jew or a woman.
3) You want to redpill people and find no bread so you try counter-trolling to create your own.
All of them are bad and you should feel bad.
Jews are Holy
>Why the Jew hate?
Gee...I wonder...
Here, have a better version of that pastebin:
thx m8 how many shckles do I owe you for this favour?
>thx m8 how many shckles do I owe you for this favour?
It's on the house. Redpilling White people is its own reward.
why is racism BAD?
Sup Forums is just full of uneducated shtlords. no one here cna really tell you why the hate Jews, they do it because, it's cool here. not to mention the board has been co-opted by stormniggers. There has literally never been anything wrong with being Jewish
>no one here cna really tell you why the hate Jews,
The Jews are the group primarily responsible for the ongoing program of White Genocide.
>There has literally never been anything wrong with being Jewish
Pic related.
This fucking thread. Highest concentration of bluepills I've seen in a while.
You should already know the answer, goy. 6,000,000,000 shekels a year forever.
i am not good?
>Why is racism bad?
Because only whites can be racist dummy! Whites are the only threat to Jews so they plan to breed us down with the browns to an 80 IQ so that they can rule over easily.
Diversity is our strength, but only in White countries and especially not in Israel!
You're full of shit. You're the one changing the narrative.
$0.02 have been deposited into your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record.
So you guys all talk shit about the Jews but can't give a reason for the hate when you're asked why?
They are committing a pogrom against white/slavic people and have been doing so for decades , if not centuries.
You mean like this? It sure would make sense why Syria and the whole region is constantly being destabilized post WWII
what the fuck is a crypto Jew?
>crypto Jew
huh, never knew about that, today I learned my mom and grandma are crypto Jews
Makes you wonder , why did the jew give up that peninsula ?
What are you referencing? I would assume the long-term goal can't be achieved without major action, so anything now wouldn't be an issue?
the Sinai is a desert with literally nothing of value in it
Reading the pic in the OP, what do you think of the viability of Israel establishing the said pipeline, then using, as a ruse, "we must protect it against the terrorists" in a land grab? Is it all part of the plan?
Israelis don't want the land, they've offered many times to give back the land they took on the wars but the Muslims wouldn't accept it, I don't think Israel has ever started a war
Why would they want shit land when they can justify tripling their land size by by putting in an oil pipeline?
Also, yea, they have started every war in the M.E. in the past two decades. They inhabit our intelligence community, our DoD, and more importantly, the media as shown in the OP.
you're retarded, Muslims are the problem
Good Goyim. It's the Muslims. Fight them for Israel! Save Israel Goyim! Kill the evil Muslims!
I'm actually a Jew in the military
cant even make this shit up
not fighting for Israel, fighting for 'murica
Who the fuck are half these people, the other half don't like Israel. amanpour is always saying shit .
also these captchas have really moved twords driving AI.