I'm really out of the loop with this and I'm guessing other Anons and myself need a
>Quick Rundown
Seriously though what has happened and what are the implications of this woman's actions?
Who the Fuck is Susan Rice?
Other urls found in this thread:
Obama's national security advisor. In 2012 she went on 5 Sunday morning shows and pushed the Obama/Hillary lie that the Benghazi attack was due to an internet video.
She has now been accused of being the person who unmasked the names of Trump's people in intelligence reports. On PBS a few weeks ago she denied any knowledge of names being unmasked. Yesterday on MSNBC she was vague but acknowledged names of Trump associates had been unmasked.
some dindu
PBS interview
MSNBC interview
>National Security Adviser
>Sees foreign individuals under surveillance are talking about--and to--masked Americans
>Seems relevant to unmask them, find out who these foreign individuals are discussing
>Alternatively, it seems obvious who the masked Americans are and who they are is very troubling to the National Security Adviser
>formally requests unmasking, following proper procedures, which is the only reason we know unmasking was requested; even Bloomberg's Eli Lake article admits Rice followed the law
>Later, Flynn info gets leaked
>No evidence Rice leaked it
>Depending on who you ask, a man who acted as an agent for foreign governments in the past (Turkey) and discussed sanctions with a Russian person of interest, possibly undermining the then-current administration's foreign policy--all while the FBI has been investigating Russian involvement in our election since last July--is either a big enough deal that it was worth unmasking him...or no big deal shut up libcuck witch hunt witch hunt witch hunt.
>Trump makes baseless assertion that Obama directly ordered spying on him in his home, poor Sean has to clarify later Trump meant, uh, vague methods of surveillance of some kind, and not just in Trump Tower, but everywhere, uh, yeah, that's the ticket
>Turns out multiple Trump associates showed up on intercepts because they, again, were talking to foreign nationals already under surveillance
>Trump VINDICATED, in that some individuals were surveilled incidentally and the IC took note (see aforementioned FBI investigation into Russia and unanimous agreement throughout election season that Russia was up to shady shit, thus deserving monitoring)
>Still no proof Obama ordered wiretapps on Trump (or ordered whatever broad definition Trump retroactively applied)
>No proof Rice leaked anything
>No proof Rice broke the law
>But it's a squeaky toy to wave at GOP base to distract them from a long-running and ramping-up FBI investigation & ongoing House/Senate investigations
>Pizza restaurant? Must be full of pedophiles because personal emails between circle of longtime friends and associates sound weird
>Campaign/admin with members who just keep getting connected to Russia, which allegedly benefited from Russian active measures because Trump began echoing Russian propaganda, is getting investigated by Congress and the FBI
>"M-muh wiretapp"
>Doesn't work
>Doesn't work
>Works on Sup Forums and FOX but not any Congressman with integrity or the FBI
Have fun with your chew toy, guys.
It's honestly pathetic, this whole thing. If there's nothing involving Russia, just lay all the shit out on the table. We'll look stupid. If there is shit involving Russia, it's probably not even that bad, and we'll look stupid. But the more LALALALALA NOTHING TO SEE HERE THE REAL PROBLEM IS THE LEAKS dancing the administration does the more the FAKE NEWS!!!! has to talk about.
What else are they gonna report on, the wall we have to pay for? The repeal Trump and the GOP failed to pass?
She's obviously trash
Thanks for that
Condoleeza Rice
Susan Rice
are they sisters?
She is Vin Diesel's sister. Ice Cube got her a job with Obama as a secretary or something like that. She stole some masks from the White house basement, and now she's in trouble.
Shills on damage control.
Just one shill, boyo. I own my shit.
Trump and the GOP are doing this desperate dance to distract from some very simple questions:
-How involved was Russia in our election? Nobody credible thinks they hacked voting machines, but most credible people say there's at the very least plenty of circumstantial evidence that Russians employed active measures they've already used in other countries in order to disrupt our election.
-Who knew about their involvement, if anyone?
-If anyone knew, what did they have to gain?
-If people didn't know, how much work did they unintentionally do for the Kremlin?
-Why is Donald Trump pivoting away from longtime allies in order to cozy up to Russia?
-Why is Donald Trump so completely unwilling to criticize Putin?
-Why are some Republicans suddenly angrier about intel leaks than they are about the contents of those leaks?
It probably boils down to:
-Russian government used disinfo and propaganda to meddle with our elections, as they have done elsewhere. Trump, a useful idiot, went along with their measures.
-Trump probably stands to benefit financially from making the Russians happy but is not a foreign agent or some Tom Clancy shit like that.
-Key figures within Trump's circle also stand to benefit enormously from making Putin happy. Maybe some of them are actually compromised, maybe some of them are useful idiots.
-The GOP establishment knows some or all of this but won't admit it because then they wouldn't get to undo all the bad black man's actions, kill net neutrality, slash taxes, and generally buttfuck this country right in the pussy.
-Some figures in Trump's circle will resign in disgrace. Maybe one will go to jail.
-Trump will call it all fake news or say he knew something was off about those guys but was focused on MAGA and will not lose a single Republican voter.
-Sean Spicer will hang himself.
-Trump will beat Franken/Warren or whoever the fuck in 2020 but lose the popular vote by even more.
I'm interested in your ideas, explain in detail each of your bullet points. You're beginning to convince me.
On the off chance I am and you're not just fucking with me, read the transcripts from the recent senate hearings and Comey's testimony in front of the HIC. Or the timelines available from pretty much any site left of Breitbart.
I may not have much shit to do, but I've got shit to do now.
>Obama's UN ambassador
>literally cabinet level post in USA
>Second Term National Security Adviser
>Again, cabinet level
>Tapped other party's campaign
Why should he criticize Putin again? Because you don't like him or because we have a bad history (that needs to be changed)?
Regardless, still no proof. What ever happened to that blackwater story you pushed for 3 hours? So quick to push unverified nonsense when it fits your narrative but so unwilling to accept this confirmed scandal.
Yeah, how the whole nation isn't livid is beyond me.
I can't I'm on a small device. Post your arguments. I never thought of it that way.
too many brainwashed libtards
Just ask them if they'll be ok with Trump doing what Rice & Co. did in 2020. Really gets their noggins joggin
Rice threads need bumps. Search "rice" and help out of you won't make your own thread
>later, flynn info gets leaked
>no evidence rice leaked it
you are so clearly full of shit. this is proof right here. she was one of a handful of senior officials that would have this info and "somehow" it got leaked.
how else do you think it would be leaked retard?
>Still no proof Obama ordered wiretapps on Trump (or ordered whatever broad definition Trump retroactively applied)
so, we are to believe rice decided upon herself to request the names to be unmasked and did it without telling obama before hand? the story doesnt add up, something with political motives happened.
your entire post sounds like it was written by chris matthews or some other msnbc pundit's drivel. completely biased and ignoring facts.
>that Russians employed active measures they've already used in other countries in order to disrupt our election.
>to meddle with our elections
>disrupt our election.
stop with this war mongering against russia. you cant even point out what "disrupting our election" means, its purely a political talking point.
what exactly did russia do? post stupid articles on facebook? leak factual information about hillary clinton? they did absolutely nothing to influence our election in any significant way. Russia could be erased from history and the election would have played out the exact same way.
this is neo-con bullshit that lindsey graham and john mccain spew because they have reasons to want to trigger ww3 in syria against russia.
russia is absolutely no threat to us unless we have open conflict with them and people like are you are actively pushing for it.
None of this is relevant in the slightest. Trump is president, nobody is going to seriously challenge this going forward.
This noise is nothing but a cynical attempt to regain control of the narrative. This is an attempt to have everybody look at the left hand, ignoring what the right hand is doing.
What is going on with health care repeal? What is going on with the wall? What is going on with all the other MAGA issues?
Instead we have noise about who knew what when. It is all fake news. It is all engineered to pull the wool over your eyes.
>What is going on with health care repeal? What is going on with the wall? What is going on with all the other MAGA issues?
What's going on with the takedown of the Clinton pedo ring?
she sucked off donald trump
>Implying Mattis didn't tell Flynn to talk to Russia so he didn't have to work with that prick.
No, just niggers.