Thanks a lot cultural marxism.
Also having a fetish for pregnant girls (and getting them pregnant) is the least degenerate fetish IMO
Thanks a lot cultural marxism.
Also having a fetish for pregnant girls (and getting them pregnant) is the least degenerate fetish IMO
Other urls found in this thread:
Ill agree to the second but im sure Germany has women who want to have lots of kids you just need to look harder.
Have you found any in the USA? How do you find them?
>and getting them pregnant
this is also my fetish
Please tell me your pic is a porn.
Well I found mine through a local Catholic church. I got my wife pregnant when she was still in high school and we plan on even more having more as soon as we are more settled in work.
God I feel so lucky being with a white girl who loves being pregnant and being a mother. She's 20 and I've already had two kids with her.
I don't know what you guys are gonna do it really does seem hopeless.
>I got my wife pregnant when she was still in high school
I don't know why people look down on this. Teenage pregnancy is the ultimate redpill.
The white race would be a lot better off if we could get rid of that stigma and instead focus our efforts on encouraging those young people to be responsible and step up to the plate.
But unfortunately it's too socially difficult for most young women to choose to have children young.
She was in high school i was graduated and ensured she had the credits needed to graduate. I only look down at teen pregnancy when the people involed do nothing to better themselves.
quadroon here, just inpreganted one realy beautiful aryan young women. Im wondering how our child will look like since it will be 1/8 african.
I spoke to a German student girl and she told me in Germany having children before age 30 is considered a sign of the underclass and she couldn't understand her housemate who just wanted to have children.
They all look like mongrels.
>Also having a fetish for pregnant girls (and getting them pregnant) is the least degenerate fetish IMO
this tbqh
>tfw no Heidi Klumfu
it was pretty common for younger girls to die in childbirth before c-sections became safer.
Why not join a conservative Anabaptist sect in the US?
Sounds like a redpill to me.
Proof? I doubt it, seems like young women are in the best shape for pregnancy. My wife, who had our sons at age 17 and age 19, had extremely easy, healthy pregnancies and delivered big fat 10 lb. babies in less than six hours of labor and ten minutes of pushing for each one. Recovered super quickly too.
>age 17
How did you not wind up in prison?
He's telling porkies.
Getting girls pregnant is not a fetish.
Go to countryside with a fat wallet and get a qt thick milky wife
Look up the Mormon church my friend.
TFR for a Mormon woman is 3.6 vs 1.8 for a normal person.
Kike brainwashing.
Nope, 1/8 is nigger
I just don't understand how it's possible for foreigners (Arabs/Africans) to have 5+ kids, while working very shitty jobs, even Government handouts wouldn't aren't enough, unless they're living incredibly cheap.
It seems as if 1 white kid = $10,000 a day whereas 1 non-white kid = $5 a day
Romeo and Juliet laws, I was only 19 at the time.
It's because whites think that kids need to go to Disney World every year.
Because you're retarded all kids need is food and some inexpensive tech every year.
Kids are very inexpensive.
Still low anyways and unfortunately most Mormons are shills for Israel.
What? No, kikes have just lied to you about how much it costs to raise a family- I mean I don't know how it is in Australia, but here I support my family on around 23k a year, and we are trying for our third right now without worrying about any financial strain. We're really comfy.
non white kid = nothing but bare essentials
white kid = spoiled rotten
Shilling for Israel is one of the most redpilled things you can do.
simple answer is that they're terrible parents that don't think about consequences
but they do have extended families to help ease the burden
Yeah but the obvious tradeoff is having a religious fucktard for a mother. Pretty sure OP implicitely meant that there aren't any *attractive and smart* girls in germany who want a big family
There is user.
I stole one from you almost a year ago and she lives with me here now. :) Wants a nice big family.
Oh well. I guess there might be another one eh Hans?
Kids cost 2.400 dollars a year for food after that entertainment is even less expensive, losing some luxury and having more kids is no brained to me but other people have other subjective values, I believe a more powerful family is better than a weak low test one.
Attractive would be good enough, as long as she is psychologically stable. I already have a lot of intelligence genes, but they need to be balanced out with some calm reasonable genetics. I am afraid if I had kids with another INTP genius the kids would come out high IQ autists with unique personality disorders (implying any of those girls would ever even want kids before 35)
Pregnancy is the most redpilled fetish.
It's also the oldest fetish in mankind.
blame the protestant reformation
hard work and thrift amirite :^)
>impregnation fetish
lay off the hentai for a bit
Where were you looking for one?
To find family loving girl you need to go where they go.
Check church or some other women loved places.
If religion keeps people moral and in tact then what's the problem with it?
I want to breed.
live in the city, seriously, it's expensive but children can do things independently and there's a bunch of free organizations for them to get involved in without you having to drive them around like in the suburbs
Genetics don't work like that, you don't have nor had all high in ancestors
>lay off the hentai for a bit
make me
Here's a tip: If you use Myers-Briggs for anything other than shitposting, you're not actually a genius.
I am not surprised I didnt find one. I live in le cucked university town which has more antifas than police officers.
Kids are the luxury and worth infinite dollars to me.
There's a reason sterilization is such a crime
They do want a family Hans, just with Mohommad and not you.
High iq
You're sped. Teen moms make shit parents.
What's the sex with a 17 year old pregnant chick like?
Asking out of curiosity.
Pregnation isn't a fetish it is nature.
Well it is a bit different in my case. Both of my parents were ultra introverted high IQ autists who essentialy had a kid by accident, and have been celibate hermits since. There is definitely a genetic element, because these traits are also present in many other people in my family, not just the parents.
And in any case, having a level headed girl would give the kids a better environment to grow up in. No use to have a massive brain if your mother is a drama queen or crazy - you will get mentally fucked for life and your intelligence will be useless
Just marry an Arab woman. Plenty in your country now. They love big families.
After you get a job go to some women family forum or other "girly" websites and send "hi" to every girl you like.
That is how I found my wife lol.
And your grandparents?
Fuck off kike
I have a cousin who is 1/8 black and she is extremely pale, and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Blackness can be bred out tbqh.
No, fuck off nigger
They had various high strung personality traits.
>no girls in Germany that want a big family
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Hahaha... I was joking fool.
My wife was 17 and prego and I did fuck her.
Bit gross but very 'big' and wet.
Forgot about those
Were they geniuses?
I'm fully white. It is just one of my cousins.
They came from an older generation where people weren't obsessing over that from what I understand. The high IQ I only know from my parents
If you find the sight of a impregnated woman arousing, then it's a fetish.
Genetics work in recent time with a somewhat correlation of parents but in higher timeframes it goes through the entire genetic pool of the ethnicity, which is why race matters.
Well no, it is not just that. It's the whole impregnating women thing as well.
I mean really it shows you how weird our times are that the most normal sexual interest (impregnation) is now a fetish.
Thus it's your race and your kids would be practically the same from a healthy wife than a good dice rolled wife.
You can roll the genes of many ancestors and genes can express themselves, no one has 100% genius line of ancestry thus individuals aren't what you should look for.
I approve of, and support this thread
Well I work in science, and most science PhDs come from science backgrounds, with 1-2 generations of breeding scientists with scientists. The more this selective breeding is done, the smarter the kids seem to be, but at the same time they also get more awkward and socially odd in some ways. High IQ needs to be mixed with high EQ every now and again IMO.
>tfw get instead hard-on to the one group of women I know I definitely can't pick up because they're likely already married/committed
>Well I work in science, and most science PhDs come from science backgrounds, with 1-2 generations of breeding scientists with scientists. The more this selective breeding is done, the smarter the kids seem to be, but at the same time they also get more awkward and socially odd in some ways. High IQ needs to be mixed with high EQ every now and again IMO.
Arabs are high IQ. Just sayin.
That's not a fetish
It's called being a heterosexual
I highly doubt it, most scientists did not have scientist parents.
>Also having a fetish for pregnant girls (and getting them pregnant)
I hate to agree with a germcuck but cumming inside the girl feels awesome. Cumming on a girl may be fine once or twice, but cumming inside is glorious.
Mine too
I dont have any statistics, it is just my own observation from the time spent here.
Also there are many combinations. Most common is probably 1 scientist/engineer + 1 college educated parent.
I remember that there is some statistics as well on this but I dont have time to find it at the moment. INTP men and women tend to mate together for instance. And I remember reading a study that showed that many mental disorders correlated with higher IQ. But I cant find the citations right now.
I can't even do condoms anymore
>muh religious fucktard
The majority of white religious people I've met are top tier.
Go search up a famous scientist and post his parents, individuals have all the genes of population group not just dice rolled intelligence ones but a good dice roll with good dice roll has good chances of repeating but never removes entire gene pool.
Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.
Because whatever you buy for the first child can be reused for the second. At some number of children the welfare you get per child starts to accumulate.
hi there Mengele, are you coming back with your eugenic experiments?
>kek wills uncle adolf's digits...
> nigger
Honestly the modern world is one huge eugenics/dysgenics experiment. No nazi scientist could come up with a more fucked up one.
>pregnant women eating cupcakes in their bras and panties
you have my attention
It's relatively cheaper to provide for 3 kids than 1. Their kids pretty much always share rooms, shared gaming stations, pass me downs etc.
>now her pussy is blown out
>Arabs are high IQ. Just sayin.
No they are not.
my fetish is getting 3 females pregnant at the same time
Well Hitler was a nigger lover according to "muh diversity" Neetsocs
Similar although my fetish involves women taking me hostage and using me as a breeder
my fetish is getting pregnant