I drew a jews cartoon in class. And teacher said this is anti semetisim, i had to tore up the paper.
But why is it BAD?
Hell. Why is racism bad?
I drew a jews cartoon in class. And teacher said this is anti semetisim, i had to tore up the paper.
But why is it BAD?
Hell. Why is racism bad?
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because youre a fucking idiot kid in school browsing utter shit sites like this one instead of forming your own opinions or forming a personality that might get you laid at some point in your life.
because it's a bit like saying the answer to the Mafia is to round up all the italians. If we had done that, there would be a behind the scenes cabal of italians milking the idea of anti-italian sentiment, and getting away with (literal) murder scott free. Sound familliar?
It's basically inescapable that people who are Jewish have done some terrible things (if not the worst) but weird patterns emerge where you see lots of these folks are not even following mainstream Judaism but kaballistic and mystic judaism. It's bad enough that these people grow up feeling like they are God's chosen, without tempering that fact with the truth that God chooses the least of us to rule and glorify Him. Add to that fact that many of these evil people are then considering themselves the privileged few among God's chosen people that have been given secret knowledge of relabeled gnosticism and mysticism, and it sure explains why (((they))) treat us like sheep. or worse. I bet the rothschilds et tal are eating a fat slab of bacon as we speak, because I have never got the impression that they take the laws of leviticus or moses even the slightest bit seriously.
Why is racism bad? first of all, it threatens your realization that Yeshua died for the blacks in Africa just as much as He died for you and I, and He is likely not very impressed with western philosophy, art, and culture. Hard to imagine Him being impressed by anything more than complete servitude and dependence on Him. ALL of us who enter the gates of heaven will start our journey on our faces, realizing that our greatest works are as filthy rags, and salvation is a gift, not earned.
If you're an atheist, then there is no such thing as "bad" to begin with. It's all just an idea, spawned by certain chemical reactions that fool us into thinking it's an original thought or a well considered opinion.
shut the fuck up faggot no one is going to read your stupid little nigger facts
let's see
lets see you being a dumb little snow nigger ranting on with some cherry picked race facts you read somewhere on an internet website ran by someone probably under the age of 35.
go fuck yourself you needle dick shilling dork
Whoa reddit, slow down. At best I shared my sentiments and feelings. There is no data presented in my rant, and to say it contained any facts at all is to basically admit I stumbled onto something truthful. That's possible, but your template based response that your SJW raid team assembled will be put to better use elsewhere.
With a deep breathe, you might even find that my sentiments run counter to majority opinion here.
hasty generalization fallacy. Just because some jews are bad doesn't mean all jews are bad.
Same with racism, Tyrone was a drug dealer therefore Steven can't be a computer technician? Doesn't follow.
also, general trust deficit turns this into "it was plot" as a wonderful explanation for any problem. river's run dry? As the russian folk song goes - 't was the jews that did it!
shut the fuck up snow nigger with the reddit this or reddit that because i'm not some fucking idiot ideologue. you, YOU, are a form of brain cancer .
i'll be so glad when we purge all the snow niggers from my goddamn race
critical thinking is literally the death of western civilization. people who do it should be shot.
>Why is racism bad?
Fer real? I thought racists just accepted that they were embracing bad reasoning and decided they could live with it.
It's pretty simple: racial discrimination goes after people for something they have absolutely no control over, namely who their parents are. It's completely backwards thinking if one holds to any degree the assertion that they're not just like their parents.
>either the dumbest teen I've encountered today or the worst troll this week
its a kind of power fantasy in which someone usually downtrodden and low on the totem pole (in our case, the socioeconomic placement) tries to imagine its not all bad because at leas tthey're not like 'those shitskins'.. kind of the way even the lowest roman pleb could go look at slaves & gladiators and know that their lot in life could be worse, and they're above someone.
There is no difference between voluntary and involuntary behaviour besides your egoic identification with them. You are just as responsible for the things you say as you are for the breaths you breath, you crawled out of the womb, you grew the way you grew, you did everything you did.
your grasp of the definitions of "Facts" and "idealogue" reek of reddit (or jezebel\buzzfeed desu) but a person from that neck of the woods wouldn't fervently deny it to cause trouble here right?
Thanks for setting me straight
>It's pretty simple: racial discrimination goes after people for something they have absolutely no control over, namely who their parents are. It's completely backwards thinking if one holds to any degree the assertion that they're not just like their parents.
So when certain groups build certain ideology - you attach results of that ideology to race. example - nigger thug culture will get you rubbed if you're in a black neighborhood.
looks like a samefag to me. as if those people ever talk about 'purging snow sniggers'.. come on. at least do it with a little bit more subtlety.
It's very easy to become a racist if you don't encounter said race in your day to day life.
E.g Asian people don't encounter black people often so they can make racist jokes easier than they'd be able to in America.
Just like that it's easy for an American to hate jews when you're far away from where anti-semitism is a real problem i.e Europe.
And this phenomenon is evident from the fact jew hating threads = burger fests 90% of the time (like this one)
Don't think. Drink Pepsi
If you're in a class where the teacher could make you tear up your drawing then you're too young for Sup Forums kid.
how about croatians?
No, racism is accepting reality and it is therefore good
I've lived with niggers multiple times before. Grew up going to school with them. I have a LOT of nigger experience.
And yet I dont really like niggers, funny that.
Racism can't be real if race isn't ;v
Being against Jews is GOOD. They are saying it's bad only because Jews control media and spreading lies
>> yeah guys lets not talk about stuff we don't have a counter argument to. just inductive reasoning and saaage. don't think. 14 88. heil hitler.
>as if those people ever talk about 'purging snow sniggers'
They do when they are trying to play the "Look guys, I'm one of you, promise" card.
i think his question was 'why is it good' ..
On the flipside, its absolutely ridiculous to assume that any race WOULDN'T have negative qualities if we are capable of distinguishing them.
It isn't bad in fact it is good
the whole problem the jezebel/etc end of identity politics have is that they can't readily agree upon anything and expend most of their effort fighting each other. there's not an awful lot of actual 'kill whitey' there, relatively speaking. at least if you're comparing it to /stormfront jr, where literally every other thread is "its a {{{conspiracy}}}"
Hi Caelmac.
thats not the point when you're just trying to dehumanize people so that they're easier to hate..
I think liberals dehumanise races by acting like they aren't accountable for their behaviour.
What is a person if you have no opinion of them? They are nobody.
Because being mean is bad
Hello Chaim
its not bad.
>Nod an argumend :DDD
You will never get away from racism. If everyone stops being racist, the ones who becomes racists will unite among themselves and game everyone else in order to maximize their genetic propagation. Racism is a successful strategy for genes. Its a bit like a game. Even if you dont have a chessboard we can talk about moves being good or bad, the same goes for genetic strategies and if a genetic strategy was to emerge through random mutation that caused racist behaviour, then that individual would on average spread and KEEP his genes to a greater extend than someone not racist. It is no use suppressing racism, as then racism will become even stronger as strategy.
Nothing wrong with hating the Jews OP.
They are the scum of the Earth.
you're not entirely wrong (although the kill whitey narrative has just been replaced with "whites should understand the need for suicide) but I think the "snow nigger" stuff he's spewing is shill camo, and his "hate facts" stuff is true colors burning through. Maybe I'm just getting trolled. shrug
Antisemitism is of course not bad. What are semites? Semites are arabs/muslims and jews, any ethnic groups that speaks a semitic language (i.e. arab/hebrew). The semitic culture is diametrically opposed to western values, and the europeans have been warring with the semitic tribes since the days of the greeks and roman. Our greco-roman culture stands for reason, logic, democracy, freedom, the semitic culture stands for barbarism, mysticism, illiterate stupidity.
Note that today's jews pretend to be 'the only westernized nation in the middle east', but the truth is, just look at Israel, if ANY western nation pulled the shit they pull (not registering their nuclear arsenal with international commissions, stealing nuclear material from France/USA, the apartheid state, the colonization of palestinian areas, the planned bombing runs against iranian nuclear power plants (!), calling Israel a 'jewish state for jews only'), if any greco-roman nation did this they would be universally shunned and demonized as barbarians.
Semites have been trying to conquer Europe for millenia. The persians, karthagens, and last but not least the arab/muslim menace. When arab muslims flooded into spain from north africa, jews came in with them and helped them to enslave the spanish christians financially. Jews and muslims - semites - hand in hand against christian europeans.
Now as far as demonizing criticism of jews and muslims as 'antisemitism' goes: there is a fifth column of traitors, a literal sect/cult, in our western nations, that worships jews as the master race, the 'chosen ones' (which directly contradicts what Jesus Christ teaches: namely that God discarded the jews in favour of a new chosen group, the christians). This idolatrous worship of jews as some sort of master race is most obvious in the UK and USA.