> Be me
> Elementary school had no blacks. Saw your first one in sixth grade. He had flunked a couple grades, so he was the age of an eighth grader.
>Bigger, stronger, dumber and more butthurt than all the other sixth graders, he was a bully. The other grades in your school (7th & 8th) also had flunky blacks, but high school sized, also bullies.
>Bully niggers never get in trouble, because they have "special needs". You learned to hate them from sixth grade on, and it got worse in high school.
>Flash forward to age 36. Be a police officer in a small town in Indiana. Chicago is about an hour away.
>Cops get "throw down" guns all the time, which criminals drop or throw out car windows as they are pursued
>Keep these guns, do not turn them in. Wait until 5 to 10 are saved up. Clean them, load them up, wipe them of fingerprints.
>Drive to Chicago slums on a Friday, just after dark.
>Drop guns on the ground outside liquor stores and other gang-banger loitering places..
>Check the news on Monday morning. "Seventeen shot, nine killed in Chicago this weekend".
>Smile to yourself, and collect another batch of guns.
Your best White Supremacy stories ITT
Other urls found in this thread:
what you doing sounds illegal nigga
Wow, that hadn't occurred to me. Should I turn myself in, Sup Forums?
Here's another one from my own life:
>be me
>living in quiet neighborhood with wife and 2 children
>african "refugee" moves in next door with fat ass wife and 3 wild children
>go to hang washing on the clothes line one evening, the screen door slams shut behind you
>africoon storms out of his front door, swearing and punching our dividing fence, telling you he's going to kill you for waking up his son.
>put your head over the fence and tell him to shut the fuck up or you'll get him deported
>call the police, police come, he chimps out and attacks police with knife. police taser him and wife and kids chimp out. wifey throws paving stone at police officer, police knock her to the ground, kids chimp out and scream and throw random shit. whole family is forced into transport wagon, family is moved to detention center.
>you and your wife celebrate with other neighbors on the front lawn with bbq.
LOL!! it was so funny. i was crying with laughter
you should have seen them, it was a category 10 chimpout.
the kids were going apeshit.
he was literally pacing his front yard with a machete, because my screen door slammed behind me.
3 cop cars, all guns drawn, and the wife was jumping around on the front lawn like a chimp on heat.
police didnt fuck around. it was epic. this was back in 2007.
Jesus Christ
ITT: fiction
the internet: where all good stories are fiction because reality isn't funny or eventful
>Flash forward to age 36
No one at 36 uses Sup Forums.