>tfw you thought yaaaaaaaassss queen slay was just a meme
Tfw you thought yaaaaaaaassss queen slay was just a meme
And neither of those women do anything but sit pretty and spread their legs for the husband.
What an accomplisment.
>all those likes
fucking beta cucks. i don't care how Chad you are, if you're giving a bitch attention like that, you're lower than than the lowest omega.
if they are all Qweenz doesn't that make the title worthless?
Beauty is fleeting, subjective, and in a constant cycling supply. They'll understand soon.
>the moment when you, a queen, come across another queen, and discuss how best to maximize your joint slay
what does this even mean?
that pic make genuine sense, rather then the abomination in the comments of that pic above.
i sincerly want them DEAD.
they are making life shit for others unconsiously.
the moment when you, a queen(niggress), come across another queen(niggress), and discuss how best to maximize you joint slay(welfare benefits).
I would bleach the fuck out of the one on the left.
>those comments
"queens" of what? Do you europoors have to respect them because "Muh monarchy?" or do african mudhut queens and camel sluts not count?
inb4. "facebook women are surely Americans" they are women, and niggers, they are incapable of intelligent thought.
Agreed, and nice flag
In the good old days of Africa the ancestors of Rara Avocados were being too busy laboring for Queen Mouth Clicking Sounds or being whipped into shape to do labor by Queen Mouth Clicking Sounds' soldiers to even think about entertaining the idea that they were on an equal level to her.
Hell, I would go as far as to venture that even today there are many in Africa who would laugh at Rara and other plebeians who believe they are kangz and shit.
I want to fuck the feet of the ;pooinloo kween on the right
Do you live in a cave?
>Sup Forums
Oh wait you do
They can play pretend but they'll never steal this crown.
>That moment when you, a queen
>come across an ape,
>and try to understand what the fuck
>its saying
havent you read the comments? these are literal queens. they rule entire countries. women of color are the most powerful race on the planet
all women of color are queens. it's in their dna, albino cave lepper
ooh ooh ooh [beats chest]
Yes, but it's fitting seeing as they are worthless
Ok, so one is queen Rania, the CONSORT (lol, reads: whore) of the king of Jordan, so literally what toothpaste said.
But who is the nigger, and what nigger "country" is her mud hut located in?
She was pretty hot back in the day. Not like a 10/10 by any means, but a nice 7/10 girl next door castle kinda look.
I means dumb shit down until people begin thinking it turms like "yasss" and "slayyy" faggots need get a glass of wake the fuck up. If they feel the need to discuss what two queens are dping together they can at least make sound like they arent a couple of of teeny boppers
Just what the fuck is a 'join slay'?
WTF? She was ugly as sin. Her only redeeming quality was that she wasn't fat.
>when an user finally comes out of the echo chamber
This guy: is talking shit. There was nothing wrong with pic related.
>Just what the fuck is a 'join slay'?
Same question.
Who the fuck are they supposed to be? Is the black one the queen of Florida?
Jokes apart, the pic is really cool.
>trashy gaudy whores
I get the feeling that only middle class black faggots/women like stupid shit like this. I get the feeling that redpilled blacks would see through this "queen" bullshit a mile away
Nigger speak
>what does this even mean?
Obviously they are going to 'slay a joint' which means smoke a joint and they are trying to 'maximize' it, or figure out how to make it last as long as possible.
Idk, she had a real "wifey" quality look to her, like the kind of girl you would meet at a bible study or church youth group, a real "antislut" look imho.
Fuck it I'll do it.
What Brazzers clip is this frum!?
So what's the problem?
Well the passable fuckable one is the whore of Jordan, but the nigger I have no idea. She's not American obviously, though we do have blacks that dress like that, but they always way 150lbs more. She is probably some tribal queen of some click click mudhut village.
>Rara Avacados
>yaaaaaaaassss queen slay
mmhhmmm mmmmmmmmmmm
So much for the 'power' meeting. Thanks for the information, Ameribro.
>culture... that is the lack here in America
I guess we'll just ignore the South, Yankee, Midwest, Southwest. PNW culture and all the regional variations since it isn't based in nigger or haji culture
Fuck, if these fuckers want nigger and haji culture so bad, why won't they move to the Sandbox or Africa?
Well, strike out the Spanish or this shit-hole's queen.
I've no knowledge of a monarchy in subsaharan africa, that chick is pure-nigger sraight-from-africa slave material
and who are they? I've no idea who these people are
Which has more resources?
Women have zero power in Africa except to do what men say.
Its on par with islamic shitholes.
But America is bad because all are equal.
Women having to combine efforts to get anything accomplished because they're useless unless assisted.
>America has no culture
This vanilla culture that tires these people is called Western civilization
They should go to some AIDs infested country and be raped and cannibalised
The one to the left is Jordan, which is no suprise because every arabitch from any well established family calls herself a princess or a queen.
The left one is, and I'm not shitting you here, is probably one of the queens or princesses of the king of swaziland which is a tiny shithole. I say I'm not sure because the king has fucking 15 wives, un-fucking-believable.
"The one to the left is Jordan" and "the left one is Swaziland"? So the woman on the left is from both? What about the woman on the right?
Monroe is badass. He dropped out of his elite law school to fight in the revolutionary war and got shot three times.
>Well, strike out the Spanish or this shit-hole's queen.
>I've no knowledge of a monarchy in subsaharan africa, that chick is pure-nigger sraight-from-africa slave material
Best solution for the world would be to highly arm Morocco and aid them to kill every fucking thing down there.
Morocco at least has a legit monarchy and I pray to fucking God that it stays that way.
What happened with all the other countries in North Africa after the glourious 'revolution'?
Please go out there, Morroco: Kill them all.
The Founding Fathers were badasses, We can only hope to make them proud and make America great again
>king of Swaziland
>having your own country and as many beautiful wives as you can handle
>all while looking like a guy who loads trucks behind K-Mart
Seems like the guys got a pretty sweet scam going to be honest.
Agreed. If you havent seen it yet, you should watch the John Adams miniseries
I see, thanks habibi. Salam alykum
Some "black girl magic" nigger shit
They dress nice but i find it highly unlikely that theyre of any importance to the country theyre from.
And as some people have posted, one is 1 out of 15 or more "queens" that this fat boy has and its safe to assume that he is the authority and the "queens" including the one in the picture is property, a fuck hole.
The one on the right is from Jordan, some princess or something. The one on the left is one of 15 wives of the King of Swaziland.
>not wearing a crown
>tfw queens will always be subservient to kings
Can you fucking imagine what shallow, vapid, retardedly pointless conversation these 2 would have.
would definitely bang out the one of the right desu.
Seeing as one is just some super spoiled, probably materialistic woman, and the other is another even more spoiled woman compared to the situation in her shithole country, we can only imagine.
Not that user but the queen is ugly as fuck. Get over it.
Sure thing will do thanks
>you, a queen
Welfare queen more like it
Is this how we stop them to breed? Let them pretend that they are queens with the noses up the air so that they are too good for anybody. They could just fleet around and accomplish nothing with that attitude.
I'd do her for sure, as the horndog I am. She doesn't look bad. It would be a shame if shes into that pedophile network stuff tho
lmao that's all but trashy
matbe you just hat women and dislike them having pics on facebook