Redpill on attractiveness?

What if extreme physical attractiveness is ultimately an undesirable trait?

It definitely tends to lead to degeneracy.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't find blonde white girls attractive anymore at all. I think it's Hollywood and the media that brainwashed me into liking them. I like North Indian, Central Asian, and Persian girls attractive.
>cooks and cleans
>wants to have many children
>will have sex anytime with you

I quote some Slavic clubbie (Translated)
>(Conventially attractive woman) How is the music?
(Kinda drunk) Its good, good lots of beautiful women. Lots of nice tits'
>You like tits?
'Yes a lot'
>What the best thing about a woman?
'The soul. The soul'
>What about tits?
'Tits are nice, very nice-but I look for the soul'

>I think it's Hollywood and the media that brainwashed me into liking them.

No they brainwashed you into not liking them, and they succeeded.

>What is leafposting
>What are (((dreams)))
>What is a permanent kissless virgin

white girls are good as a cum dump but are not wife material.

I find that even very attractive males tend to promote degeneracy because their primal needs gets satiated and they don't seem to care much about anything after that

Being attractive is a redpill. You realize nothing else matters.


so go about sleeping around and becoming sluts then? because only that matters

When i see somebody who's like a 9/10, I think their attractive but automatically have no interest in knowing them. Because I know the behavior problems that come with being a 9/10.

I've dated two 9/10 women, and it's pretty shitty. They get hit on all day everywhere constantly, they are not afraid of losing but you because they have 200 alpha chads lined up waiting for them, and they are obsessed with the way they look.

A 7/10 who can look like a 8/10 on a good day is better to date

This is dumb. Maintain hygiene, work out and practice social skills and you'll have chicks on your cock 24/7

What if you're >5'9?


That doesn't really matter since we have advanced enough that people from almost any background can survive long enough to have kids. Human evolution isn't guided by desirable traits anymore, and it hasn't been for quite some time.

Cool Normiesplainin

Kek the video is what makes it so good

Those with a lot to lose will take fewer risks

Seeing as ugly buggers have less to lose it seems they'd risk more

Although, Nature has definitely been suppressed by civilization, it still has a considerable influence

actually that's a pretty good point




Shit, I know what you're talking about and now I need to find it again for an old kek.

I don't have it saved, but if anyone has it would be moderatly pleasing

>Just work on your confidence! Of course a woman can put aside your inferior genes, genetic defects and nonproductive hobbies to settle down with onw of the only guys she'll have a chance at having kids with-as long as he is confident, because women are hoes right ;)
STFU leaf, DotR when

Leafposting is strong today, might get the leafblower out of the cupboard...

Poland has had a bit of success at controlling degeneracy even though very attractive females

Checked, Quads of eternal truth. The only new factor now is bank size. Simply put, a Tracey would go out with an eternal Eugene-if the Eugene was a multimillionaire


Only fags are insecure about their height. Most girls are under 5"9 m8.

Yes and no. Obviously beta weaklings will have a harder time landing a "decent" mate but : 1) physical traits are not the only thing that matters anymore, beta weaklings can be super rich beta weaklings and 2) they can still pair off with their equivalent from the opposite sex, while if it was 40.000 years ago the male would have either died or be denied mating by stronger candidates.

Leaf, that ain't even relevant. Even in the nigger communes Chads and Eugenes exist, but instead:
>Big bank=A large bucket of chicken on demand every day
>Working a high paying job=Working a job

Celibacy is the fountain of eternal youth. Remember this.

The sad thing is some basement dweller autist made this.

*a self aware basement autist.
Read: (You)

incredible, now kys

Celibacy is the end of the species and genetic suicide. If you value your own life, you value life enough to realize you're the descendant of hundreds of millions of creatures that successfully fucked and rose offspring. Get to it, or recognize that their effort in producing you was a waste.

Height is the single most important feature in a man for a woman:

Muscles should not be your priority. Your priorities should be:

>1) low body fat

>2) shave your body hair.

Lean waxed men are rated better by women than hairy men with muscle:

Women find bodybuilders unattractive. Only men think "big" is beautiful, in both senses of the word big:

If you're fat, you're sexually DEAD to women.

Yes, it is. I'm a functional autist that doesn't look like a sperg. Between 14-20 I realized how easy it was to actually manipulate women to get what you want from them. And to tell the truth while it was fun, it turned me into a sociopath, turned me off of women in a personal sense, and I got tired of not being me just to have a girl sit on my face every now and then.

I've finally reached "uncanny valley" where after actually talking to me women they get the hint, but I still get the random girl who just won't leave me alone. It's like they try to attach themselves to me somehow, with increasing levels of weirdness that is female logic.

It's also really awkward because I'm 32, and haven't aged since 16, but I get hit on from females aged 15-50ish. Especially cashiers, because of the hook up culture nowadays, they pretty much expect me to take them out if they even smile in my general direction. Doesn't help that these are some of the loudest and most annoying ones, and can sometimes get really offended and make buying something a shitty experience.

>I can't stop whacking off to hot chicks

>Bitching about degeneracy on Sup Forums of all places

>Height is the single most important feature in a man for a woman:

You're saying this because you're tall. Short with a good face is much better than tall with a shit face. I know plenty of unfucked 6 foot and over guys, cause they're ugly.

>commie flag
women were a mistake

I hope you have settled down m80, because age is gonna hit hard, fast and soon

>Not freezing sperm in your early twenties to create a clone army with when artificial wombs are made.
>And making a surrogate mother carry one now for you with full anonymity after creating a knowledge path curriculum/library for him.

>Short with a good face is much better than tall with a shit face.

Watch the fucking video before you lash out your "opinion".

(((Makeup))) is degenerate. Find a woman who is beautiful when she wakes up in the morning and you'll sire master race children.

Other way round in my subjective terms. Every tall guy in my old school was hooked up. The manlets had a win rate of about 30%.
Basically put:
>Guys get turned off at fat chicks-chicks can fix that
>Chicks get turned off at short guys (Even when wearing 6' heels)-short guys are fuckered until 30 and Chad is done with them

>I don't find blonde white girls attractive anymore at all.
Maybe this is more your style, leaf.

I have, and it did hit somewhat 2 years ago. I gained 40 pounds out of nowhere(had been the same weight too). But I worked all of it off, and am now just 20 pounds of muscle heavier. I am getting random white hairs too, may be Anderson Coopering.

Full anonymity? Knowledge path curriculum/library? ... Can I visit your secreted fortress? And does it have redundant power, food, and water sources?

Yes, in the days of contraceptives it is a trait leading to degeneracy.

If unattractiveness comes from some sort of defect that could lead to health issues (obesity, mental illness, etc) of course such partner is undesirable. But if we talk about a mere asymmetry, noone should care about that shit.

>What if extreme physical attractiveness is ultimately an undesirable trait?
It's not. Physical attractiveness is the way to know who have good traits to breed, as ugliness is usually a result of low quality feeding, bad genetic ancestry and even low IQ(see fethal alcohol syndrome)

>It definitely tends to lead to degeneracy.
Trust me, ugly people are degenerate as fuck, probably even more degenerate than beautiful people.

See fat people(especially women), africans, mongrels, etc.

>but cannot poo in loo

>Be insecure about physical attractiveness after 20+ years of not grooming like socially aware people
>Also white nationalists intent on passing on genes that are unsurprisingly not in high demand

ITT why the alt-right is always laughed at

>Poland has had a bit of success at controlling degeneracy

Dude, Europe is ALL the same, don't fucking even delude yourself. Poland is as degenerate as France or Germany, only the degrees may be slightly different, but unnoticeable

>found the normie
Nice try, but you're not Chad

You can tell she doesn't even understand him at all. Fucking women

Yes Yes No(toojellyofmycastlewall) Yes Yes Yes (and the self contained ecology is almost perfected, could last about 120 years sealed before it would start to break down)

Attractiveness tends to lead to degeneracy because attractive people don't have to work for shit as hard. Would you be more likely to do something nice for a solid 10 or a fat, moldy walking sweatstain? Ugly people actually have to try in life.

Money also helps people stay attractive (better makeup, surgeries, healthy foods/supplements, gym memberships, etc.). More money also = more success.

ITT: ugly, beta fat fucks

Sadly attractiveness is still important for me. I know this cute girl who is happa and perfect wife material but I refuse to go further with her because she isnt a solid 10.

On the other side the chicks I'm attractive too are far from wife material. Most can't even spell.

Its a tough life. Thats why I stick to anime

Doesn't find white girls attractive.
Post the whitest fucking turd you can find, pale skin, no hook nose, no rubber double chin...

Sup Forums is mostly comprised of beta negatives

Fosters m8, fosters


>White women have birthed white children for a millennia
>worth a cum dump

okay nigger

>Animefag lecturing that he is better than the best meat that he will ever get
And, yes Happa is still fucked up regardless

>tom hardy/christian bale aren't chad level
topest of keks m8

i am a slayer but don't get any women because i am always flirty and funny, but i never seriously make a move and girls just assume i am not interested anyway (probably). this is also a problem desu.



No, you're probably the average beta

Can't decide if severely autistic or shill.

Is that some hair dying product? Why would I spray myself with chemicals to alter my appearance when I obviously don't care other people think.

If people could stop cutting themselves up and painting themselves and removing hair mechanically we would get back to actually evolving remove all the ugly people from the genepool, which is anyone too genetically damaged or badly put together or incompatible mixes.

Just a typical leaf

>Basement dweller/Beta LARPing as a 'confused' Alpha:The Post


Slayers aren't on Sup Forums telling other anons how they don't get women because they don't make moves. You're a confused normie to the core.

It's almost impossible for a really attractive person to not be a piece of shit. Not because they're evil but they have no motivation to be decent.

Fosters. The Australian lager. Advertises with 2 auzzie surfer dudebros watching a situation unfold, dissipate, then throwing the situation guy a Fosters and saying 'Good Call'

Translated: I was saying 'Good call man, Good call' you speng

Jesus America-I thought we owned you once, what happened to the banter?

Humans like pretty visuals and visuals affect their being and mental state. So if i had to spend alot of time with the said person id prefer them to have nice visuals.

because slayers can't be redpilled and based, just think that you autistic beta americuck

Pic is Oliver Bjerrehus, litterally every Sup Forumsacks dream to look like him. The guy have banged the most insane good looking women.

A couple of years ago he starred in a program called "the Luxus trap", a program where ordinary people whom were living above their means and needed help to fix their economy. The guy have multiple children, but obviously he doesn't live with them.

I don't think he nesseccarily have a much better life than most people. The guy are unable to organize his own finances, and seek help in a reality show. The whole "weekend dad" thing, sucks. Having a family, a traditional family, having a good personal economy, these things are fast-track lane toward happiness.

Hey man, MC is a great offlaner

>Being so insecure you have to prove yourself on an anonymous Siberian fur trading website.
Something tells me you're not Slayer Kraut monkey

Calm down you Üntermensch dreamer, leave the buger alone


>topic about attractiveness
>say something about situation
>not being beta and speaking out and telling the truth
>americuck tells me i am insecure

people on this board are way too hung up on the idea of "degeneracy" so what if other people enjoy things like drugs, sex (with men and/or women), and so on? how does it affect you?

>Has Anime reaction pis saved on his computer


>Good luck with life...

>Oy, women deserve more rights than guys!
>What do you mean all the guys are off in a World War?
>Better pass some laws whilst they don't have a voice here!

Oxymoron detected

women and men love me and find me attractive, i don't look like any of those guys or fit those categories

that's not how things actually work

>be me: smart, witty, charming, athletic, looking 9/10
>start watching anime late in teens
>not being fucking retared americuck having prejudices

well, what makes someone a piece of shit in your opinion?

I had typed out a long response, but I realized how autistic it was, so...



Trips of truth confirm

You can't be a 10 you'll just be shallow but a lot of brilliant people were good genetic specimens from an aesthetic view as well