What if extreme physical attractiveness is ultimately an undesirable trait?
It definitely tends to lead to degeneracy.
What if extreme physical attractiveness is ultimately an undesirable trait?
It definitely tends to lead to degeneracy.
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I don't find blonde white girls attractive anymore at all. I think it's Hollywood and the media that brainwashed me into liking them. I like North Indian, Central Asian, and Persian girls attractive.
>cooks and cleans
>wants to have many children
>will have sex anytime with you
I quote some Slavic clubbie (Translated)
>(Conventially attractive woman) How is the music?
(Kinda drunk) Its good, good lots of beautiful women. Lots of nice tits'
>You like tits?
'Yes a lot'
>What the best thing about a woman?
'The soul. The soul'
>What about tits?
'Tits are nice, very nice-but I look for the soul'
>I think it's Hollywood and the media that brainwashed me into liking them.
No they brainwashed you into not liking them, and they succeeded.
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>What are (((dreams)))
>What is a permanent kissless virgin
white girls are good as a cum dump but are not wife material.
I find that even very attractive males tend to promote degeneracy because their primal needs gets satiated and they don't seem to care much about anything after that
Being attractive is a redpill. You realize nothing else matters.