Any idea if Le Pen is higher than the polls suggest?
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Hmm really provokes my vote
just dont belive the polls bro. they are fake everywhere in the world. remember trumps election.
And if everything fail we still have kek on our side.
I'd fuck her
There's no way this whore can win. Fuck off with these dozens of threads trying to push this whore.
I don't believe them, I would just like to know if anyone has leads how high she really is ;)
You've got terrible fucking taste if you would touch that disgusting old whore
Don't cry bro, keep this for the time when your neighbour will nuke y'all :)
They kept saying Trump was going to lose big but he had thousands show up at his rally's and every time he was on TV the show got good ratings.
Does she?
I think she's lower actually
Nope because the polls regarding the ratings for the TV debates suck as well. They always show that the leftists are the best because the polls are based on what people on twitter and fb say and since being a commie is seen as a good thing but not being alt right, more commies show up on fb than altright supporters
so what your telling me is that i should put money on her winning right?
Yes. Kek says so!
What do you think?
I want to believe in it :P
ok im putting 50 eurodollars on her, maybe ill get 200 out of it, godspeed france bro
don't trust (((polls))), only trust Sup Forums
All hail kek!
That's why I came to Sup Forums ;)
Latest polls had her very close to macron
Undecided are the difference
Mind your own business Asian piece of shit.
For the second part of the election? That would be good!
Let's put it this way: CNN listed a 97% chance of Hillary winning the night before election, and waged a constant "LE DRUMPF CAN NEVER WIN" campaign for about a year prior.
Fuck off gook
She might be a little higher than what the polls says, but it doesn't make a difference because she cannot win the 2nd turn.
I'm already starting to enjoy my new jewish overlord, Macron.
She is actually at ~30%, far ahead than Macron. The real question is the second part of the election.
Macron will do the same shit as Hollande fuck this shit
He'll do even worse damages than Hollande. Hollande was elected based on lies. Macron doesn't even bother to lie about his absolutist liberal european agenda. If he gets elected, Adieu la France.
I want to believe that Macron won't even be in the second part of the election
The woman who want to allow 200 000 immigrants per year but is supported by all the anti-immigration french citizen? The woman who has no respect for the working class and supported the new working law that the working class hate but is supported by the working class? Lol, this country is dead, 90% of french citizen shouldn't be able to vote for their own good.
Still better than Macron tho, the amount of people who actually really seriously vote for him only because he is young and handsome and absolutely no other reason is incredible. Fuck, why do these people have to live here.
Of the major candidates, who does Le Pen stand the best chance against in the 2nd round?
Probably not Melenchon, the one i'm supporting, he is 100% clean and his project is great (all candidates agendas = around 20 pages or less but his is 800+ pages xtremly detailled to completly change the whole country).
She propably has great chances against Fillon since he was proven corrupted, but she was too...
Great chances against Hamon, but there is no way he could pass the 1st turn...
Great chances against Macron, but he is supported by all the medias and all of the euro-liberal oligarchy and Le Pen is diabolised since years by all the medias.
Frog friends, you must must must vote for her,this is your chance, Macron is a Globalist scum who would be worst then both Sarkozy and Hollande
praise keke
she shall win
I wonder who's behind this post...
>Melenchon, the one i'm supporting
>worst korea talks about politics
>Melanchon is 100% clean
He stole thousands within his own corrupt and degenerate political party it's been going on for years now.
"Marine Le Pen is a traitor" - Henry de Lesquen
You guys are idiots.
>>Sup Forums119640762
Melenchon's daughter was given a seat in a Regional assembly thanks to daddy.
"I cannot survive when there are only blond with blue eyes."
He is as corrupted and as an asshole as the others.
I think Asselineau is funny, I'm considering voting for him. Le Pen is a pure socialist, she doesn't even talk about great replacement.
Lesquen should have been candidate.
If you read C'Était De Gaulle by Alain Pierrefite, de Gaulle clearly states that 500 signatures is to ensure no fancy candidates will run.
Poutou and Arthaud got their signatures, not Henry.
Pretty ridiculous.
Kek wills it.
>she doesn't even talk about great replacement.
>I think Asselineau is funny, I'm considering voting for him.
It makes zero sense shill.
Someone post Nate topsoil's predictions.
Le Pen isn't trustworthy on independence issues.
Asselineau is right: we are not allowed to do ANYTHING within Europe.
At least getting out of this shit would be a great achievement. In 2022 we would have our future in hands. The sooner we get out, the better.
Elle ce qui lui plaît, c'est de s'éclater en boîte de nuit en écoutant de la musique nègre
What can France do with giant number of Blacks in France? Is there any possible way at all to deport at least some of them??
I made the website in the background on that pic.
its kinda like assuming a pipe is liquid related in its applications.
I know it's easy to write this off as concern trolling, but Le Pen is NOT going to win. People bring up Trump, and while Trump's win was unexpected to the masses, we knew based on a million metrics that he was going to win.
Thinking Le Pen is going to come out on top isn't equivalent to Trump's campaign. It's equivalent to Ron Paul's; there's a sizeable minority of passionate supporters, but simply not enough to win. All the supporters knew inside that he was never going to actually win
We are living in a de facto apartheid, except for the poorer whites.
Low paid jobs are made by shitskins, the more you climb in the social ladder, the whiter.
We have the blacks, we see them in the street, but we barely speak to one another.
Even in taxis/uber, the Arabs turn on music but don't talk to the white guy in suit at the back of their car.
Shitty suburbs for shitskins, nice expensive neighborhoods for whites.
Poor whites are crushed by the system, though, because they can't afford to live in a pure ethnic neighborhood.
They are here as invaders, but sometime it will become like South Africa.
"Polls" are numbers pulled out of ((their)) ass.
The French= literal frogs
Pepe= literal frog
Kek= Pepe
Kek will smile upon the land of his people, it has been fortold
Thank God
Meh, I hope you were 12 and had never done any CSS before... I've heard they want to do it again, now.
Yes the hidden vote is what nobody accounts for
Yes. But don't wager any money on it, it'll get stolen from her.
Don Fillon will prevail.
The conspiracy failed.
Who can confirm, I think I read if Le Pen wins 51% in first round second round doesn't go ahead?
Any cheese eating surrender monkeys on to confirm this?
Can some French person red pill me on relations with Blacks in France?
In the UK they are shit tier and only trash mix with them. In France, is it the same? I've heard the French are more racist.
Why do privileged believe that their caste system will remain when shitskins have sufficient numbers?
How are you gooks feeling that all your past presidents were either corrupt or assassinated?
the odds are shit user wait for live betting its gonna be a doozy
If french polls are anything like the UK and US polls then she is ahead by %5-%10.
Go bring diversity to the homes of the privileged, not to the poor.
They rigged 1st turn of election in 2012.
And by "they", I mean the US, since it was a US private corp that counted the votes.
A company whose main source of income came from the DoD (level3 communication)
Oh and that about 65% of frenchies are opposed to immigration, 18% in favor of it, and 17% "undecided".
And that we both know what "undecided" usually means on the subject.
The privileged believe that the poor whites will create a race mixing abomination with the shit skins to get shit skins to stay in their place?
Black people are a plague, here.
Now they riot on a regular basis, thanks to the influence of their cousins in America.
Most normies are cucked and think blacks are ok, but I found as a pattern that they avoid them. Bourgeois evenings barely have any shitskins at all.
They systematically avoid black neighborhoods, even though they could save 300 euros a month on rent. If you tell them you live not far from a nigger shithole, they would tell you "not cool, it's not very nice there, isn't it?", while on the other hand beeing very politically correct and immigration advocates.
French are not openly racists, unfortunately, but they learned to live and adapt this crazy environment where you are not allowed to name the problem. They became implicitly racists. Huge cognitive dissonances.
That's probably true. The issue is that's not good enough because of the way France has a run-off election. You can win by 10-20% over everyone else in the first round plurality and still get crushed in the run-off because everyone else hates FN and will work together and throw their support behind whoever she faces off against. So even if she's winning with 30% of the vote compared to 25% for macron, it'll still be like 40-60 in the runoff and she'll get wasted.
In 2022, probably, but right now, there is enough confusion for them to stuff the ballot/rig the counting enough and get away with it.
They will still minimize as much as possible, knowing that they have to concede gains made by her side (people tend to more openly point out that they don't really know anyone that doesn't support her stances) so that they can maintain themselves a bit longer.
Go bring allah and bloggers to priviliged neighborhoods everywhere needs diversity.
What's the race mixing situation there like?
Is it just trash that race mix? And is it frowned upon?
Also, the rural French tend to seem quite uncucked and frown upon race mixing. Is that true?
One last question, would you say France is more or less racist than the UK?
When the third Reich was collapsing at the beginning of 1945, people were still partying like it's 1940, because they were completely disconnected and the Fuhrer was confident the war would be eventually won.
When you embrace hedonism and don't consider that you have a country to defend, you don't care at all, you are completely disconnected and believe in multiculturalist lies.
No she didn't, it's a hoax and the politician who shared it who is corrupted himself will have to explain himself in court.
His sentence in context mean that he is a multiculturalist, Melenchon's project is very strong and interesting but he stays a man from left and we can't do anything about it, sadly.
You are right, le Pen is a liberal socialist.
She said she was anti-immigration but she isn't at all, her program says that she will put the immigration balance to 10 000 per year:
-190 000 french people leave the country,
+200 000 immigrants enter the country,
immigration balance is 10 000.
That's how it has fucking allways been.
She also lied about the 35 h/w of work to the people and revealed the truth in front of the big patrons of the MEDEF.
And there are a lot of other lies like these.
At least she is still better than Macron so i don't mind if the usefull idiots fall into her trap and i'm fine with her being elected as long as we can avoid Macron.
Melenchon can still be elected in the next election but it will probably be his last chance because of his age.
Go find the highest income neighborhoods and bring all the niggers and allah niggers there.
50% of the expressed votes. (not 51%, not 50% + 1 vote)
Wtf are you talking about?
I don't know about the UK, I've only been to London, and like Paris, I doubt it's very representative.
Race mixing is frowned upon in upper-middle class and richer, because that is considered as an unstable mariage and the bourgeois mentality is very oriented towards keeping the money of the family. So you can get expelled from the family if you racemix.
The rest of the population is either neutral or very hostile.
Arabs are very hostile to race mixing because they are absolutely frightened of ending up without a wife. They have a facebook group against arabic women sleeping with blacks. They are ok with taking white women though.
Black women are totally against race mixing, because their chances of scoring anything else than blacks are very tiny. Men are huge advocates.
>she doesn't talk about great replacement
>I'm gonna vote for a clown that doesn't talk about it either, and is sure as hell ok with immigration.
sinon, d'accord sur la meluche.
Y'as aussi l'episode ou il grille flamby sur le bourrage d'urne du PS, mais se grille lui meme quand il explique qu'il s'était arrangé.
Having lived in both countries we are definitely less racist.
Just look at how our Caribbean colonies blanda upped compared to yours.
Many Frenchmen are conscious that Antillean blacks were French before many regions of France (Savoy, Corsica, Lorraine, Franche-Comté...) so that isn't seen as a problem.
Notwithstanding, mixing is rather rare, Blacks get the leftovers (fat blond women with bovine personality, I literally saw one with a goiter once).
It is not a "stealin our womenz" thing since I'd say there are just as many BMWW couples as WMBW couples - few, that is.
But most of all there is next to none of the whole cuck fantasy / jealousy towards Black men like in the US.
They are seen as comparatively generally better behaving than Arabs though that is definitely changing.
Arabs still have solid families compared to Blacks and the latter are undergoing social and cultural americanization.
I have no doubt that all European nations, no matter their anthropological attitude to other races, will gain a white consciousness just as all European-Americans gained a white consciousness as they came face to face with the negro question.
He wants to put the kind of loaded faggots in front of the conséquences of their virtue signaling.
I understand Marine's program and it's shitty.
We need +200 000 white French back every year and - 800 000 shitskins out every year for at least ten years. Not +10 000 ffs. The brightest whites are leaving and the niggest niggers are entering.
Also Melenchon has a huge mouth, but he's a champagne socialist as well.
1.1 million apartment in the 11th arr. Kek I can't even find a decent room in Paris as a student, because I'm white and not granted gibsmedat.
Fuck socialism.
Why do you considered land conquered French?
Okay guys stop, it's ridiculous. You're shilling the enemy as the simple minded chimp you are.
Explained why above.
Getting out of the EU would be a great achievement.
You need to collectivize with your people to serve your needs.
the polls were correct about trump, they predicted he would receive roughly the number of votes he did
they just failed to predict he would win in regions where fewer votes translate to more seats, and so failed to predict he might win
but they weren't as far off as you autists choose to believe they were
> Probability to win 2%
No. They failed high time.
Polls are irrelevant man. They got brexit wrong they got trump wrong.
I hope this lady wins and I can holiday in France without the fear of snackbared.
They got Hofer and Geert right though, if le Pen get her 26% this round the polls will probably be close to right in the second.
Thanks so much!
What's the views towards Indians?
I've got a French girlfriend, am British Indian myself, and we met at UCL (top quality Uni in London). Been together a few years now, graduated, both have good careers in finance.
HOWEVER, my parents are giving me shit for wanting to marry outside/settle down outside my ethnicity but it's a preference rather than "OMG, WE'RE GONNA DISOWN YOU!" and she says her parents (multi-millionaires) are fine with it.
Is this bullshit and Indians are seen as no-nos too (rarely happens though)?
Yeah, she's not a progressive globalist cockgobbler.
That's already proof her (((polls))) will be manufactured if not downright cheated.
Man, any woman that liberates a western nation from Muslims and cucks deserves a fuck from the Chaddiest of Chads
>Trump has a %1 chance of victory at one point
>Sweeps the entire country, commies and muhaMADS such as yourself refuse to accept Commiefonia doesn't control the other 49 states
Suck a dick, die in a fire, hopefully at the same time for comedic effect.