Any idea if Le Pen is higher than the polls suggest?
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Hmm really provokes my vote
just dont belive the polls bro. they are fake everywhere in the world. remember trumps election.
And if everything fail we still have kek on our side.
I'd fuck her
There's no way this whore can win. Fuck off with these dozens of threads trying to push this whore.
I don't believe them, I would just like to know if anyone has leads how high she really is ;)
You've got terrible fucking taste if you would touch that disgusting old whore
Don't cry bro, keep this for the time when your neighbour will nuke y'all :)
They kept saying Trump was going to lose big but he had thousands show up at his rally's and every time he was on TV the show got good ratings.
Does she?
I think she's lower actually