Why is pol not a paleo-con board?
I am
I am also a deeply esoteric Hegelian
This is a good thread
We need more good discussion with all the redditfags on Sup Forums
Because Paleos have gotten literally nothing done compared to the racist right.
Pat Buchanan made one book whining about the death of the west. GLR formed a group that fought in the streets and helped end the civil rights era before it went even further.
not disagreeing but why would this be?
Lets make a paleo-con flag
paleocons are ambiguously racist. And the new ones certainly are full racists. I think we need them just like the lolbertarians. But in themselves alone they aren't exciting enough to draw attention from a lot of people like us racists can.
"Teaching creationist theory" GTFO
Post your checklists!
The left took liberalism too far and began to oppose society and the individual.
The right ruined a lot with big government globalist neo-cons.
Paleo-con is the only ideology that doesnt have autistic commies, lolbertarians, and altright-autistes
working on it
Paleo-con is a term favored, and perhaps coined, by Paul (((Gottfried))), the Jewish mastermind behind a number of different right wing front groups that serve the interest of organized Jewry, including Dick Spencer's NPI.
As such, I am wise to anyone who would attempt to herd me or others of my kind under its banner.
Sweet! no snake please tho. fuckin hate the snek.
Don't get me wrong, I like lolbertarian ideas, but they dont' understand civility, community, and kinship.
The problem is that you don't get into power by being respectable
Either you rule or you are counter the narrative in an exciting way
Paleo-Conservatism is literally the best and most American political stance of all. Fucking neocons and the CIA shit everything up.
Not everything is controlled opposition. Some movements just don't catch ground, despite being right.
Totally agree. It is far more pragmatic and less autistic than lolbertarian and altright
>we need people
Who is "we" ?
There is only one truth, that is National Socialism. No fucking compromising with the truth.
"...the future of a movement depends on the devotion, or more correctly, the INTOLERANCE for other beliefs that it's followers exhibit in defense of it as the only true cause. They must be convinced and enforce the belief that their own cause, as opposed to other similar causes, is the only just cause."
"..it is a huge mistake to believe that the strength of a movement can be increased by uniting with another similar movement."
- Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Ch. 12)
NatSoc will NEVER gain enough support unless it refuses to call itself NatSoc.
As a party, we had to remain in the minority, in order to mobilize those with a fighting spirit and sense of sacrifice. And these were never never the majority, but always the minority...." - Adolf Hitler
Small groups of fighters willing to do anything > big groups of cowards with no cohesive worldview
>pro abortion
>pro gay marriage
Two of the most important social issues to be a conservative.
I debunked that bullshit here. "HURR you won't succeed unless you LARP like an overrintellectual coward!"
John bitch society tried that, they didn't do 10% of the good work Rockwell did as an open Nazi.
Fuck big movements of retarded cowards. I'd rather have 10 solid Nazis than 100 cowardly PaleoCon cucks
Got any pics of the paleo-con flag?
Lol this
>Free trade
Ffuck that
>Laizy """fair""" capitalism
Fuck that
>For teaching creation theory in schools
>distaste for secularism
>Favor term limits for U.S Congress
>Strong military
>Favor personhood of the fetus
>Christian values
i'm very close to being a paleo con, i'm just a lot stricter on immigration
civic nationalism doesn't work, ethnic nationalism is the answer
I didn't say anything about the size of the party or inclusiveness, Herr user. I said the name has to be changed or it will never gain substantial support in the modern brainwashed-by-Hollyjew US. You can't have open NatSoc officials unless the public completely turns on Jews first.
Do you disagree?
Ethnic nationalism does not work, when a country only has one ethnicity it fails
>citation needed
national socialism is still socialism
capitalism is simply the superior economic system, deal with it
>Doesn't provide a source for his claim
>Demands others provide a source
I am 50% nazi. I had nationalism but love socialism. Socialism is the superior economic system because capitalism destroys productivity and only benefits the 1%
you went too far
you were somewhat subtle at first, but now you're just jumping the shark
You're a really bad troll. You started off with a bait statement first post, that never works. I am having you banned not for trolling but for failing at trolling.
I like it!
So basically /pol is not paleo-con because it's easier to larp as nat-soc than to go out and do something positive for your country.
Paleocons are just larpers no one is dumb enough to be oen. Only reason Sup Forums hates Nazis so much is because MURICA fought them
There's mine
>Sup Forums hates Nazis
>Sup Forums hates Nazis
>Sup Forums hates Nazis
You can't be real.
You're not real.
You are a figment of my simulated existence, a glitch in the system.
Or you are a fucking newfag retard.
I came to this site because I thought the Nazi imagry was cool. Haven't seen a single nazi thread in the past week. It's all MUH REFUGEES MUH IMMIGRANTS
he's trolling idiot
I already have you screenshotted for trolling, you are about to be warned or banned
Message received
Took my autism medication
But user, I am
Can we try to make this into a flag?
Perhaps with some black and white?
This isn't a conservative board. Not paleo-, not neo-, not anything. Just a bunch of Trump supporting retards who wanna suck that tiny orange dick. No policy belief, nothing. Just idiocy and hero worship.
We need more bad ass wooly mammoth flags
Another one is about to be banned for trolling.
Me and you are like the only non-trolls in this thread. I really hope Trump shuts this site down.
How ironic would it be if Trump got this board shut down and all his NON conservative little faggots had nowhere to go?
> i came here because i heard on tv that nazis congregate on pol
> what do you mean this is a free speech board?
Why align with labels? So some Jew can hijack it?
Paleoconservatives aren't libertarian in any way. "We're for laissez faire and individual liberty except for this issue and that issue and that other one and those issues too"
That's the point. Fuck the snek
Gtfo shills. Stop trying to "Correct The Record"
>For teaching creation theory in schools