Remove the Mosque

retarded mosque is on Germany's flag
lets fuck with it

Other urls found in this thread:

making a swastika atm


Write 'pay debts' on the European flag left of it

Isn't that a cathedral?

if it was i wouldnt want to fuck with it


You're like an animal... That's a cathedral, but the things on either side of it are minarets

It definitely is a cathedral bro. It's the one in Cologne

How do I modify this?

zMight get away with bottom right.

>a truck
>a mosque

I'm liking it.

Looks like someone's starting a "Pay denbts" to.

Honest mistake,
I recognized the Mninarets and assumed it was a Mosque.
Change of plans, remove the Minarets

It's the Cologne cathedral but with half moons on top instead of crosses. The thing to the left is the Berlin TV-tower and what's between the cathedral and the Brandenburg gate could be a minaret.

Damage already has been done, you mongo... People are trying to delete the Cathedral

Hey, that's my drawing the swastika in the middle of the eagle. Ty to whoever helped.

Good work Sup Forums


No they are television towers.


Quints get.

All part of the plan, right?

Yeah, but it's just a symbol of satanism anyways...

Eh, It's inferior compared to the Duomo di Milano anyways.

I'm writing pepe near the red swastika to anyone who wants to help

We need everyone at the bottom of the canvas to help secure the Kek flag

sorry I'm busy memeing somewhere else
>no one has ruined it yet

people are fucking it up

kill pls


Turn into swastika pls

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mods are mass deleting swastika's, just finished one on obango's forehead and it was instantly deleted

Since they are doing mass draw, it is only fair if we do it too.