How tolerant.
/Paris, France/
Fucking hell...
You made your bed Frenchy. Now die in it.
Shame about the Kikebart-tier replies
frenchkeks on suicide watch?
omg so diverse, so beautiful, yas queen slay
And half the whites have Iberian or shitalians origins anyway, French people have already disappeared, nothing new
Man fuck you
Unlike us they don't deserve it.
I want the world to die.
No one deserves to live.
>French people have already disappeared
My greatx11 grandfather left that place in 1652, writing was on the walls even then
i suddenly feel like one of those Japanese tourists who suffer from existential breakdowns upon returning from vacation in Paris after it not meeting expectations.
>Unlike us they don't deserve it
You realize this was filmed outside a mosque as the people were getting out, right ?
Yeah there are mosques in the greater Paris metropolitan area.
Amazing discovery, user.
I can't but assume that most Frenchfags here are either gearing up for civil war or looking for careers overseas. At least I would.
As a side note... once upon a time Paris was the capital of European culture and everything it meant beauty... I don't know what else to say. It's over, guys. It's over.
Yes, this is what the future is all about, what a time to be alive...
>keeps on going even tho the truck is trying to get on the street
What a cunt, couldn't have either waited, or walked a little faster?
I mean, he's probably a towelhead, so nothing really surprising
I am fine with Germans being replaced.
I am not fine with us dragging the rest of Europe with us.
Its the difference between normal suicide and a school shooting.
You edgelord.
When /itshappening/ will happen, cities full of cucks and traitors will die, and that's not a big deal.
But France have 36.000 villages (40% of the EU), and 80% are full of white people with rifles and vegetable garden.
>tfw have paris syndrome and I haven't even been
>I am fine with Germans being replaced.
t. Either a liberal Hans or a recently arrived guest of Momma Merkel
my little sister loves french culture and always wanted to go to paris and i showed her videos like this as a sort of joke, to show her the reality, but watching her face drop was just heart breaking. i kinda regret it
watch your mouth, we should be unite
pls delet this
The ironic thing is that the Muslims are actually getting rid of multiculturalism.
My sister wants to go and refuses to listen
Oh well, she'll probably get Hebdo'd - At least I tried
>1980: I bet there will be flying cars in the future
You don't know france Wolfgang. Trust me, these cucks deserve everything.
WTF where is fashion paris
I am very much against the EU exactly because they are trying to force refugees on everyone else.
I am for protecting all other European states except Germany.
How am I in any way liberal?
>I am fine with Germans being replaced
ah, there s the problem; you shouldnt!
>I am not fine with us dragging the rest of Europe with us
>Its the difference between normal suicide and a school shooting
if you do something, do it 100%
>You edgelord
no u :p
Giant cuck detected
what a shithole
>mfw americans have no idea that black muslims are actually a thing
>mfw they think they have it bad already
you goys be thankful your blacks are mostly christians alright because black muslims are next level madness
>This is population replacement. Wake up!
too late to wake up you retarded faggot.
the only solution is to machine gun them.
and nobody's gonna do that because you live comfy lives.
Suicide is wrong.
>they are trying to force refugees on everyone else
Canada's government has literally teamed up with George Soros to do this too
>Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.
Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.
The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.
>The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said.
McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.
"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.
>McCallum said Soros would contribute funding to the project.
Europe need some people with ideia like Hitler again
first britan gay muslim is not joke, right?
>Yeah there are mosques in the greater Paris metropolitan area
>Implying this is fine
The French Revolution was started over less than a literal invasion.
They rallied their people through the streets.
Ahh Paris! So beautiful! So charming!
Recently had a layover in paris cdg, the only white persons who where white working there were the two flight attendants checking my boarding card
fucking hell, I never want to go to this city ever again
exactly, Argentina
>Yeah there are mosques in the greater Paris metropolitan area.
Btw, sorry we have to send you back your roms
French, Italians and Spanish are basically the same in culture and appearance, especially in the South. Plus if it wasn't for them France's white population would be even less that it is now. Also they assimilate perfectly.
>filming outside a mosque
>cherrypicking this hard
Meanwhile in real life
Believe me, you Germans are far from the only reprobates who deserve what's coming. Most huwhite western peoples are in the same boat.
And then the media tells us population replacement isn't real and its all a conspiracy created by neo-nazis.
Does this music video rapresents Paris well?
Even if it were okay for a fucking mosque to be there they shouldn't be prancing around outside with their retarded pajamas and curtains all over their ignorant fuckfaces
I've heard that civil war in France could be near and that many white residents are gearing up for it. How true is that, Frogs?
Yeah, everything is fine, now take your pills and go to sleep.
That's after the gay pride you cuck.
you tried that many times but they take the money, go to romania then take a bus and go back to france.
Certain areas. of Paris turned to glass. Same for Marseille
Whatever let's you sleep at night.
wow thats rly cool desu
Most frenchmen being countryside related made the cities literal shitholes. The parisian area is by far the most infested one.
I know thats a meme, but what a standard looking man. He could tell me he was from any country in Europe and I'd believe him.
Merchants bring tolerance with them. Based merchants.
That doesn't even looks like Paris. Looks like 93 suburbs or something
>Few black people
>We are doomed.
Literally what's wrong with you?
These people dont know france has been mixed race since the middle ages
y germany bully the frogs?
Never, we share a language family, that's all.
Southern French are indeed close to southern Europeans, northern French are, or were, more akin in culture and look to Belgians,Brits and Germans.
This picture is scandalously lacking in Diversity.
>t. Shlomo Noseberg
Yeah that's true. You ganna laugh thanks to your fucking constitution, but people here are buying crossbow.
How tolerant is that when the multitude of rodents that don't even care to come out during day time any longer to feast on the remains of such a cultural livelihood have been purposefully left out of this footage ! It is a gross misrepresentation of the
blessings of what is mandatory known as "le vivre ensemble" (ie living together).
Je suis rodents
You act like Germany is any better, but your most likely a Turk so go hang yourself faggot.
In my town we don't have a mosque but we have a synagogue.
I'm not sure what to think.
Actual Jew with family in France: the Franco-kikes can't stand the sand niggers and vice-versa.
My relatives actually moved out of Paris to get away from the Mudslimes, should have voted for FN, LOL!
not paris, a suburb and it's just outside of a mosque after the prayer.
Those exagerations are ridiculous, the reality is already grim enough, no need to pass for liars.
>Dirty fucking peasants lounging around on la pelouse du roi
these people get to vote
>> Wrong recipient
>Yeah that's true. You ganna laugh thanks to your fucking constitution, but people here are buying crossbow.
>Accusing anyone of cherrypicking after making this post
It's even worse. I used to live right across the street from one and there was constant risk of terror. At least sandniggers don't bomb their own places yet
>My relatives actually moved out of Paris to get away from the Mudslimes, should have voted for FN, LOL!
Jews historically vote for "tolerance" and open borders out of fear of the majority. It backfires because blacks and Muslims are worse.
>Those exagerations are ridiculous
woha pierre whats that? dont you have to prep JAMALS 10 INCHER HAHAHAHAAHAH
Just wander outside your bubble a bit
So do you Canadian jews get a lot of shit? I mean, your PM loves Islamic cock in his ass so im assuming he hates you and wants to see you people concentrated.
Why don't you have any cities in Poland, with one of Europe's largest Jewish populations?
well I live in a big city in Germany and it doesnt look very different in some parts. Actually quite sad. But oh well you burgers have your nigger ghettos where these monkeys have guns and commitin crimes every microsecond.
Our "ghettos" are not american nigger tier...yet.
HAHAHAHA Liberals love jew, muslims and gays. And don't see a problem.
My picture is just the daily live dude, There are no cherrypicking. You guys film shit around a mosque ...
See the difference? Filming around a mosque, demonstration of Chinese people, and people in their daily life
t. muhammed
>Whites build nation
>Kikes move in and dominate
>diversity and liberation
Better that than Paris Syndrome.
your behaviour tells me you have shit genes, you wouldn't be allowed to breed in my eugenist utopia
10% of your country is muslims. It used to be 1% a decade two ago.
Wake the fuck up.
>t. French born algerian.