Daily reminder criminals fear an armed citizen more than they do the police.
Daily reminder criminals fear an armed citizen more than they do the police
Isn't that kind of the point of a firearm?
America, god I love this country.
The commercial writes itself.
How do anti-gunners expect a home alone mom to defend herself from three grown men?
>made the fight unfair
If he hadn't had the gun do you think they'd be complaining that it was unfair for their shitty kids to fight someone 3 on 1
It's SUPPOSED to be unfair
How else they s'pose to get they money for they books?
Based Peters
>The getaway driver got charged with three counts of first degree murder
I love America
We need more fair robberies
Pls nerf AR blizz
Letting them rape her until exhaustion, apparently.
Degenerate criminals gettin what they deserve. Based
>rob house
>complices get shot
>get charged with murder
nice 3rd world justice system you got there, Ameriturd.
>Wow, all I wanted to do was a bit of robbery and then I got shot. I mean, what the fuck? How is that even fair? He should follow the law!
Not only did he remove criminals, he also removed the spawn of retards.
And here I thought I would make it through Lent without masturbating. I'll just have to try again next year
>the getaway driver
>Fighting fair when your life is on the line
This would be national news if they were all black.
Wow... This is deep.
This was on the boyfriends of the getaway driver instagram
She sent them in there and was waiting for them to come out with a pile of stolen goodies.
Instead, they came out ventilated with a pile of donated ammo in them. She's part of the felony that got them killed, she gets triple-charged for their deaths. If any of the three robbers had lived, they'd have been charged for the murder of the rest too.
At least it had a happy ending.
Look at those cretins, they're a dime a dozen. Nothing was lost.
accessory to murder is a serious crime
>in America you can gun down three robbers and someone sitting outside in a car gets charged with their murder
I fucking LOVE this country
Christ on a pogo-stick she's short.
How do they write this and not have their brains explode?
Fair fight? At 2 am, breaking into a house armed and masked and 3 v 1? And because he retaliated, it's not a fair fight?
Of fucking course its not fair. He has no requirement to enter into a fair fight, this isn't a duel(I'd bet he'd win those too, and they'd have been too pussy to do it). This is his property, they invaded, their lives are forfeit.
Indeed. The great equalizer. One spergy neet who still lives with his parents at 23 can take down 2 spics and a wigger without breaking a sweat (or getting a wedgie).
Swoon. I love this country.
literal third world shitholes calling america third world for a truly just ruling
laughing out loud
Exactly. Come in uninvited, leave in a bag
>3 "tanned German" youths break into your house
>you promise to let then take whatever they want in exchange for your safety
>go to prison because you didn't hold the door for them on the way out
The shooting was perfectly justified, but charging someone with murder when they didn't murder anyone is actually retarded.
bailed out by Willy Wonka
>act like a nigger
>get treated like one
nice brain damage Achmed Alakazambalumbar
Sure, but not a single premeditated, willful act of murder with malicious forethought took place, let alone three. The resident committed three involuntary manslaughters(?) in an act of self-defense.
You're right, he should have bent ober and suckled their dicks in perfect submission to service while politely inviting them to help themselves to everything in the house, and offered to let them kill him when all's said and done. Progression as only a german can!
Nah it's not accessory. It's 1st degree. Because they premeditated the crime. That's how the law works.
so if i hire a hitman, and the hitman kills someone, i should get off scott free because i didn't actually do the killing?
why am i replying a leaf
No. Accomplice cucks deserve worse
She was probably just some dumb bitch who got talked into driving the car. She doesn't deserve three life sentences.
3 died during a premeditated crime.
It's not a fight. It's a three in one home invasion. Fucking nigger families I swear. It's not just blacks. It's all criminal dindu families.
Now this is a fucking good law. No longer is the "getaway driver" just an accessory to some bullshit.
Think fucking twice before trying to rob someone.
That story makes me so fucking angry.
>three grown men break into a guy's house TWICE
>armed with knives and brass knuckles
>guy shoots them
Should be allowed to shoot that retarded dad too desu.
>people have been telling me to getaway all my life
>so I did
I disagree. The driver is a vital part, without them, the crime won't take place.
This is AMERICA Finn. We believe in punishing evil.
She sent them into the house armed with fucking knives. She knew damn well that if someone was inside they would have murdered the shit out of them. She accepted that someone would die, just turns out she was wrong about who was going to die
If you don't have a USA flag you shouldn't even be posting in this thread. Fuck on this entire website. It's Sup Forums.org not Sup Forums.ca, uk, in etc
well lynching takes up to much time now a days
>23 y/o
>lives at home with mommy and daddy
what a fucken loser
It's like I always say, an armed society is a polite society
Kek who needs advertisements whith news stories like this.
U mean """asian"""
>this is my clubhouse
>no girls allowed
>ahh crap this place sucks now
>3 premeditated crimes, who cares what they were
>let's make 'em 1st degree murders
That makes no sense.
I agree she should put away for a long time, but not with those charges.
The website is literally owned by a gook so fuck you.
This charge makes no sense from a legal perspective. The homeowner was well within his rights to defend himself. The girl should definitely be charged for involvement in the crime. But charging her with murder is a bit of a stretch. It was more like suicide.
Deport her whole terrorist family to mexico.
Confiscate their property and value.
It's still a case for negligent homicide. She sent them into a situation where their lives could very well be at risk.
There's no way around this one.
self defense is NOT involuntary manslaughter.
in the US, self defense is a positive assertion.
if it stands up in court, you are NOT GUILTY of any homicide.
in most rural (non-cucked) jurisdictions, if your self defense case is even halfway plausible you wont even be charged.
you eurofags have no concept of justice.
He deserves his tendies for solid shot placement and managing to take down all three invaders.
Taking out the trash, one shitbag at a time.
>oops is it serious?
>i deedn't know
Self-defense is not manslaughter under US law.
In fact, it's justifiable homicide.
>AR get nerfed
>AK get buffed through the fucking roof
Welp time to swap to the new flavor of the month
You must be retarded
You must be..............
Dont participate in crimes if you dont want to get charged and held responsible for aiding other criminals. Pretty basic shit if she hadn't driven them there and been the get away driver they wouldn't of gotten there to begin with she had a hand in this robbery and should be charged as so. The blood of the 3 people is particularly on her hands .......... DURRRRR she brought them there DURRRRR
No wonder Germany is falling apart. All the smart germans died in ww2 and now a bunch of chips have replaced them.
>Cook's 21-year-old girlfriend
The guy didn't even look that bad, yet he went out with that goblin. What a fucking beta cuck.
Nah I'm saying that's why it's 1st degree murder. So say u get in a bar fight and a dude watching has a heart attack. U would get 3rd degree since ur bar fight wasn't premeditated. But if you rob a bank and a dude has a heart attack then it's 1st because the main crime was premeditated.
>eurofags whining that they are treating a womyn unfairly by charging her with 3 counts of murder
get back to me about punishing criminals when you guys get back to killing them.
People is ARs all the time for self dedense. Webm related.
You don't know which one is Cook faggot, it's just three random pictures and one is an fat spic
Murderous whore. And a plenty fat one, too
I hope she gets nap time.
Nice to see the cunt getting the book thrown at her.
So how do you think she'll fare in jail?
They don't. They intend for her rape/murder to feed more dependence on the state - be it the arrest/trial/incarceration of the perpetrator, public health counselling for the victims who "miraculously" survive these preventable situations or the kin of the victims who don't.
Then there's the drugs used to cope with these memories, both legal and illegal as well as illegal legal.
It's akin to how liberalism requires one of two things to exist, and usually exists as result of a combination of both, those two things being immigration and molestation. Liberalism is born out of those two things.
>Dark of night
>3 armed intruders of unknown intent
No manslaughter. It was completely justified homicide.
The resident not only committed a lawful act but a praiseworthy one.
>get charged for first degree murder because you weren't shot and killed alongside your boyfriend
America is truly the greatest country in the world
>There's literally nothing wrong with being an accessory to murder
t. Abdul
Also my catcha had an image of my town and now I am paranoid
>be criminal
>tattoo name on arm
>.33 nosler
Not that impressed desu. Assuming it's a .338 caliber, I don't see a belt on the case. What does it have over .338WM, let alone .338 Weatherby?
In a case like this, all survivors are held equally responsible for the results of the criminal act. If one of the robbers had survived as well, they'd have charged them both with murder x2 for example.
They planned and executed a felony in which people died. That's within the legal definition of murder, since she sent them into the face of an armed, legit resident who blew them all to hell and expected to benefit (in a share of the loot) from doing so had he not killed them instead.
I'm glad he had an AR-15.
I'm pissed he didn't have an AK. AK > AR
lets say you decide to rob a bank, so you roll in waving your gun and pop off two rounds into the ceiling, just so they know to "gib U respek", and some old fart in the queue drops dead from a heart attack...
you just set yourself up for a Murder 1 charge sunshine.
likewise, if the security guard pops 2 of your homies before you shit your britches and surrender, you got murder charges for "yo niggas" because it was your retarded scheme that led those dindus to their entirely deserved deaths.
thats how we roll in the USA.
Then I stand corrected. Play stupid games...
Finland doesn't have justifiable homicide laws like the US or South Africa does.
>It's still a case for negligent homicide. She sent them into a situation where their lives could very well be at risk.
Absolutely. Not only that, but she also did agree to a situation where they would potentially kill civilians in the process. I'd imagine a conspiracy to commit murder/burglary, multiple counts of burglary etc. would be in order. I'm not arguing she's not guilty, merely that 1st degree murder charges don't make any sense.
Learn to read.
>self defense is NOT involuntary manslaughter.
That's how you'd be charged, with involuntary manslaughter. Your defense would respond with self-defense and get acquittal.
Ar15 doesn't matter. A PC 6 shot revolver would've killed them just as dead.
Typically, when names are listed below a photo, they are in the order of the faces.
Another article confirms it for me.
You're a low IQ subhuman.
Well she won't have to worry about sexual assault