When will people who are anti-gun control come to their senses? Guns are the main killers in the US and americans aren't willing to aknowledge it. And no, you won't be able to fight off your government if it ever became tyraniccal so did give me that bullshit argument.
When will people who are anti-gun control come to their senses...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off you dickhead
> Old Statistic
> Does not go Per Capita.
Finland=no niggers. America=chimp out daily. Derp
>I-I-It doesn't work
Going to church is the only gun control that is needed
Obvious bait. Saged.
Being "Pro-Gun Control" literally just means that only the government should be allowed to have guns.
You fucking brits are fucked when the muslims outnumber you and you literally can't do anything about it because you don't have guns to defend yourself and your government is cucked beyond repair. Have fun becoming a muslim country.
Meanwhile us Americans will defend our property and our women from sand niggers with our guns.
They're for defending your home and property against common criminals
Maybe you missed the Oklahoma home defense article a few days ago...
>Checks flag
Oh it's another "somebody in a country I will never be in is doing things I don't approve of" thread.
Basically, go swimming in wet concrete, Ahmed.
Typical anti-gun control. Moronic and uneducated. Come back to me when you can form a coherent argument, newfriend.
>And no, you won't be able to fight off your government if it ever became tyraniccal so did give me that bullshit argument.
The United States seems to have a lot of trouble with insurgencies using nothing but small arms.
Slide Thread
>Nothing but small arms
Last I checked Tanks aren't small arms
Come back to the board when your country grows a set of balls, ya Bong.
Come back to me when your country is actually civilised
I'd like to see a gun deaths/100k and a niggers/100k graph side by side
Isn't the mayor of your capital some foreign shitskin?
Have fun watching your wife get raped by sand niggers you fucking british cuck.
And yet, you're the largest producer and consumer of interracial porn on the planet. I bet you feel real tough sitting down with your wife in the everning to watch some "football". While your wife is drooling at the black players on the TV you can fantasize about "protecting muh freedom to be a cuck from the gubment".
Now divide that by, I think it's 14, to account for niggers.
I support a right to bear arms, but only for law abiding citizens. So yeah, they need more regulation.
When they need to defend themselves. No sooner.
Armed citizens are in the best interest of national defense. Literally no country, or coalition of countries could successfully lead a ground assault against the US. If .003% of the US population must be culled annually to guarantee that, it sounds like a worthwhile investment (especially since most of those are chimps anyways)
Sorry, can't hear you from up here
You're right. Murder didn't exist before guns.
I know that's right.
>"Guns murdered..."
50% of it is suicide. Over 90% of actual gun murder is in big city Marxist hellholes. Take some guesses why Chicago has a high murder rate. Guns are not root causes. Uh-oh. Inconvenient facts ahead if you start digging into the bulk of the problem: gangs and thugs wreaking havoc. Violent thugs don't give a shit about violating laws. Outside of gangs (and the durg war funding them) skewing results, the US would be one of the safest countries on earth. Stats also don't factor in the number of times guns are used for safety. They diffuse conflicts without firing a shot.
Step outside the toxic industrial jungle. Gun owners are very safe. They tend to care about the safety of their families and communities. Only cucks don't want to protect themselves. Only tyrants want to disarm others from doing protecting themselves.
How are those 1500 acid attacks since 2011 working out for you?
You'll see what skewed results are all about as violent groups grow around you.
>Guns are the main killers
Mine never killed anybody, you reckon they're defective?
>Excluding Northern Ireland
Gotta love these brit cucks who have no idea how to protect a nation.
Why the fuck do you care? Worry about your own backyard filled with prayer rugs. We like how shit works over here. Someone breaks into your house or steals your shit, you shoot that fucker dead. One less drain on society
Says the britfag. If you guys had guns, you wouldn't have drunken retard goon squads beating up each other because they don't like the others soccer team.
All of those countries combined have 199,444,000 people.
USA has 318,900,000.
All of those gun death combined = 545
Ratio of their population to ours + their gun death to ours = 545:871
Considering that's 6 countries vs 1, I'd say that's reasonable, especially considering our nigger problem, and the fact that guns are very hard to get in those countries.
Go to Hell commie, the right to defend yourself, you home, and your family is a fundamental human right, just as natural as the right to free speech.
Oh wait, a decent amount of those countries don't have that either.
>caliphate of londonstan
>muh scary salt rifles
All rifles combined account for less than 10% of gun deaths in the US. More people are killed by bare fists.
>muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.
The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.
The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.
>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:
From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.
>but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:
Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.
>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:
>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:
>guns murdered
It's like they're not even trying.
Two words
Posting the same picture and text every day is the definition of spam.
Newfags, do not reply to spam.
If OP is not a bot and would actually like to discuss this topic then he should watch "In Search Of The Second Amendment."
>"no, you wont be able to fight off your tyrannical government with arms"
Are you still this mad? Its been a good couple hundred years already.
Hey......didn't we give England a big "fuck off" about 250 years ago with a armed citizen army, or some shit? Good thing, or we'd all be speaking the Queen's English, with all those extra vowels and shit.
Yeah, newfag. It's never been posted before because unlike you I'm not a shill
Meanwhile in brazil where guns are forbidden, over 40k gun murders per year.
It isnt the guns, its the niggers.
Incase of you beliving the misinformation you just presented the world: Educate yourself
If you are not ignorant or nescience: Your time is up.
wtf germany?
Come back to us when your country is a hyperpower
>Switzerland has more guns (but less niggers) per capita.
Weird coincidence....
You're being a nitpicking faggot right now. You know what he meant, and it's a valid point. Insurgent groups with small arms and IEDs can wreck havoc on any military.
Our Founders knew what the fuck they were doing when they drafted the Second Amendment.
get rekt
We already have federal gun control. The National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968. The former was to curtail gang violence that arose from Prohibition and the latter was about stopping the Black Panthers and other radicals of the 60s from overthrowing the country. Niggers were chimping out non-stop back then cause muh Civil Rights and harming white people so we had to do something.
Also, California's strict gun laws are because Ronald Reagan when he was Governor passed the Mulford Act to further diss the Black Panthers. Nowadays the libshits are trying to twist it against white people.
>if it ever became tyraniccal so did give me that bullshit argument.
You're implying that the current government is not Tyrannical
get fukin rekt, m8
What is of primary importance, the manner in which people die or the deaths themselves?
Is all killing wrong? Is some killing justified?
now show the numbers for the amount of knife related crimes, firearms related crimes are lower but overall crime rates aren't.
Nice retard, but here in Brazil we can't carry guns and we have one of the highest world murder rate, because we can't even defend ourselves from these thugs. You should be grateful for having a population so high and just 9,000 killings by guns. Remember: criminals don't deliver their guns to the State, only good people do.
Also most part of this 9K is from the thugs themselves. Deliver your guns and you will be so fucked up with criminality as us.
>guns murdered
>spoons make you fat
>Guns are the main killers in the US and americans aren't willing to aknowledge it.
Our firearm rights are not subject to firearm deaths.
>And no, you won't be able to fight off your government if it ever became tyraniccal so did give me that bullshit argument.
But we could fight and that is the purpose. When the government goes tyrannical they'll have to deal with 80 million more insurgents than they would have to otherwise.
Our firearm rights are not subject to crime statistics.
>And yet, you're the largest producer and consumer of interracial porn on the planet
That's the Jews.
Interesting enough, the Jews are also the ones behind "gun control"
Said the faggot that claims disarming law abiding people will make criminals stop breaking the law.
>implying that gun control will prevent murder
In addition to being shot, you can be poisoned, stabbed, strangled, hanged, and beaten to death. If one person wants another one dead, they won't simply give up because it's hard to legally obtain guns.
>not 100% success rate
How hard is it to not miss the brain?
Fuck this nigger argument.
Guns are just fucking fun, and you can get food with them. They happen to also have the side effect of being a deadly weapon to use for self defense.
Damn city slickers...
Guns don't kill people.
Niggers do.
Our rights are not subject to those who abuse those rights.
honestly if you removed watermelon, america would have a similar murder rate to those euro countries
The biggest killer is cars faggot.
Behind the ear, not in the temple or in the mouth.
Tbf he was running against a literal Rothchild
Poor britfag spouting his propaganda-cha-cha-cha.
You can't logic your way out of this because logic is not on your side. Your best attack is an inevitable emotional plea...because the case is just that weak. Can you britfags even own pocket knives anymore? Or are they and even kitchen knives, "too pointy"?
A nation of cucks. Rather pathetic that you cheer for your own enslavement and export that cuckery wherever it can take hold. Your weakness is gross.
Hows the Queen Jew chattel?
There are valid arguments to be made for gun control - so why does that pic always pop out? Does it count to cash on murrican's ignorance on basic math?
Then stay out their our guns our land our problems our choices
And take away the 60% suicides they count
Your image explains that guns are not the problem, dude.
You forgot to adjust the data for niggers
what makes you think you can't fight off the government, faggot? americans did exactly that in 1776
Someone tries to shoot themself in the heart and misses + the 5% of the time a bullet only takes out the frontal lobe or somone shoots up through the roof of the mouth and out through the nasal/eye socket area.
Half your country - probably more than that - would love nothing more than to curbstomp people like you right out of the gene pool.
do you know where gun control is on full scale
and nobody can legaly poses gun?
now go to goole and look what shit is hapening right now in venezuela.
if you take away gun from people , that does not mean criminals will NOT HAVE THEM !!!
right now if criminal go to someone home hi will most likely face 1-3 guns at his head.
and you want a situation where hi can barge into someones home and this someone will have no way to defend (of course hi can call the coop that will be in 10 minutes , but it take 2 sec to shot someone...)
Remove the black gang wars from their stats
Remember also that those gangs get their guns through illegal means
We've had this argument many times in this board. We need to just start linking you fags to the archive
>excluding Northern Ireland
So Britain can exclude Northern Ireland from its gun violence stats. Go and exclude all nigger related shootings in America and you'll find those two countries are pretty close
>car manufactured and designed in leafland under fords Canadian branch
>painted in US flag scheme
>When will people who are anti-gun come to their senses?
Your constitution may be a joke document there for the amusement of the royals, but ours isn't.
>you won't be able to fight off your government
I could've sworn you said something like this before...
While we don't have the extra vowels, American English as spoken today is actually closer to the King's English at the time of independence than modern British English is. The English can't even speak English correctly.
Gee, wonder which data point is Washington, D.C.
If that were true, which it isn't, then how can you explain the Australian accent? surely it would be the same, right?
lol tell me more about how i should give a shit about your shitty country and how the arms industry in britian has gotten around the rifle and pistol bans with various loop holes
The gun control movement in America died before you were born.
Get over it.
That article blamed the acid attacks on "gangs." All I see is muslim rapefugees conducting lone wolf attacks on people in public. The UK is such a shithole, literally become part of pakistan now.
your forgetting about the 1986 assult weapons ban which is really the one that made full auto weapons illegal