China will invade and conquer the USA in your lifetime
China will mop the floors with the mulatto states of America
Hahahahahahahahah. Hide your pets and grab your guns boys.
They do, they are risking huge casualties on their own side since the USA has so many gun owners.
They are insect people so maybe it's not a concern for them.
With what?
fifth column and propaganda
That's dumb
What about gas and missiles?
Step your game up, kiddo
Thats genocide and I'm pretty sure the UN would step in.
But we'd nuke them before they ever do that
>I'm pretty sure the UN would step in
fema camps
Literally no damn way. They might invade Korea, they might invade Japan. They might take over the whole pacific, but they will never take America. The cost in lives and material for them would be far too great and for what? A population that would be in a constant state of rebellion until the end of time? It'd be far more economical to nuke us instead. (Which happens to be what we'd be prone to do if a Chinese takeover of the mainland was imminent)
Just because your pathetic country doesn't know what a gas mask is, don't assume everyone else doesn't. Missiles would be suicide for whoever fired them.
The Chinese navy has five troop transports capable of carrying 2000 people, combined.
You are literally retarded.
first they have to get past a navy larger than all other navies put together throughout the history of mankind
Invading the United States fails every single cost benefit analysis imaginable.
Even if you were to amass enough nations to do it (probably not even possible), you would be left with nothing but a smoldering ruin after a war that leaves your populous depleted and your coffers empty
More chance of Canada invading the US than China desu. Never gonna happen. Sage
he said during our lifetime though. in 2050, when america is 10% white and 60% mestizo, it could be a possibility. no one would question whether china could take on colombia, and by then we are going to be like colombia demographically speaking.
do you not think the chinese military could take out nigger gangbangers and steezer cartel members? because that's the future american, pal.
besides, if you've been to the west coast it is practically a chinese colony now.
Delete this round-eye. We come in peace.
Heheh, yes gweilo we will attack you from the exterior, hehehe, just forget about our financial dealings, focus on your military
>fund pro minorities ngos
>fund anti gun ngos
>bribe politicians
it's so easy i'm laughing as i write this.
all you need is money.
materialist persons only care about money.
and all that you call spiritual values will be taken from you (i'm not talking about religion).
>>Mfw I'm gonna get killed by some chinks after getting drafted in the jew wars
Oh yes, sure it sounds hilarious in your head. No wonder you're laughing you absolute mong. Drugs are bad mmmkay?
there's a gun behind every blade of grass here
Trust I'd go out with a positive K/D, China
>fund anti gun ngos
The democratic party must be REALLY inept if that were as easy as you say.
China can't even invade their own clay. Taiwan numba wan.
Our military is about 10% of their entire country. We have more bullets than they have maple syrup
China literally does not have the logistics for an invasion. They literally cannot even invade Taiwan. They've been upping their capability lately but still aren't anywhere what they need for an invasion of anywhere. Think of all the transports you would need to move, supply and maintain even 500,000 troops and China would need a fuckload more than that. Their air transport capability is almost non-existent so it would have to be by ship which is also mostly non-existent.
Even if they started commandeering cargo ships left and right they wouldn't make it past a single fleet of the US Navy. We could probably defeat their entire navy with just the aircraft of a single carrier.
But what I think we WILL see within our lifetime is Chinese civil war. It's going to be big and it's going to be fucking brutal. Their current system is barely holding on. Frankly, a trade war with America might end up sparking it within the next 5 years. It really won't take much of an upset to send their rising middle class tumbling and then you'll see some shit.
>neighbor in his house chugging bleach, getting fucked in the ass by a Jew with HIV, and demanding other people come say with him to inherit all his stuff instead of his kids who died of Meth and Alcohol abuse
>Invade him
Why? Literally nothing to invade. The US is a dead country walking and the empire it represents is goading the military into another war it can't win for Jews who have no long-term goals aside from killing whites and somehow protecting their nuclear desert resort.
If China is as long-view and patient as they're advertised, they'll shelf any kind of invasion and just wait for the Jews to finish off Whites. Once that happens it's just a matter of nuking Israel off the face of the earth and then slowly capturing the rest of the world one chunk at a time in the face of no real resistance. A world of mud people and niggers would't stand a chance against China.
Slide thread.
That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read and it speaks volumes about the kind of filth that you are.
Ha, not a chance in hell. Their troops would be slaughtered left and right by a resistance dug in so deep that they'd never get to the bottom of it. The US is extremely large and has a lot of forest and mountain areas. We also have the home field advantage and would be taking out the power grid and roadways. It would be a nightmare and the Chinks would surrender within a year if they hadn't already been crushed.
Also this. China is unstable economically because Chinks do a shit job of everything. They're using 3.5 inch floppies and Windows XP.
they did it in california
the theat has always been china down under people have long forgotten the red manace but I have not, im rdy to wig out and ambush some squintty cunts aye
They can't fire those missiles at me if they don't know where I am. 4th Generation warfare doesn't favor the aggressor.
Imagine what they will do to your backwater shithole...
they will build beautiful ports and bridges.
fuck murca
same here. can't wait to fry some rice.
I doubt it, but the USA and China will probably have a massive war in our lifetime and I'm not sure I'm willing to die to save the West given the states its in at this junction in time.
I'd rather live in a world governed by China than by the SJW West.
hahahah you ...must be retarded....
>Frankly, a trade war with America might end up sparking it within the next 5 years
this so hard, above all else.
China's economy is rotten to the core. they prop it up and pretend it's fine, but it isn't. when you pop the hood of the chinese economy, it is a shitshow inside.
frankly, the only thing that keeps it going is currency manipulation and the stranglehold they have on global manufacturing. (because of the currency manipulation)
and the US is their biggest market. if the US actually managed to detox itself off of the chinese manufacturing coke, and if the US actually managed to start exporting again, and drawing manufacturing back to it's shores, China would instantly collapse.
But we won't be the ones to spark that fire. China will implode by itself eventually. It signed it's death warrant when it allowed capitalism and created a "middle class". before, it was all green jumpsuits and uniformity. now, you have a chinese middle class that wants iphones and Buicks. And that's just unsustainable for a communist regime.
Yeah right. They are a third world country full of liars, communists, weasels, and ugly weak short men.
i'm seeing...coincidences
How exactly will they transfer their troops though?
How do I suppress my anger for Chinese Americans?
They are the most entitled, ungrateful cunts on the planet.
I would saw off every treacherous aznidentity poster head with a blunt knife if I had the chance.
Why do let the enemy breed within our walls? Why can't we be more like China and just put a bullet in their heads or send them to a labour camp
No way can China move an army into the US mainiland.
Nobody will ever invade the United States.
The logistics are impossible and even if they could pull it off, they would have to deal with a brutal insurgency involving tens of millions of American citizens armed to the teeth.
It makes for a good story but it'll never happen.
You cant invade a country that has nuclear weapons.
9 Ohio Class boomers with 24 Trident II's each in the Pacific at all times say otherwise.
Guys this is a slide thread, same image and premise has been spammed before for the past several days.
Do not reply, sage if you must.
China could not even invade Mexico if they wanted to. Their navy is a god damn joke and could not transport enough troops or supplies
They'll handle the muslim problem
>r/asianmasculinity fantasies: the image.
Fucking this!
China will try to colonize USA like they are colonizing Australia, Canada, Africa and parts of Latin America
The FBI just busted a Chinese couple that were selling tourist/business Visas to wealthy Chinese businessmen in Los Angeles.
Don't you have roof thatch to steal and daughters to fuck?
>implying china can mobilize their military
when hell freezes
yeah that's working out pretty well for you, huh?
>tfw the era of Anglosphere global supremacy will come to an end in your lifetime
In 1777, George Washington had a vision. Look it up some time. Interesting stuff. The angel made it sound like the US would be invaded, but that we would not lose.
Son of the Republic, Listen and Learn.
Chinas economy is dependent on america.
China has no projective force.
Next you're gonna tell me that black people are functioning members of society
>China will invade and conquer the USA in your lifetime
>Conquer the USA
i have girlfriend from singapore. i am prepared.
That's Australia though.
i think a civil war within the US between a russia-supported trump faction, and an anti-trump liberal faction is more likely desu
Also the "Takeover" they are referring to is the fact that China is buying all of our businesses and property and bribing all of our government officials and worst of all sending over legions of QT's carrying daddies money to steal Australian men and make hapa babies.
I would say they are behind all the major feminist movements making white women unfuckable too, but Australian women have always been a fucking mess.
The liberal faction is sponsored by China and the Gulf States.
What do you mean the UN would step in? The only country that ever does anything is the USA, and if China were in a strong enough position in the world to actually consider invading or attacking mainland USA, the UN isn't gonna do shit. You think Russia is gonna come help you?