D-did he gas all those little innocent babies?
Did Assad do something wrong?
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I don't care.
He's only the other side of the planet this effects me in absolutely no way.
>assad bombs ISIS weapons facility
>detonates ISIS nerve agent
>gets blamed for it
>whole world hates you now
>this effects me in absolutely no way.
>It does(decline of the west, immigration, debt, standard of living, jobs, political division, ETC)
>Thanks for helping the leaf post narrative
There are videos of him personally executing toddlers.
He's literally satan, not even kidding.
Al Qaeda have no reason to lie.
"Gas the kikes, race war now" got mistranslated. Sorry, guys.
Probably. Depends on if you trust the US government or the Syrian and Russian governments. Maybe he's testing how far he'll be allowed to go with Trump in office.
No, he actually didn't. The United States is pulling the same shit with him that they did with Saddam.
I'd think with Trump speaking about it the way he is that us intelligence has independently verified that Assad's government did it.
Yes, he is opressing Rojava.
They always speak before the investigations are actually conducted. Trump speaks this way because muh children and zionist overlords
No. Fuck trump the gullible kike shill that he has become.
Sick of all the brain dead cult members who suck his dick all day espousing their based black man MAGA pedes xD plebbit shit. Just fuck off. Assad did nothing wrong.
Pretty much this, except it was a """"moderate"""" rebel weapons depo
Explain how this makes any sort of difference on my life in any way.
The West has unequivocally laid the blame for it on Assad, without any investigation. Maybe it was a staged provocation, or maybe the SAF actually targeted chlorine shells warehouse. None of this matters anymore because the US has already turned the page and talks about using force.
They were sired by Islamist thugs.
They would only have grown up to be murderers like their fathers.
Their blood is on their fathers' hands.
Nothing of value was lost.
Anybody with tears to spare for the pups of Islamists should save them for the martyrs of the St. Petersburg metro. That's what the Israelis did.
i wanna see jihadists chasing assad through damascus in their pick up trucks
I wont argue whether or not he did or didn't do it, im no sarin gas expert nor am i an expert in Syrian tactics. But I am gonna argue motive. Why would Assad do that? He's conquered Aleppo, he's nearly beaten the Rebels to a fucking pulp (not counting Al-Nusra front) and only needs to finish them off before focusing on ISIS solely. Why would he risk his winning position with a nerve gas attack on civilians? It makes no political or strategic sense. Especially after Trump got into office and actually recommended working with both Assad and Russia to take down ISIS,
>"B-but he's just evil, you can't question the logic of pure evil!"
Yea commit suicide if you actually believe that shit. Not even Hitler would do such a retarded fucking thing.
He has no legitimate motive to do such a thing, and him doing it is only detrimental to him and his cause, literally the only argument you can have against him is "MUH EVIL" which is about as credible as Hillary's arguments regarding her defense during that email scandal
Two possibilities. Either Trump has now been compromised by the deep state or Trump is playing the long game by towing the neocon line for now. Only time will tell as he has been in office for less than three months.
For now I am betting on the second, friendlier option. Keep in mind that Trump is still trying to get his people into place due to heavy resistance from the uniparty establishment
Increase in prices on various goods, more immigrants you will inevitably be dealing with due to your PM, just to name a couple
No, he didn't gas them, but his days are numbered now.
Trump has always been a good goy.
So get the other countries in the region to fight him without America if they care so much.
Absolutely fucking not
What proof is there that he didn't do it?
I reserve the right to be critical of anything that goes on in the middle east considering all the false flags from the Shah of Iran to the overthrow of the house of Hashim and installment of a long list of dictators, to the Assassination of Anwar Sadat.
fucking (((Sarah)))
you are also ugly in any pose you stand
There also is a video of you mom fucking a donkey
That wouldn't make a difference if globalism wasn't a problem and people in countries on the other side of the world dealt with their own problems.
Nope, he didn't.
They are. Tell trump to pull his nose out of Syria's asshole you kike shill.
it will nikka it will
in mexico all media is saying he droped bombs at citizens
fucking cunts
Show me one shred of proof that Assad gassed his own people, 45 minutes after the Susan Rice story broke out. And days after Sean Spicer said Trump admins were willing to work with Assad to eliminate ISIS in Syria.
Do you really think Assad would gas his own people, right after the US confirmed they were going to provide him assistance? Do you really think that maybe the fact that NYT, WSJ, and CNN/MSNBC ran cover to cover headlines with pictures of kid foaming at the mouths and dead, is a little bit suspicious considering FOX was blasting the Susan Rice story wide open?
Hummm, its not like there could POSSIBLY be an agenda here, or an attempt to distract the nation from the biggest fucking political scandal ever.
And one of your mom fucking a pig
kikes are trying to false flag him, hopefully it will not succeed.
Both liberals and neocons are calling for blood. Shit if america blows a crater out of syria im sure shit will go down here too.
I've seen worse shit happen to Mexicans than I have to Syrians
Who /TeamAssad/ here?
No shit Assad is a fucking cunt, but everyone else in Syria are bigger cunts so I guess he's the reasonable one to support.
In Mexico, there's also a bunch of fucking retards as well.
can somebody give me a reliable source?
Simple answer
Complex answer
>of course not why on earth would he, he has been innocent of every other gas attack. He is winning why use items that could draw the us into the war
>Moderate rebels
Every time you hear this said in the MSM reports, subsitute the following:
>Moderate beheaders
Romania...you just want to see a car
Source. I don't understand where these assumptions are coming from.
he has kids himself, i find it hard to believe a father would gas bomb children... clearly bullshit.
But Jamaica, you remember what happened with Saddam and 9/11? The lies all over American media outlets that "they've got WMDs, we need to invade now. Right now"? How is this any different? Anyone who can reflect on that period of time should be able to honestly differentiate truth from lie. And in my honest opinion, there's no credibility to this at all. On 29 May 1945, France bombed Damascus and tried to arrest its democratically elected leaders. While French planes were bombing Damascus, Prime Minister Faris al-Khoury was at the founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco, presenting Syria's claim for independence from the French Mandate. Continuing pressure from Syrian nationalist groups and British pressure forced the French to evacuate their last troops on 17 April 1946.
Oh and they've also been to war with Israel. That should tell you something.
no he didnt. the terrorists kidnapped and killed them
>Susan Rice story
also checked
What kind of dumbass reasoning is that?
I agree with you. But something is bothering me. Last month, Trump had the balls to say that basically all of those synagogue bomb-threats and Jewish cemetery vandalism were false flags done by Jews, while Mike Fucking Pence was in one of the cemeteries helping with the cleanup. Why would he come out hard against Assad on this? Is it just to finally shake the "Russian Plant" MSM monkey off his back? Seems risky. Not sure where all this is heading, but he knows something we don't.
There has been so much bullshit propaganda spewed that I don't believe it anymore. The whole Arab Spring thing was a CIA/Mossad regional plot to create either democracies or civil wars that become proxy wars to Israel's benefit. And if a democracy doesn't end up benefitting Israel they will just overthrow it like Egypt. I wouldn't doubt that the Mossad is behind this gassing through their extensive network of contacts, allies, unwitting puppets, etc in Syria.
Not that we don't want to. We just can't.
What we can tell you is that we have observed certain patterns, and these patterns have been used over and over and over to justify topping other countries. And after the fact it has always come out that the things we were told we were stopping were exaggerated or never even happened at all.
we all know (((who))) is behind this.
>Jewsreal attacks Assad
>Assad says fuck you, I'll scud you kike
>oy vey the babies and nasty chemical weapons
fucking kikes up to their usual bag of tricks. I support Trump and I can tolerate a certain amount of kikery but starting a war for (((them))) is the fucking line
Honestly I don't see the problem with Israel. American Jews I completely understand, but not really Israel.
Either you are correct, or he's being lied to by his (((administration))) (I literally trust nobody in the U.S. govt. other than Trump) and is being told that it's 100% confirmed that Assad is behind said attacks
The evidence shows that the Syrian Armydid use chemical weapons.
yes people are telling him this, and he's watching videos and reading the NY Times, and he just believes it, like most people.
>The war is going a little too well for my liking,let's fuck all my efforts up and gas kids
I don't believe that shit.
i understand that but my family won't
i been trying to justify Assad,Trump and brexit to my family for over a year
common sense works on them but reliable sources can save me a lot of time
hrm who has something to gain by syria being destroyed?
these kikes aren't even original they tried this shit in 2013
You give us back what is left of Ukraine. We go away from your Jewish middle eastern sandbox.
Seems fair.
This is what I'm praying for. Trump turning out to be a jew slave would be devastating but not unexpected.
It's a false flag.
Assad pirated my indie game
Syria must pay for this crime
And Sadam had WMDs
And Gaddafi was shooing at civilians with his AA guns
The problem is, the first images of victims of the attack appeared online at around 6.30am GMT – so two to three hours before the warehouse was bombed, so the rebels can’t be responsible for the chemical release.
>al qaeda is a legitimate source of information
Every war the West has started over the last few decades has been preceded by a media disinfo campaign. Fuck, intelligence agencies don't have psyops divisions for nothing. What's more, these campaigns are exposed in due course - Iraq's WMDs, the Libyan viagra rape allegations, the Kuwait testimony, and so on. Yet people STILL FALL FOR IT EVERY FUCKING TIME. Add this chemical attack to the list of things people will be mentioning in a few years' time, well after Syria has collapsed and Europe/America are being flooded with yet more '''refugees'''.
I have always defended Trump,but he crossed the fucking line.Fuck him.
You think after having kids that doesn't trigger something in a man?
The truth.
And one of your mom fucking a brazilian tranny
You're making us look bad
Not if you don't give a shit about other kids besides your own or lack empathy. Assad is cunt like I said.
Alright. Who do you think masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?
Jamaica stop posting while being high
How have you come to the conclusion he is a cunt, on what conclusive evidence?
I just have a feeling some shit will happen stateside and then all of a sudden, boom, we're over in Syria.
A?HAHAH I hope Assad fucks up pissrael with no mercy
Join Forces with Iran Man and slaughter those fucking bloodthirsty war mongering kike terrorists like animals!!!
The best you can do is find all the previous chemical attacks and what was discovered about them.
And get them to question why someone who is winning would do one of the very few things that stir up the outrage necessary to bring the western powers down on his ass.
Israeli intelligence (experts on all things gas) say he did it.
And that was their mistake over all. Believing that democracy works over in the Middle East when it in fact does not.
what the fuck is this guy's problem? is he trying to be stalin by killing his own people?
i heard assad was removing babies from incubators in the last standing syrian hospital. sad!
so the right response is for the us to bomb the SAA and assads headquarters and home or other hideing places he would be in. then let the shit sort itself out
Of course he has. Don't you believe Mehmet the white helmet doctor, former Al Qaeda soldier? He even got an Oscar to prove he's right.
Didn't the US say they and russia destroyed the regimes stocks of chemical weapons in 2014?
>oh shit a different opinion he must be high