Can you morally justify the private ownership of land?
Property is theft
it was given to me by my father and anyone who would have owned it is dead.
Because le that's le communism!!!1! Anything other than magic pure free market capitalism (TM) is literally Stalin and always inevitably leads to killing a hundred billion trillion people and literally causing everything to become Mordor! said so! Get in the fucking le helicopter REEEEE communist!!!1!!!!
Ownership of anything is justified if you are capable of defending it.
No. What is you're address?
I'm coming over to spend the night.
I'm better than most people so I deserve the land and they deserve nothing. So there, morally justified it
>property is theft
>the concept of theft relies on the existence of private property
The vanguard of the eternal science of Lenin and Marx, everyone. Give him a hand, won't you?
Sure, I don't want shitskins having free reign of my living quarters.
You sound buttblasted.
The idea of theft presupposes property rights
Communism never works.
Property isn't theft but taxation sure is.
I was being ironic.
Cringe strawman shit
You can't say that for sure, for we have never witnessed a communist regime.
If we have never seen it, how do we know it exists? Therefore, it doesn't exist
Breathing is theft, can you morally justify stealing oxygen from the air and replacing it with worthless CO2?
Eating is theft, can your morally justify consuming the products of nature to satisfy your own selfish hunger?
Do the only morally reasonable thing and kill yourself
>moral justification
What sort of spook do you take me for, apeman?
>have you ever seen an idea
I'm not even a commie, but your reasoning is retarded.
Sure. Proudhon also said that Property was Freedom. How could the same person hold such opposing views? Simple. By understanding that we can only exercise our rights because of our private property: for example, in order to exercise my free speech to call OP a faggot I need a computer, an internet connection, power and, hopefully, a house where I'm safe from the weather and don't have to worry about my sweet boipucci getting raped by muslim gangs.
Ownership of land fulfills the same role: every man should be the king of his house, not even the actual king being able to impose his will on him. This can only happen when property rights are 100% enforced, otherwise your rights exists only by the mercy of the state/politicians/masters/capitalists/jews/whatever. This is a very basic libertarian concept.
But you ain't asking for that, you smart monkey. No, you want to know how can I morally claim ownership of something that wasn't meant to be owned like land. To that I argue that property is a natural institution, not unlike personal property or the property of my own body. What if the land I own was stolen to natives a thousand years ago? Fair enough: squatter's rights do exist. Even to this day, in my country if you have a bit of land and, one year, one of your neighbours moves his marker a meter into your property, after a few years he has legal ownership of those meters he won by your own carelessness.
So yes, private ownership of land is kosher, questions?
Is it any more illogical than communism? I think not
Do you seriously expect me to read all that mental gymnastics bs?
Jesus fucking christ, at least wait until Venenzuela's corpse is cold before declaring TRUE communism has never ben tried!!1
Also OP, I can't. I may or may not be an exceptionally dangerous person looking for a new pad to hang out. Let me stay with your loved ones while I decided, okay? Maybe... I'll decide on your place and force your loved ones out.