have you grown out of your edgy phase yet Sup Forums?
Have you grown out of your edgy phase yet Sup Forums?
>Shit that doesn't matter
You mean like paying for the wall, planned parenthood, removing of the lbgt page on the White House website or making the EPA disclose how they came up with "global warming" science.
nobody fucking cares
>I grew up politically
>discusses politics on reddit
Whatever happened to self-awareness? What an idiot
He's not wrong
fuck you
>Ever wonder why you don't see people who have been there for more than a few years?
Probably because we don't all have edgy names like "hatewrecked" to identify us.
meanwhile reddit is a hive mind that supports hillary despite being a piece of shit
>but Sup Forums are the bad guys!
fuck off. that place literally changed their voting algorithm to keep pro-trump posts off the front page. the CEO changed literal posts too.
This is exactly the kind of thinking that gave us neocons. Hurr durr it doesn't matter, let them do what they want, you'll never change it
What a defeatist cunt, most likely raised by boomers.
>just kick the can down the road
Until what? It all blows up in our faces? Only to be completely swallowed by the misinformation and corruption?
Fucking hell. Fucking cucks, all of them
>the "Only kids have strong opinions" maymay
"Dumb shit that doesn't matter" - this guy's post reeks of coonery. Tell that to the victims of the truck of peace, bataclan, or the people that can't walk through Malmo for fear of getting shanked. What a kike
you guys arent really racists right?
Fucking Bolsheviks, Gott mit uns mom!
>shit liberals say to make themselves feel better
>"t-they're j-just dumb kids who are pretending. I should know, I was one of them before I became super mature and intelligent like all my other liberal friends. Bernie is what clever people like me voted for"
I've been here since /new/. God knows how many years ago that was.
I grew into it apparently.
Used to be the most poz'd cuck on the planet fucking earth. One of the big things is finding a group of guys you can speak openly, honestly and privately to, with utter trust that nobody will rat you out to anyone for anything you say or any opinion you profess to have.
Leftism can't survive the capacity for dudes to be able to express opinions where they can't be screamed and shamed into submission. The moment a leftist gets to feel that, gets to feel what it's like to not always be self-correcting his mouth by self-censoring his brain, gets to feel what it's like to walk on thicker ice than what his leftist peers supply...when he feels that true and profound freedom, leftism begins to die in his heart.
>i swallowed the blue pill and everything is better now
People like OP pic are weakass fuckbois who gave up. He repeatedly tries to put down by labelling people who care as children, implying he has risen in maturity and status. When the true mature thing to do would've just been half of that post about himself just not caring anymore.
He's insecure about himself and his own unsure self.
Yes, everyone here is racist
have you?
I think I'm just starting to grow into it.
>there's no core group anchoring it down
>somehow Sup Forums has remained consistent in it's pro-National Socialism stance all this time
Self-proclaimed experts are hilarious.
hehehehe roll
>National Socialism
found the unemployed loser
I need a madelyn