Apparently, pedophilia is the next item in the Marxist agenda.
Left is encouraging pedophilia
Other urls found in this thread:
“Childlike innocence is an invention of the bourgeoisie of early capitalism.”
— Olaf Stüben, German pedophile activist, 1981
We must stop them before it's too late.
They tryed this in the 70's here too, but going straight up hardcore pedophile right form the start.
Under the guise of "introducing your children into discovering their sexuality" or some fucked up shit like that. Lefties are really, really sick and perverted in every possible way.
It's the ideology of death, suffering, repression and complete and utter degeneracy
They're going to eventually succeed when anti-aging methods come forth. At that point people are not going to care. The cards are in place.
Beautiful time to be alive.
Is that #LGBTQP on the side?
>advocates for repressing sexuality
>accuses others of repression
redpill me on shay.
Apparently, it's from a leftist Facebook page.
Remember Daniel Cohen Bendit?
And how he described in his book "Der grosse bsar" how sex with a 5 year old is sooooo different from having sex with a chil?
Well, he works for the Apparatski of EUSSR
Nah man we knew
They're incredibly cute
"P" is already for "Pansexual" though.
Did Antifa actually post that?
Shulamith Firestone was a feminist "thinker" that thought about pedos as a tool to destroy the family idea.
It's because there all closet paedophiles, hiding out, because they'll get lynched.
Nothing different from antifa
Probably a fake account to post false flags as this and make Antifa fags look bad.
And trigger some Sup Forumskids at the same time.
Nice plan tbqh
>not wanting children to be RAPED by dirty old men
>dats repressing muh sexuality
Fuck off perv. Go be repressed somewhere else.
Far-left* not left
there are multiple shays? wew.
do you have more?
Avia and Emmie
It was just matter of time
I'm not sure why leftists support pedos. Maybe it is on the "I was born broken" sympathy card. Which is both strange and somehow understandable.
The only leg up I find worth giving to pedos is a cure should we find it one day. Until then, they go in the oven.
I feel like that word references being afraid of children.
I don't think it means what they think it means.
>not wanting to bang a loli
it is already happening
ca$h me outside illiterate little girl has been (((going viral)))
vaguely recall a thread discussing her stupidity and half of pol was discussing her breasts and sex
she is 13
normalization of minors
Yes. Another feminist was an Stasi agent. Also, Gloria Steinem was a CIA agent. They're inside government structures.
Who mentioned rape? Kids not allowed to explore their sexuality with who they choose is repression, you can make nonsense claims like an SJW that everything is rape but its a terrible argument. Why not just admit you support repression?
I doubt this is real desu.
Even the most hardcore SJWs realize how fucked up this is. Just look up "pedosexual" on tumblr and everyone is disgusted by the concept.
It's a sexuality, there is no cure. They need to be gassed- it's the only way.
But lolis are cute senpai
I haven't seen a legit campaign saying this.
For years people has been used it as joke, and I think this is the case as well.
There are entire Tumblr sites dedicated to the Shaytards YT channel.
If it is, fellowship, one thing can be for certain. The greatest revolution in the history of mankind will take place and we will overthrow the Jewish and the Marxists and the Elitists and everything in between. The death of the Last son of the West will mark a turning point in human history. For the better. Heed these words and mark them, have pride in your steps. It is soon that we shall have our way; the way of man.
As if you weren't aware of this, many fake antifa groups have been set up to paint them in a bad light. It's pretty obvious (I know this is a disinfo thread though, so carry on)
screenshot'd this today
The other Mexican is right. Most of these Antifa shits are false flags created in order to turn the tide of public opinion even further against them.
Which is a good thing.
I'm still more upset with the use of the term "pedophobia".
Which in reality, is something actually worth fighting, because it can hurt children.
>Apparently, pedophilia is the next item in the Marxist agenda.
A few years ago Sup Forums called it. You fucking called it Sup Forums
Can you prove that's a real account and not a troll?
No, neither I can prove they're fake.
So fuck this.
And that guy greentexting in facebook deserves a bullet tbqh
>slippery slope is a fallacy
there are people who still believe this
Sup Forums is always right.
If you go on twitter there are tons of fake antifa accounts. Mine is Vancouver Antifa and I just post anti-white stuff and call other leftists Nazis. Funny thing is I stole the username from their old antifa account that got deleted so now they can't have the vancouverantifa username
Pedophobia is the fear of kids.
Just for the public knowledge.
SJWs were the ones who started hatred of pedos. Look up the the Social Purity Movement, they were feminists who accused men of raping kids to raise the age of consent, but the real reason was of course more sexual control. Its funny how people who claim to hate the far left and SJWs already absorbed many of their positions. Its laziness mostly, they dont dig into how certain social practices begin.
Hows princesstard looking these days?
You can't be a gay pedophile and use the heart
Is that Harrisburg, PA? Do I need to take an hour drive and bring my flail?
every time I think that maybe I might be out of touch with the whole "hitler did nothing wrong" thing, I see something like this. And then i think "no its the normies who are wrong"
More feminists who are pro-pedo:
Pat Califia, Katharina Rutschky, Luisa Velázquez Herrera y Gisela Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg
She's almost a teenager now, and their famiy took a one year break from youtube. So she will return in full puberty.
Really sad.
But Emmie stills cute.
Milo called it like 2 years ago
Can you explain why you say that?
THAT is allowed....
but if you wanted to calmly talk about something like immigration control or or use the word 'conservative' in relation to ANY issue, you would get not just protested, but physically assaulted, gangstalked, etc.
Fuck off you sick beaner fuck.
I get the toddlers are illegal and as to why, teenagers has been fair game for thousands of years up until bitches were allowed a voice. not that I'd put my dick in one of those young teens willingly. But don't make it seem as if fucking one is the same as fucking a grade schooler or toddler, because it's not.
Nah m8
Some of those antifa accounts are parodies but some of them are so good you can't tell if it's real because antifa is legitimately retarded.
And then, he made his mistake. MSM were against him in a dirty way, tough.
9-14 are the best though but I was never a huge fan of babytard
Do I think a 20 year old having sex with a consenting 16 year old is evil? No. Should it be a crime? Probably not.
Is a 16 year old the same as an 11 year old? No. Should a 40-year-old who molests an 11-year-old hang by the neck until dead? Yes.
You can go kill yourself you malignant pedoshill cunt.
Read about them.
let's be honest, your former president and a few before him, didn't give a fuck blowing up kids as young as 11 and those even younger. It's like that time Barack approved of dropping a bomb on an apartment in Pakistan to kill one terrorist but killed dozens. Did he worry about the sanctity of all those young pussies that got blown up? No. So if some bloke from one of those places is allowed to, by local law, to put his dick in one, what's the problem? Because if he should be hanged, shouldn't your president be hanged for blowing the girl and her pussy up? Serious question.
Pathetic excuse to promote sick ideas.
I don't support sexual intercourse but come one my man, this is a stupid argument.
Sup Forums is a Jap cartoon image board where everyone is a pedo. You cannot like anime without wanting to be a babby boffer.
The ethical way to pedophilia is outlaw and punish it by death when committed against whites, but leave inferior races for neckbeard amusement. They can be disposed of at puberty.
Calm down lad. Children can't drive or drink based on a system that something which is very commonly harmful should be illegal. Since we have studies showing sex isn't very harmful at all (Rind et al. etc), the proscription is based on propaganda and social control. Btw, children can drive fine if they're taught, you can look this up on YouTube. Its also not illegal to give a kid some wine in a private home in many states.
UAF - United Anti Fascism. Here seen defending Paki rape gangs:
NOW tell me how the left "won't tolerate" this kind of degeneracy.
before bestiality?
Can you at least post one of their works?
You're a degenerate faggot.
How about a pro-pedo who is anti-feminist? Tony Duvert
are you sure about that?
Hang yourself filth. Pedos are worse than jews.
Do you have an argument?
No reason to get triggered my friend
Fuck you sick bastard.
Every pedo topic on Sup Forums has two. extreme sides.
>pedos should die
>pedophilia should be accepted
Neither is true. I fucking hate myself and want to be cured. Is there a cure outside of chemical castration and testosterone blockers?
Just show the kid a video of sex then ask them if they want to do it.
Jews are pedos by default.
Pedos are the only valid reason to get triggered disgusting spic. The image of some brown hairy manlet spic wanking it to toddlers behind his computer makes me want to vomit shit.
You actually made me feel sick.
>Be you
>hurr smash Pedophobia hurr
>come home after a long days work
>your daughter of 9,10 maybe 11 etc is on the floor getting her shit pushed in by some disgusting greasy fat 50 yr old man
>Kids aren't the smartest so he has bribed her with something she likes
>You push him off her and tell him to leave and that you're calling the cops.
>he grins through his glasses with his putrid yellow teeth
>"but don't you know? it's legal now. you voted for this"
>he zips up and waddles out of the door
>Her life is probably ruined forever now by hey at least you're not Pedophobic
They receive anonymous treatment in Germany. That could work in other countries, as long as they stop harassment against children.
accept what you are but don't act on it. stop looking at pictures of little qt's i guess.
No, you can't "cure" a sexuality. Why do you hate yourself? Its a sign of low willpower and self respect to internalize others feelings about you, maybe you could fix that instead?
I'm not brown neither hairy, and I'm 1.86m which is consider "tall" here.
That makes you feel better m8?
If the body of a young person is so valued. Hell, let's go even further, if the body of a child is so previous and so much so that all of you are literally calling for the death of those who'd spoil it, shouldn't that also go for people who would blow those children up?
>stop looking at pictures of little qt's i
For what purpose though?
No it makes me even sicker. You (alledgedly) have great genes, and you're wasting your life being a faggot of the highest order.
>little qt's
Please don't put those thoughts into my head.
>you can't "cure" a sexuality. Why do you hate yourself?
Fuck. I hate myself for being a pedo of course. I must keep these feelings internalized.
That has always been part of the (((((agenda))))))
This is all it comes down to. Japan has the right idea, gravure and all.
Ephebephilia is redpilled.
I hope to have a dutiful young wife soon
i was once badly obsessed with mara so much so that i thought about her basically all day. i forced myself not to look at her pictures and tried to clear my mind and it worked, for a time at least but going cold turkey was really rough.
>tfw no loli gf
I could not agree with this any more. Pedophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, Islamophobia, all types of phobias, need to be smashed. Phobia means the irrational fear of something, and this is true. People who hate/fear pedosexuals are irrational people that literally no one wants to be around.
Communists already deserve to die. Being pedos doesnt make me feel any different about them.