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why is it always harry potter.

Stumped? More like "saged"

Frontal lobe damage

>Harvard students
>Best anti-establishment movement they can name themselves after is from a book for 7-10 year olds

These people will be your doctors/lawyers/politicians in 20 years, good luck US.

lmfao the fucking harry potter references.

it's over for drumpf. he'll never recover


First black magic spells now they are wielding the might of dumbledore against trump.
Vid related. What to against such a mighty foe, magic wands and all.

"Trump is Voldemort !!!"

In other words, autism

I was going to they should grow up but they are literally students of the best university in the world.

But that's what we have all the imported shitskins for right? :^)

it's lefty memes, the logic is not obvious to an outsider

The Trump who lived... come to die.

Lowest common denominator.

doubt it. they'll most possibly go on to crash the family business

because commies think magic is real

Best comment

Well food in communist nations is really good at disappearing

I thought commies were atheists

Because they are filthy fucking muggle bloods who can't into meme magic.

I done even tell people I went there anymore. I am ashamed to admit I attended that cesspool of liberal nut jobs.

I don't know if its the author the actor or director to blame for him turning out to be such a non-intimadating basket case in the movies

It's almost as if they are trying to make themselves look like the biggest joke they possibly can.

>because commies think magic is real
There's some that think magic is real that's for sure. Here's a video from south africa.
>unironically think western science is wrong because it can't explain how it's possible to via black magic to cause people to get hit by lightning.

Anon5 keeps mentioning this.

fucking top kek

You went to Harvard user?

It's their answer to meme magic

Forgot video:

You're talking about a country that named atomic bombs it used to kill millions of people after popular movie characters

Americans just aren't mature

well if you replace brooms with helicopters...

>There's some that think magic is real that's for sure.

But magic is real user. Check em.

why is it always fucking harry potter

Drumpf BTFO, eternally stumped how will he ever recover the launch codes !?!?!

Because muggles reading shitty meme books by a meme author.

Kek was just thinking this. Millennials are fucked

Some of the group's tweets have described stockpiling weapons.

Report them to the ATF/FBI.

>implying he wasn't always stumped
The big Orange Buffoon has always been stumped, it takes a couple of LARPers to put him down for good, as if Hillary didn't already do that.

Anyone got the comparison image of Harry Potter and Donald Trump?

Shit like both of them having widespread collusion in the media against them, can't find the image.

someone please posts the wojak brain meme about this

>Stockpiling firearms
That's not very wizard like.

magic isn't real

No but seriously we can't let Trump get his hands the Elder wand.

Not stockpiling wands & potions, fucking posers

disappearus spicus!

leftists are perpetual adolescents

He was stumped the moment he decided to invade Syria. Rip legacy.

>dumbledores army

Kekd and cheq'd

>tfw to smart to support whumpft

Is that worse than relating everything to a nazi cartoon frog?


Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the elder wand.

They are so pathetic is not even fun to mock them

>Invade Syria
I wasn't aware he'd done that yet

low IQ people and cucks are drawn to fiction books

Who is the Dumbledore of this uprising?

literally who are you talking about

Hillary of course sweetie

Look at that Wingardium Leviosa spell he put on his hair though.

Got it.

Bakshi's Wizards, though watching his movies would probably trigger SJWs.

if this was any other college i'd find this funny but the fact that this is coming from harvard just makes it absolutely fucking depressing

i bet every one of the little faggots believe it's them


Yes, yes it is

Let's revive the brown shirts


is this how you justify your own stupidity?

>Supporting a kike puppet

I did attend.



I suggest we too form a movement with a pop-culture name reference to ruin it for the libs.



s a g e



inb4 reddit butthurt










It's the only book they've read,

They should be reported.




Why is this university prestigious again?
fucking harry potter, i would expect the best and brightests 18 year olds in the world to not be a bunch of basic bitches. baka





College students ought to support a black harry Potter, right? SJWs are down for that?
