>open browser
>see this whale in in a swimsuit
>cant stop laughing
>boss kicks me out of office cuz I keep laughing nonstop at this pig
hey chris
go fuck yourself
>browser related
Jesus, people think that's beautiful?
why are they pushing this whale everywhere, is she a kike or something being used for the fat agenda?
Why are you watching netflix at work?
hey amy
go fuck yourself
>go back comedy school
She could go for a tranny.
You know Chuck Schumer? Now put 2 and 2 together
>american reality
>how we prefere to see them
Why do you guys insist that she is unfuckable? Come on now
Jeeezus those Arms are thicker than legs.
This, she keeps FAILING HARD yet people keep investing in her, WHY?
This picture is one hundid an fiddy persent photoshopped
netflix changed their rating system today because of her
no more out of five, it's either thumbs up or thumbs down
Why even bother with a rating system then?
>(we've got the lipstick)
is.....is this a subtle pig joke?
Jew Beluga
Solution obvious - Thumbs Down all her stuff until they get rid of that, too.
Dayum that magazine have some talented photoshop artists.
She is fuckable, but her personality makes her as ugly as a female version of Philip Seymour hoffman
Jebulga, if you will
So, a low energy beluga?
i dont get it?
holy shit i looked it up, it's real
>Her father is second cousin to U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer.
logged in under all my accounts and thumbs downed the tumor shoemur
Nip Bro, do us a favor and go and hunt this whale for the greater good of the human kind, please.
"Schumer Stuns in White Swimsuit"
I swear I thougt it was a guy in a bikini xDD
so beautiful that they had to shoop out and apply 20 gallons of make up on her eyebags, oily skin, skin stretch marks, and put her on a swim suit that covers her fat, and her cellulitical ass and thighs behind huge white words
>made by a fucking nip
into the trash it goes/10
>one of the editors is /ourguy/
u can't stop the signal
Not rated one star faggot. 1/2 a star if any.
Fucking kek
The funny thing is that the left hates her as much as the people on the right
Why is she swimming in Photoshop Blur?
And she still looks terrible
"You can put lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day, it's still a pig"
im so tired of seeing this fat pig
I got you desu
>windows 10
what is this
I hate this sick looking cunt
Trying this hard to tripfag.
Chris, why would you ever go to msn.com? Wtf is wrong with you?
>netflix at work
cmon chris
If she weren't such a cunt she'd make a nice homely broodwife for some farmer.
>just be yourself
Can those disgusting kikes be more obvious they are pulling their connection strings? That woman ain't sexy or beautiful, she isn't even average, she's slightly white, i give her that, but other than that she's just privileged. Jews are the most privileged on this planet and they don't even have to work for it. Why can't Americans start sterilizing those low IQ Jews? Can't you see the writings on the wall? They are making fun of your very existence white man.
>implying she even went
Consume, goy, big is beautiful!
>TFW (We've got the lipstick)
God I still love this photo. Everything is perfect. The way that daring strapless tube of stretch fabric is pulled down by the sheer weight of those massive cow tits, revealing veritable real estate of hulk-like shoulders. The way those massive pillar-like legs put crushing weight on those hooves, which overpronate in those sporty-ish sneakers, comically contrasting with her appearance like clown's shoes on an undertaker. The way her head tilts slightly upward, as if to express how sluggish and pained her every moment is. Those ham cheeks dragging down her face, leaving only a small beak-like mouth, as a cruel mochery of the amount of food which she must consume. The sunglasses and cap, as if she really thought she could go unnoticed, like a small blue camouflage net sloppily thrown over an aircraft carrier. Those catcher-mitt hands, clutching a greasy phone and a bouquet of napkins, cheekily hiding from sight whatever fatty snack she is eating right now. The way she casually hold that food, as if it's second nature to ingest fast food, like breathing and blinking with your eyes. And, best of all, the contraposto posture, conveying in a way not even Michelangelo could, motion in a still work of art. You can see the pained, sluggish motion like a sentient drop of tar, just dragging itself through an urban environment.
lol wtf
hahah you did it chris!
i said to Charls that you wont post it of Sup Forums
but you did it!
Great pasta.
Far better than hacks llike Rowling.
she's literally the perfect waifu for Sup Forums
Why is this fat, fugly fuck everywhere?
>comparing 3D piggu to 2D perfection
>it's literally the same guys
>those arms
this, and kek has forsaken thee, because this post was supposed to be triple sixes.
I agree.
There's literally nothing wrong with Amy when she's on the thin side, but she yoyo diets.
Amy pls go. You aren't fooling anyone.
I'm not Amy, I'm the guy who thinks she's our perfect waifu.
Think about it, you could ignore her bullshit attempts at comedy, get a good hatefuck every day, spend her shekels and make sure not to watch her show.
In return she'd be submissive as hell and get free material to bitch about on her show.
White Helmets are winning the information war!
It's the default homepage for the edge browser
Manifest Breastiny, thank you!
Seriously, why do they keep trying to convince people she is hot?
>things that never happened
She is absolutely not fuckable, user. I'm going to have to ask you to turn in your dick.
Stop mounting the bandwagon. She is fuckable, but I also think her personality is shit which makes me want to avoid touching her even with your microdick
She also has one of the worst, if not the worst tramp stamp i've ever seen on someone.
>using the lines the water creates to try to make her not look square
kudos to the photographer, that was a stroke of genius
i'm pretty sure no one thinks she's beautiful
> She is fuckable
Any barn yard animal is fuckable, doesn't mean people want to fuck them
No, OP. She's a whale, that's why she's splashing into water.
What bandwagon? I never thought she was hot. It is just weird to me that they keep trying to convince people that she is.
(((photoshopped fat kike pig whale)))
>TD shills are jerkin off to her pic
roast that kike lads she hates me
Same reason Josh Gad was being pushed so hard a few years ago. They pick one and throw a lot of weight behind them.
Amy Schumer will have a psychological breakdown become an obsessive bodybuilder. Cap this.
jew female anti white feminism muh pussy jews
Amy Schumer is not fat you bigots...
She's just bulking....
hahaha look at that gross bacon fat armpit meat hahaha
>jewwwwwws are so disgusting hahahahahaha fuck
she gets fatter and thinner
it's her thing, like delta burke
capped and it'll be hot as fuck somehow