I want a firearm for protection.
I'm 21 and in college.
I cannot afford a firearm. At least not before a fuck ton of other things, namely bills.
What do
I want a firearm for protection
get a job
You don't actually need one, people buy firearms so that they can fantasize about defending themselves badass style.
just google gun financing. Lots of good choices, I've done it several times.
here you go lad
Unless you live in the people's republic of california or something you can go on armslist and buy a gun for a $100-$200 with zero government paper trail. If you want a cheap gun, look at 22LR stuff or maybe an old SKS. It's basically craigslist for guns so some people will trade random shit (TVs, consoles, etc.) for a gun too.
A minute of googling showed me brand new Glocks for $400. Some pistols must be even cheaper. Even more so if you don't mind buying a used one. How come you can't afford it? Are you a foreign student, or did your parents disown you and don't finance you?
All good stores OP. Give it a shot.
I recommend a 12 gauge shotgun for home defense btw. Get some 00 buckshot. You literally can't miss and it will one-shot almost anyone. In the event of a home invasion, your adrenaline will be pumping, your hands will be shaking but its still almost impossible to miss with that.
>tfw Americans can easily buy and store cool semi-auto rifles at home, even full autos in some cases
>le tough Russians have to make a fucking ritual to get the right to buy a regular shotgun or rubber-bullet pistol
>rifles only after five years of shotgun use, real pistols are not allowed for civilians at all
>easily buy
>full autos
Semi-auto is easy as shit to buy. Full auto is not. It requires a lot of paperwork and other BS. Full auto is not easily obtainable but still possible to get one in the US if you are willing to jump through the hoops. My uncle has a full auto mac-10 and my coworker has a full auto AK47.
Still, in Russia it's forbidden to have full autos for civilians.
First of all, don't get a Glock. It's overhyped and expensive for what it does. You can find some old guns at pawn shops or places like that and they aren't too expensive. You could also just make one, or git gud like me and become invincible to bullets.
Sell one of your textbooks at the end of the semester and buy a small 9mm pistol.
Yeah that would suck. I like to shoot. I go the range a lot. I pity the fool that breaks into my house. I have shotguns in secret compartments in multiple locations in my house. I live in a state where I am legally allowed to kill someone if they break into my house too. I bought them all on armslist directly from other people, meaning my government doesn't know I own them. Even people who aren't allowed to have guns can still buy them here because person-to-person gun transfers don't require any paperwork or background checks in most states.
Student Loans; buy a heavy ruger revolver. Snub or not on your preference. Or a small .22 auto and practice the living shit out with it so you can hit an eye at a dozen yards. Throw in some silver and some MRE's baby...
So you won't have any problems if you shoot an intruder with an unregistered gun?
Come on OP I can do this all day, confirm it
Build one. Costs almost nothing. Careful though
>Sell one of your textbooks
This. When I was in college I usually got a few hundred $ back when I sold all my books at the end of the semester. Pro tip: Sell them on Amazon rather than the campus bookstore. You will get more money back.
You dont even stated main point. What forbidden in Russia is a self-defence, you can own a gun bur for protecting yourself with it you will be like 99% jailed regardless of circumstances. In the end this is no different than Britain-level weapons ban.
True, we have the absolute opposite of the Castle Doctrine.
Guns do not require registration where I live. Very few US states have gun registries. It really depends on which state you live in though. Florida, where I live, requires no gun registration for any type of gun. You can buy a gun from another citizen with zero papertrail. I hand you cash, you hand me the gun and its done. In Florida, I can keep loaded handgun in my car's glove compartment without needing a conceal carry permit. I still have a conceal carry permit though. Employers aren't even allowed to tell me that I can't have a gun in my car that's parked in their parking lot. It's a totally different story if you live in somewhere like California.
Well that's awesome, thanks for the info
Buy knife for time being.
Safe up $200 bucks and get Ruger LCP .380.
Use Ruger to rob a few liquor stores.
Use stolen money to buy an AR-15.
Rob Bank with AR-15.
Then kill yourself
>Buy knife for time being
This is actually really good advice. You can get a nice knife for self defense for like $20. In close quarters, a knife will beat a handgun if you know where to stick it. It could be a good solution for OP until he saves up enough to buy a decent gun.
Home defense? Pump shotgun.
Very cheap. Very effective.
If you want a carry pistol then that's another matter but then you'll need a carry license.
Please don't ever recommend that pistol to anyone ironically or unironically again.
The length of pull on that thing is a fucking mile long.
My mother just bought one of them because she thought it was cute.
The trigger pull is that far so when you have it rolling around inside your purse for months, a stray tampon doesn't slide in the trigger guard and shoot you
I like its long heavy trigger pull. I didn't buy this gun to drive tacks. I bought it keep in my pocket in case some crackhead tries to jump me when I'm jogging or at the gas station.
To the gas chambers with you user
Used bin at local gun store.