"It was like a porn doll."

"It was like a porn doll."

Saget said, "It was very lifelike..." " I just grabbed and threw it on the bed... It was intense."

What makes the entire event so disturbing is that (confirmed by Bob Saget on the Opie and Anthony radio show) that all of the children starring in the show watched him have simulated sex with the Olsen Twin sex doll on an external studio monitor that was played in a nursery/school type room.

> reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/63omdv/pedogate_bob_saget_admits_being_filmed_molesting/

Other urls found in this thread:


But why

>using plebbit as a source

#PedoGate is bipartisan.

ahahah what the fuck am I reading

So Sup Forums is basically reddit now, right?

how could it be? the liberals are the pedos

Yes, because the Catholic church is liberal now?

Don't be fooled.

original article

everything is a reddit

well every priest is a faget so maybe...


Why don't these faggots ever say anything about Trump's ties to Epstein, or even his own son bragging about their family's pedophilia out in the open?

Listen to the original audio, retard. It's fucking funny and nothing serious.

Are these people not aware that Saget is well known for his very dark sense of humor?


the catholic church is communist now, which is close enough

I guess that's why he is one of the most well-known American sitcom producers/actors to live?

Then to boot, he hosted America's Funniest Videos... With corny as fuck one-liners.

Absolutely satanic, and to deny this is blissful ignorance on your part.

Bob Saget RAPED and KILLED a girl in 1990

there goes my no fap...

Because it's obvious as fuck you are a shill just grasping at straws.
Lurk more.

The catholic church votes dem all the fucking time.

Yeah this did freak me out. Why the fuck would junior say this

growing up masturbating to your sisters makes you a sick fuck


Honestly I can't blame him.

Do you realize what you're saying?



What fucking moderate catholics are you friends with, my dude? You should probably red pill them soon.


How can people apologize for pedos? Holy fuck...

What the fuck is this?

"It was like a porn doll."

Saget said, "It was very lifelike..." "I just grabbed and threw it on the bed... It was intense."


>the aristocrats

Saget has always been a vile kike.

No, he's at least partially right. My parents are Catholic but vote Democrat 90% of the time because "we're supposed to help people." As you can imagine, they don't listen to anyone pointing out flaws with their reasoning.

Fuck, how can such a hot little girl get so fucking ugly. She was always the hot one but then, fuck.
Life is horrible.

this is really hard to watch


> All of the children in the show were forced to watch him do it. (He admits everything) #PedoGate (twitter.com)

> do not tell me that all lesbians don't want to finger-fuck pretty little girls

no the worst part is kek bewstowed his favor upon a newfaggot post like this

Kek =/= Worst part

>No one mentions that the people most obsessed—some of the best renditions come from Gilbert Gottfried and Steven Wright—are Jewish. Are Jews more scatologically oriented—or is it just that there are so many Jews in comedy? I dunno.

why didn't you just link this: northcrane.com/2017/04/05/bob-saget-talks-about-filming-himself-with-sex-doll-on-full-house-pretended-it-was-olsen-twin/


he is edgy as fuck

thank god it was censored

She's cute, you've just got squinty little eyes so you can't see properly.

>Not watching the video.

I'm sure Reddit hired a Bob Saget impersonator to fool Opie and Anthony.

She looks like her vagina would smell bad.

She did tons of meth. That's what ruined her.

No, she was hot a long ass time ago but for the longest time she been old and busted.
Yeah, I heard she got into booze and meth. Is too bad.

I went to mass a few times last year, every time the homily was about being pro-immigration and not building walls, they're pushing that way more than being anti-abortion right now.


>On the Opie and Anthony show
Gotta love all the underaged faggots who don't know Opie and Anthony.

Some sap poured so much of his resources into that ring for her and she's out taking all these "look at my bewbs" pics.


pedo with slitty eyes
yeah maybe he doesn't mind though, nothing wrong with having a hot wife



We need to crack this shit open once and for all. Connect DC and Hollywood.

I have said time and time again I think the missing link is Gene Simmons.

They were filming child porn at his house and it got swept under the rug big time