Why do so many millennial boys want to become girls?
Why do so many millennial boys want to become girls?
because being girl is easy mode
Yea how come?
Never seen it
Good question
It doesn't pay to be a man anymore
system is antimen and it scares them
boys can be boys
men are told not to be men
Most of them are weak and therefore shunned as men.
Keep that in mind next time you decide to shitpost about 'alphas' and 'betas'. These are Jewish lies, humans aren't apes.
I haven't met any yet, though I do know 2 little bulldykes who want to be boys.
>He doesn't want to be a pretty anime girl.
Because then I can support the Ayran race by having tens of children.
There is literally no advantage to being a man in the modern world.
I think it's like people who want to be the sub in an S&M relationship. They want to be told what to do because it takes all the pressure off of them. They believe that as a woman they can more practically pull off being submissive and be told what to do and not have to be stressed out anymore.
Niggers are
kinda hot
You can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want as a girl.
You can fuck anyone you want
date anyone you want
get any job you want
wear whatever you like
take up any hobby and people won't think its weird, for the most part
and, most importantly, you can play with your boobs whenever you want.
because they're weak pussies raised by single mothers
Slide thread.
Modern-day grills come with a lot of features that boys don't get. MF trannies, regardless of degeneracy, are in very interesting position of power among current lefties.
Because women suck at being women so much it takes a man to show how it's done.
>japanese films
>a fucking leaf
Being a woman is life on easy mode
Post-War gender role fuckery...
Baby-Boomers were raised by women, and the entire west has been becoming more and more feminized since.
Dear loli syrup - let me correct your post for you:
*Why do so many young lesbians
> millennial boys
> neets and weebs
Want to look like cis bois or traps?
> girls
> faggy twinks
> hipsters
They are so faggy and emasculated they are closer to a woman than a man.
If I was a girl, I could suck dick and get all the money, attention, luxuries and so on for it.
Raised by degenerates, faced with reality that if you want to continue being degenerate you're going to live like shit and the only way to live alright and be a degenerate is to be a woman.
Too much female influence and not enough masculine influence.
A generation of bastards raised by single moms and educated by women.
>women are glorified by the media and by leftism - for example, leftists say that women can be "beautiful at any weight," while men can only be "handsome" at peak fitness
>women have "girl power," men are demonized as oppressors/rapists
>courts always rule favorably to women in family court and in cases of rape accusations
>women politicians and women in the workplace are seen as positives, but men in the workplace are potentially problematic
>women are permitted by society to sit at home all day doing nothing or even doing all sorts of degenerate shit, but men are expected to work hard
>women have inherent value to men and therefore society by simply being women, men's value comes only from what they do - for example, a woman can earn money by rubbing her tits on webcam at home all day, or she can have her future totally secured by the simple act of marrying a rich man
Real talk Sup Forums.
Is there really someone wrong with boys dressing like girls?
I know it's not "pc" for the alt-righters, but from a moral standpoint I see no issue with it. There's no reason for Trumpfags to get so upset about it.
that image though
Yeah, but you'd have to suck dicks.
Let's be honest, millennials are lazy, and being a girl is easy.
First post best post. And being a low test numale means they're already half way.
For me it's mostly that i like girls a lot, or maybe i just have a very feminine side. I wish i could be a cute girl so i could date another cute girl. Removing men from the relationship just makes it cuter. And i could also wear cute clothes. It would overall be very nice.
If you were fully a woman in mind and body - I'm not talking about having a mutilated dick and artificial hormones pumping through your veins, but if it were really possible for a man to become a woman - then, presumably this wouldn't be so objectionable because you'd have a craving for dicks.
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5
You can't remove men from the relationship, since you'll always be one.
The courts are one of the major reasons too; all these young boys are raised by single mothers only because of that. It probably wouldn't turn out a whole lot better if it were soley single fathers, but regardless either way family life is destroyed. That's why everyone seems to have a weird hate towards a traditional household of man + woman + children, and why women shit all over other women for wanting to be housewives. In fact, now degenerate men shit all over other men for working towards their woman and children; mgtows and shit, they hate the idea of a good family life.
because its easy mode life
frankly if i lived in usa and be white, id become a girl too and claim that im lesbian so that i still can lick pussy and fuck them with my feminine penis and still cam whore for men to gift me stuff and money online
Because they can, next question?
Can what? Dream? Because they can not ever actually change their gender.
This. Anyone with a basic level of intellectually honesty can tell that women in first world countries are playing on easy.
The very fact that society believes otherwise is part of what makes it true.
>wanting to be in a relationship because it would be cute
Shouldn't you like the person?
Nah, women don't really like sucking dick. And if you were a woman - mind and body - you'd have a much lower sex drive. So those guys who think they'd fuck everything that moves after transitioning are just deluding themselves and basically thinking like men, lel. I've heard trannies on youtube admitting that their sex drives almost died after hormone therapy.
i wouldn't have a problem with it if they were women in every sense of the word.
not this bruce jenner bull.
Pornography addiction
It's over Sup Forums. This is how our children are raised these days and their beliefs. This is how the future unfolds. Is very sad
Indeed. Such a shame.
I mean yes of course. I think it's because i'm a very not cute person, both looks and personality wise and i really love cute things. So imagining myself in a relationship from another person's point of view would make it very not cute. However, if i were a cute girl, that would change. Then again, if i were a cute girl i wouldn't be me and probably wouldn't think this to begin with, rendering this completely pointless. It's just a "what if" scenario i like to imagine.
Because Feminism demonizing being male and the rise of people accepting and supporting faggots of all kinds.And of course SJWs getting old enough to have children and indoctrinate them and force them to be their virtue signals.
Yeah and along with that sex drive goes your ambition, motivation and logic. You turn mushy unless you're able to put yourself back through a traditional raising from day 0, and spend your days educating yourself as women have occasionally throughout history.
for the same reason women have penis envy. we crave tits and pussy, and if we have it its always in our grasb. its just that mentally sane people would rather try to get a woman that has her tits and pussy always ready for you instead of chopping your dick off and pumping plastic into your tits.
the female body just looks more perfect, more like it was well designed and the creator had an eye for detail for it. men basically look like "ok, i made this one gender, looks pretty good. now for the second. i just scratch away these awesome tits, make the body have more edges and less curvy, a bit more hair on the ass, and where do i put this thing now? just between the legs. noone willl be bothered by this i guess."
because its a mental disorder and instead of treating it society rather just gives in to these people's fantasies.
>all women don't like sucking dick
>women don't have a sex drive
You live in cuckville Canada, you tell me.
They conditioned themselves to be like that essentially. You can blame their ancestors, their very weak psychology, and flawed perception of life.
This i literally made a plan to life a trap life and just get married and go easy mode in life
Escapism, they are too weak to face the burden of being a man.
because they've been emasculated and don't know how to be men and also think men are bad
so if you identify as a women its not gay.... wow made me think
What anime?
Oh shit is there a genderbending anime this season?
its for me not so much that they dress up like that, or go through bodychange or whatever. what bothers me is that they indoctrinate their kids into that shit. there are people out saying their 3-4 year old kid WANTS to change the gender, even though at that age you dont really have any concept of what gender is.
they want us to tell them how brave they are for their degeneracy, and want us to be silent about any criticism, even if its just about not wanting parents to talk their little kids into and force them into a gender change. fuck all these lunatics that want others to be crazy so they themselves dont feel so crazy anymore
Great movie. Not the typical weeb trash.
i had a girl that wanted to suck dick despite me not wanting. i'd rather just fuck and kiss and all, but i didnt want to put my tounge into a mouth that had my dick in it before. thats 2nd grade gay
Kimi no na wa
>but men are expected to work hard
Which isn't that bad in and of itself. If we weren't also being blamed for not working when you can't find any damn work.
That will change when you get a girlfriend. I used to be the same
>wanting to be a girl
>Not wanting to be taller more muscular more manly man.
Dont shit on Mitsuha.
>Women don't like sucking dick
More like women just don't like sucking your dick.
DESU I thought people who liked that Mitsua stuff liked to be shit on
It's basically what everyone else here will tell you. Because to them, it seems "easier". Women are no longer compelled to be stay-at-home wives, and because they now have as much social freedom as men, "transgender" people don't perceive as big of a loss as they might have a hundred years ago, since they'll still basically be able to do all the things they could do as a man, only now they get to do it all without the constant threat of "acting like a man".
That's the main fear with them, always being compelled to act like men. Basically, they'll say 'everything about being a woman seems easier and more comfortable than being a man', because they're afraid of the responsibilities that they associate with being a man, like courting women, working out and staying in shape, and having to financially support another human being. Women don't have to do these things (some of them work out, but most don't have to before 30 to stay generally attractive), so they say 'hey fuck it, why not just be a woman!'.
That takes care of the social part of it. I could go more in depth but I don't want the thread to die. Moving on, we'll look at the physical, or sexual side of it. In doing so, we approach the phenomenon of autogynephelia, or being turned on sexually by the idea of being a woman. This comes as a byproduct of modern porn saturation. Basically, it's one of the many routes that can happen when one gets bored of vanilla porn. They start to associate the vagina with pleasure more then they own ding-dongs. Going back to the idea of easiness, sex is also easier for women, since there's not a pressure to perform well and make the other person orgasm (well obviously they want to make men orgasm but we all know how easy that is). They develop a fetish for themselves getting fucked in the cunt and this goes hand in hand with the easier social dynamics.
Basically, they watch too much porn and didn't have much success with women in the past.
t. former transgender, AMA
It's hot.
Good movie desu
Where's that thing you're supposed to give when you make a claim?
Your brethren, you nigger fucker.
Because they have to compete
Talk to any married man, ask them how often their wives suck their dick if you don't believe me. lel
Because we have whole generations of young men being raised entirely by women (in schools and at home) with the only male/provider role model being the state. It's no surprise these broken men grow up to be limp wristed nu-males or femboys.
No, if you ARE a woman.
Kids can connect those dots pretty easily and recognize the glaring favoritism and protectionism. They're just trying to be good boys and not being a boy in the first place takes the majority of that pressure off.
>Nah, women don't really like sucking dick.
How do you know?
fucking nightmare fuel.
id rather have super powers.
>This i literally made a plan to life a trap life and just get married and go easy mode in life
No one will want your multilated genitals, much less take care of you.
Because they're all media addicts. Have you tried watching television or movies lately? They portray manliness as evil and feminine as the ideal for both men and women.
Is there finally a decent rip out?
Still haven't seen it after all this time
Get that kike shit outta here Moortugual.
They need their nut sack split and leg run through it
They recognize which gender is the dominant one, and want the power that comes with being a female in the US.
Not even that, just hormones give you an advanced cocklust
Your Name
Actually they do with all the feminist shit going on