It's already begun

Out-breeding. Already flooding to Europe.

We may be too late.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't come here.

Die in the morass you've made.

Pray that Trump is true to his word and blocks "refugees"....

That said, they will flood down from Canada easily enough if they wanted to.


It's never too late for genocide

Naw, it's merely the world becoming more diverse.

Praying to trump is not gonna raise your birth rate.

even without immigration you white fucks are gonna die out because you are not having kids.

I vaguely remember a new story about the middle east not being habitable in a few decades time due to rising temperatures. Where, oh where, are they all supposed to go?

It's not habitable because they create a massive shithole for themselves to live in...

Move and make their new home a massive shithole to live in.

Actual cancer.

It was in Podesta's emails, him saying that while some African and Arab individuals are able to thrive in Europe, there's not a single successful community within Europe.

Do you honwstly like living in India? You are aware that most higher paying jobs and luxuries will disapper from India for good when that happens. Its not like you can compete with Chinese by undercutting them.


>You are aware
user is simply stating the truth.

Yes i love living in India where i dont have to pay child support alimony and housing for refugee, yes i love to live in India Which is gonna become the largest economy. while the west gets flooded by refugee and become a Muslim majority third world.

You are a dying race, pull you head out of you ass

Keep the faith.

We still have more than enough nerve gas and nukes to kill them all.

Delusional at best.

>believing that it is possible to predict the size of various national economies 33 years out

Assuming we don't just start killing them.

Western world is lost...........

your porpaganda is useless you are fucked whitey

This is what the government wanted though.

Christians aren't having kids due to feminism among many other things.

>Orthodox Africa and Saudi Arabia
>Hindu Africa and Russia
>Protestant Central Asia
0/10 bait

This is demoralization propaganda spam. It is well outside existing rules forbidding spam and calling for a high standard of discourse. Notice that OP has nothing to say, but he posts an old article making a widely known point, and accompanies it with emotional statements. No data, no logic, no news. But give up, you guys. Looks like you've just got to give up.
Do not reply to spam.

It's the truth.
The west has a negative birth rate, some of the highest abortion and divorce rate, aging population, even without immigration you are gonna die out. now combine that with immigration both legal and illegal, high Hispanic birth rate and Muslim birth rate and you have the death of the white race and west.

And lets be honest here, deep down inside you know it true.

India is already the sixth largest economy.

and combine that with the predictable demographic collapse of the west. it's not that surprising the future is gonna shift towards east.

>Islamic Poland

>too late
Nah man, it may be too late for a peaceful solution, but we're still a good decade or so from too late for a violent civil war and pogroms.

You'll see. Populism, nationalism, and racial tribalism are on the rise and growing in popularity ever faster. I give it 3 years.

You forgot to mention radical political division. The West is disintegrating.

OP here.

Yes it's old news, but the story is based on research posted today by the PEW Research Centre.

I'm more worried that it will be socialism than anything.

Doesn't that just mean the Muslim population will crash hard since a lot of these people can't farm and they have a lot of hereditary diseases due to the massive amounts of incest in their countries? They're a literal population bomb waiting to go off just like Africa.

it doesnt matter how the diversity turns up all that matters is whiteys grip on the world gets obliterated

in my country you would go to jail for posting this, criminal scum.

Jordan B Peterson has laid out pretty solid groundwork showing that socialism, really any kind of collecivism, is cancerous and immoral. I think we're close to moving past that phase of history as well. Again, it'll take violence, but I think we're getting there.

*sips tea* feels good living in America where there isn't a muslim within a million miles *shoots gun* *relaxes luxuriously on acres of land*

I see your point, but given the UK has free health care can you imagine the stress that would cause on the NHS?

This doesn't defeat the point in any way, it just says "lol you deserve what I'm identifying as an injustice"

It is over for you, my european brothers. I always thought that my ancestors made a mistake coming to Argentina, but now I see that they actually made the right choice. Feels good walking the streets without muslims in sight.

We'll have kids when there are comfortable economic conditions, ie, there are less people and labor is more valuable.

Of course if we were beasts we would just have innumerable children that would live in complete squalor and filth while crying 'feed us white people'

but we aren't.

the point is if whitey stops commiting war crimes on the rest of humanity we can all live in peace as brethren under the stars....

Individualism can be equally radicalized - towards narcissism, which hardly breeds healthy societies and may, in fact, cause a violent opposite reaction. Unless you can balance individual and collective interests to a significant extent, your country decays.


White men will do just about anything other than impregnate a white woman and raise a white child.

If you look at gender distributions and birth rates, this whole world will inevitably turn brown.

The white man needs a bigger push than that. We need the white man to realize he's close to extinction. Quadruple the shitskin immigration. Kek demands it.

>mfw white people become the future's Jews once we're a American/European minority
Our intellectual advantage means we'll be the shysters of the future brown nations - along with the Jews if they're allowed to stay around.

That would actually be an improvement.

>Tfw New coke was a ploy to use corn syrup instead of sugar. New coke flops because it tastes different but then you release (((coca cola classic))) but instead of containing cane suger its corn syrup and you fool the goys into thinking its the same thing.

They are cousin-fuckers. Soon enough, they'll be so inbred, even the British will find them repulsive

If you're on Sup Forums and not at least PLANNING on having kids then you need to leave.

>Don't come here.

Why would we want to? Your country is about 50% """""""""white""""""""". More like 30% if you're talking about real whites.

>Muh muslims

The niggers and spics are going to be just as dangerous when they sense weakness, matey.
>"The women who sleep with a stranger to save their marriage"
Muslim cuck status [confirmed]

Why don't white Europeans just trade places with the refugees and let them fend for themselves in Europe and the whites move to their countries or somewhere else?

>Implying the Northern Wall wont come in Trumps second term

Because then they'd follow us wherever we go. Duh.

You don't seem to understand the problem. The cancerous belief systems of present whites will lead to spontaneous extinction no matter where you place them.

Well, you know. Sometimes animals or races die. Thats nature.

Maybe the human was never even nearly as strong physically as other animals. But he was really intelligent. Then the humans built all that shit and invented everything. But the problem is, that we forgot who we really are. We are animals. We need to hunt and kill our prey. We need to defend our territory. We need to defend our families, our wives and daughters, from other animals.

Sadly, the white race forgot, that they are animals as well. We always make fun of niggers and muslims and say they act like animals. Thats why they will survive. They come to europe, invade our territories, rob, rape and kill our families, friends and neighbours. They are the predators now, because we are too afraid to do something.

What will be in a few thousand years? When every continent is full of niggers with no white people left? Look at islamic or african countries. They live like animals in these countries. Same will happen with the whole world someday.

Humans don't exist for such a long time now. So maybe someday another animal, much bigger and more intelligent that the future humans (who are all sandniggers and niggers) will rule over the earth. They will build their own civilization and society, and maybe they will held humans as pets. Just like we have dogs, cats, or other pets. Thats nature, we just don't want to realise it. Look how much longer the dinosaurs lived than the humans exist currently. Nobody knows what will happen in the future.

no cuz its natural justice you racist cracka

yo times of imperialism and evilness are over now

It's practically a certainty that this "reality" is an inconsequential simulation anyway. I remind myself of this fact whenever I feel myself becoming depressed about the plight of the white race.

Because all you pussies hate guns and even the most liberal parties here in America are much more conservative than yours. Fuck off eurofags, you will never be American.

But you can do something. Have babies.

so many newfags
Sup Forums has really gone to shit

More mudslimes won't make them automatically smarter. As long as our weapons are still ahead of those savages, I see no probem.

Whites are already a minority.

Aw poor white people, just think of a world without these faggots my shitskin brothers.

Yeah blame whitey for everything like always nigger. Sucks that your genetic disposition literally makes you retarded.

Whites aren't afraid to do anything. Our governments are trying to restrict our natural responses to this crisis for the benefit of the ruling elite. Our worst enemies are the people we elect and the systems we become dependent on.


Catch 22

Personally having children is not enough, and they will only go through the same and much worse hardships due to the changing demographics.

But if you don't have children and nobody else is either then the white race is certain to die.

hard choices.

Bye bye european piece of shit :)

I am sorry that you have much hatred for me and my brothers, we love European people and women very much :^)

I wonder why islam has not taken a hold in latin america, seeing how retarded we are, probably laziness to pray 5 times a day.

looks like cristians need to rape more to rise those numbers

Thats what i am thinking all the time.

Maybe my children will have a normal life with european culture. But what is with their children? Or their grandchildren?

I am 100% sure, that someday the white race will be extinct.

We don't want to be. Your (((country))) has played a large part in the decline of Europe since world war two The refugee crisis being the most recent and pressing example. If the white race does die out, then the majority of the blame can be placed squarely on top of the stars and stripes.

Afraid of favela monkeys

Always remember that there have been darker times for the white race.

Great, so we're heading for a planet full if brown people who refuse to Poo in Loo. I've been to India and I fucking weep for the future of humanity if we die out.


The Age of Men is over. The Time of the Orc has come.

Hell yeah. Went shooting this weekend and it was so goddamn good. Just bought an old .357 patrolman and that thing packs a fucking punch

Escape from Earth, space colonization is your salvation.

my dad went to india for business, he said he couldnt eat anything but noodles because of how disgusted he is by you sickfucks. people were literally shitting out in public infront of 5 star hotels, camping waiting for foreign gibs.

absolutely pathetic, atleast muzzies have a bit of self respect

>implying race specific chemical weapons havent been a thing since the 50's

Latin America doesn't have gibs

Were it not for the Jewnited Kingdom the jews would never gain the level of power they have today though so the blame is all on you hence that eternal anglo meme.

Do not worry Britain will look better under Islam.

>Sup Forums
>vulnerable to demoralization

Whatever """intellectual""" wrote that is an idiot. Sup Forums is immune to demoralization because most of us are NEET to start with.

Yeah like the western civilization is so much superior

you do realize that the white race is the largest producer of
cuck porn
piss porn
scat porn
Child porn
gay porn

And the western countries are also most pro homosexual countries in the world, have highest divorce and some of the highest suicide rates.

So stop acting high and mighty and start prepping the bull you.

At least women in our countries dont fuck niggers for a living.
PS america is the largest producer of child porn, absolutely pathetic .

And you'll be grubbing in the mud and shit when we're gone just like your ancestors did. I wonder, will your great great shitskin grand kids look up at the ruins of our Metropolis and tell tales of the mythical white devil and his magical machines?

They'll probably do some quaint tribal art or something on them.

At least our lineages will still exist on this planet while you will be long gone a relic of history like our ancient cousins the hominid genus.

>mudshits run your country
>fuckkk youu America this is all your fault
Okay but America is obviously the whore of Babylon. We fuck shit up, if you euros had used your superior culture and intellect, maybe you could've stopped this. But no, you just had to capitulate to MURICA and fuck yourselves over for Coca Cola and blue jeans.

Who the fuck cares how many babies they make you retarded Anglo Muslim? Make sure you aren't made out of foreigners and that every town or village has no foreigners. There are many people on planet, but obviously my bank account by some miracle is only my bank account. Maybe apply that logic to your country and home, since your women are fucking whores. It should be logical for your wife to only sleep with you no matter if there are 1 billion Africans or 1000 trillion martians.

>I am 100% sure, that someday the white race will be extinct.

Well obviously. All life on Earth will be extinct in a set amount of time, once Earth becomes uninhabitable due to events outside of our control.

>muh space travel
This is a fantasy that will never occur in reality.

The thing that bothers me about whites dying out is not that it is happening or that it is happening so soon, but the manner in which is is happening. We aren't fighting back. We are letting our rivals walk all over us, take everything that we built, invented, all of our ideas and our culture. We are letting them have it all, and all the while we are on our knees begging them to forgive us for things that happened hundreds of years ago. It is pathetic. A really sad way to leave the planet.

yeah but they fuck arabs for 2 cents a pop.

mate your country has human shit out in public, I saw a documentary of some dude jumping in sewers and rinsing shit to find gold nuggets(I shit you not LMAO).

get a clue

C r u s a d e

As things get progressively worse on the planet, the vast hordes of remaining poo-powered inbred retards will violently track down the last white person and end white privilege once and for all.

Silver lining: Jews are considered white by said poo-powered retards

Listen guys we're fucked either way. Then world is doomed so is the white race.

Its your destiny to die white man, you are the neanderthal's second coming after all. Dont worry no one will remember you at all you will be called a different species centuries from now and your civilizations will all be changed and gone.

As for your jew overlords we will kill all of them once we completely islamify Europe.

Without western medicine and western agriculture they will return to lower levels.

And be a backwards civilization? You will destroy everything. Why?

>become sole superpower after capitalizing on europe's destruction after ww2
>threaten economic, political and even military destruction to anyone who doesn't submit to you
>hurr its your fault for doing what we say hurrr

We just need a white country. No Jews, no blacks, no brownies, you bankers, no kike media.

this is a good thing